Wade to WVU??


Apr 16, 2016
That's where Tom Loy put his Crystal Ball.

Very interesting. If nothing else, maybe it means the Wade to PSU isn't as much of a slam dunk as most think?

3 more days.
He doesn't want to go to Pitt,he's showed face cause we're the hometown team and nothing more,he doesn't consider Pitt big enough for him which is sad but it's his choice
PSU got a commitment from a 4 star CB from Michigan the other day. I don't know what WVU has for CBs but the one thing he's stated is early playing time is a big thing.
Who cares... he isnt coming to Pitt. His old man can continue to take great joy in ripping the University like he does.
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People who care about recruiting care. He's our top target. If you don't care about recruiting, then don't bitch when you get shit results.
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People who care about recruiting care. He's our top target. If you don't care about recruiting, then don't bitch when you get shit results.

Well, we all know he isn't coming here... that's why I say "who cares".
Let him go to WVU.... where most of his games will be in the Plains and Texas... and on FS1.

Seriously, I hope he does pick WVU. He can earn his chops against a bunch of wide open spread offenses, and have a successful college career.

And the academics are easy enough that a degree is a foregone conclusion.

And we'd never have to worry about him.

Good move for him. Better than PSU.
Come on guys, we are better than this. Use your heads. Wade isn't going to West Virginia any more then he is going to Pitt.

He's going to Penn State and that has been the case for months now.

However, he and his father screwed up that last part of the process from a fan interest standpoint and he is clearly trying to manufacture some suspense so that people care about his announcement in a few days.

I mean what is the point of making this big, dramatic announcement if everyone already knows what you were going to say?

This is a done deal. West Virginia is merely being used as a prop because the Pitt fans have (rghtly or wrongly - I say wrongly) already openly turned on the Wade family.
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This is a done deal. West Virginia is merely being used as a prop because the Pitt fans have (rghtly or wrongly - I say wrongly) already openly turned on the Wade family.

I've noticed that too. I wish they'd stop giving the family attention and let them fade away like all the others that chose other schools. I'll be happy when Saturday is over so we can all move on.
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Come on guys, we are better than this. Use your heads. Wade isn't going to West Virginia any more then he is going to Pitt.

He's going to Penn State and that has been the case for months now.

However, he and his father screwed up that last part of the process from a fan interest standpoint and he is clearly trying to manufacture some suspense so that people care about his announcement in a few days.

I mean what is the point of making this big, dramatic announcement if everyone already knows what you were going to say?

This is a done deal. West Virginia is merely being used as a prop because the Pitt fans have (rghtly or wrongly - I say wrongly) already openly turned on the Wade family.

I agree.. I would rather parents not play so big a part in this recruitment or any other, behind the scenes yes, but out front looks bad.. when I cut up film for years in San Diego we loved kids who didn't have dads in the process.. the dad's (and sometimes mom's) were often nightmares.. and then you have the QB dad.. they can make politicians and rock stars look sane.

Worst ever were dad's who showed back up in junior's life around age 15 when they figured out that junior had some skill..:mad::mad:

A parent should be happy and count their lucky stars that junior is lucky enough to earn a spot at PSU, Pitt or WVU and be on TV every week. For every high end player I cut up film on (including 10 pro's) we sent 10 kids to Baker, Seton Hill, New Hampshire, University of Mines, Humboldt..-sg
guys the same thing went on with Hamlin last year.. it's just stupid. Not sure Hamlin's parent's were involved as much or not. Think of how dumb this looks now.. you see Hamlin out there getting torched while giving his all to try to get up to speed in a tough game dominated by guys 3 years older than he is.. Miles Sanders is good but he has a long way to go as well. I would guess in either case neither kid had a parent that could afford full tuition at Pitt or PSU.
guys the same thing went on with Hamlin last year.. it's just stupid. Not sure Hamlin's parent's were involved as much or not. Think of how dumb this looks now.. you see Hamlin out there getting torched while giving his all to try to get up to speed in a tough game dominated by guys 3 years older than he is.. Miles Sanders is good but he has a long way to go as well. I would guess in either case neither kid had a parent that could afford full tuition at Pitt or PSU.

When did Hamlin get torched?? Are you saying he only lined up against senior WR?
He's such an immature, f'ed up kid, I don't want that at Pitt, no matter how good he and his screwball old man think he is. Narduzzi recruits kids with character who want to play for Pitt. He fits none of that. He's dead to me.
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A friend close to the team said this to me yesterday morning but he is not always spot on. I did look at WV incoming class and noticed all the Jucos signed. I guess there is an easy transition from a Juco to WV academically speaking so it makes sense.

Gut feeling or guess?
A friend close to the team said this to me yesterday morning but he is not always spot on. I did look at WV incoming class and noticed all the Jucos signed. I guess there is an easy transition from a Juco to WV academically speaking so it makes sense.
would be cool but im not holding my breath

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