What should be job 1 of the new AD?

Las Panteras

All American
May 11, 2014
My seems like just yesterday we had threads such as this....

Oh wait a minute........

In your opinion....what is priority one for Pitt athletics and how do you achieve this?
Nothing changes, he needs to fundraise, support football fully, and continue to improve Pitt's athletic facilities for all sports. Which takes us back to the first thing.
Let me pose it this way......

What is holding Pitt back? They now are in a legit conference......seems a committed admin in place......more $$$ for staff......decent recruiting area.

The only thing that seperates Pitt from PSu is the Nitters play to a full house (well....close to capacity), and we play to a sea of yellow.

In my view.....solving this problem puts Pitt on even footing with all but the football factories. And I must say....I am disappointed at the effort to fill HF by the past two regimes.

BUt thats just me.....I believe it all starts with winning in front of a large home crowd......though others may....and will disagree
Let me pose it this way......

What is holding Pitt back? They now are in a legit conference......seems a committed admin in place......more $$$ for staff......decent recruiting area.

The only thing that seperates Pitt from PSu is the Nitters play to a full house (well....close to capacity), and we play to a sea of yellow.

In my view.....solving this problem puts Pitt on even footing with all but the football factories. And I must say....I am disappointed at the effort to fill HF by the past two regimes.

BUt thats just me.....I believe it all starts with winning in front of a large home crowd......though others may....and will disagree
How do u propose we get fans into the stadium? Free beer? Strippers? Hold people hostage and force them to come? Bobbleheads?
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How do u propose we get fans into the stadium? Free beer? Strippers? Hold people hostage and force them to come? Bobbleheads?

well.....a party bus with strippers is a start....only surpassed by winning

1) Tarp up the north end zone

2) a program where Pitt gives away (if they must) tickets to kids all over the city

3) create a network of bus transportation from all directions....funded by get people to the games.
1: Block Pitt

2: Invest in a good hoops coach
You can't force people to fill a large stadium but you can build a 45000 seat stadium that would be full every week without increasing attendance. Oh, and you could put it, you know, on the campus.
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You can't force people to fill a large stadium but you can build a 45000 seat stadium that would be full every week without increasing attendance. Oh, and you could put it, you know, on the campus.
45000 in another stadium brings in the same amount of revenue that 45000 does at Heinz.
Except building another stadium sets Pitt back about $400 million. Which, if Pitt had, one would think they could have used it to hang onto an offensive coordinator.
Not getting recruits because you play in a half empty stadium sets you back too
45000 in another stadium brings in the same amount of revenue that 45000 does at Heinz.
Except building another stadium sets Pitt back about $400 million. Which, if Pitt had, one would think they could have used it to hang onto an offensive coordinator.
Aside from the obvious task of raising money and hiring well, I think its important for the new AD to listen to all of the input given by fans. Gallagher clearly gets it as one of the first things he did was restore the script (pre-Barnes). Understand that the average game day experience at Heinz sucks and actually do something to improve it.
So is it safe to say EJ's associate athletic director job title is just for show? Because that would explain why he's never gotten a chance for this kind of role.
So is it safe to say EJ's associate athletic director job title is just for show? Because that would explain why he's never gotten a chance for this kind of role.

I consider EJ a friend, excellent at his job, and a bigger Pitt supporter and advocate you will not find.

But being the Head of Media Relations and Athletic Director are really quite far from being the same thing.

It's much like promoting the White House Press Secretary to the job of White House Chief of Staff.

Sure, that can work on "The West Wing," but in real life, not so much.

Also, there are several Associate Athletic Directors at Pitt.
How about addressing the elephant in the room? PITT was dead last of all the power 5 Teams in 2015 directors cup. Maybe the ad should begin there and improve all the PITT athletic programs. They are woefully deficient in comparison to their peers. Sorry, but your Nittany Lion rival were 20th. Spin it however you like but it is what it is. There is so much work to do.
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I consider EJ a friend, excellent at his job, and a bigger Pitt supporter and advocate you will not find.

But being the Head of Media Relations and Athletic Director are really quite far from being the same thing.

It's much like promoting the White House Press Secretary to the job of White House Chief of Staff.

Sure, that can work on "The West Wing," but in real life, not so much.

Also, there are several Associate Athletic Directors at Pitt.
Okay, thanks for the clarification. I think if they are to hire someone in-house, it should be Julio Freire. I liked the work he did at UT-Martin when it came to increasing booster money and facility renovations.
How about addressing the elephant in the room? PITT was dead last of all the power 5 Teams in 2015 directors cup. Maybe the ad should begin there and improve all the PITT athletic programs. They are woefully deficient in comparison to their peers. Sorry, but your Nittany Lion rival were 20th. Spin it however you like but it is what it is. There is so much work to do.

Along the same lines, as of two years ago anyway, we were among the bottom five among P-5 teams in Athletics Donations. And donations have no improved much, which goes along way to explain the Directors Cup ranking.
How about addressing the elephant in the room? PITT was dead last of all the power 5 Teams in 2015 directors cup. Maybe the ad should begin there and improve all the PITT athletic programs. They are woefully deficient in comparison to their peers. Sorry, but your Nittany Lion rival were 20th. Spin it however you like but it is what it is. There is so much work to do.
No one cares about those sports.
It really is a low priority.
I consider EJ a friend, excellent at his job, and a bigger Pitt supporter and advocate you will not find.

But being the Head of Media Relations and Athletic Director are really quite far from being the same thing.

It's much like promoting the White House Press Secretary to the job of White House Chief of Staff.

Sure, that can work on "The West Wing," but in real life, not so much.

Also, there are several Associate Athletic Directors at Pitt.

It's telling that so many, including members of the local media who have come out in support of this, don't truly understand that being an AD at a place like Pitt is a complicated matter that requires a certain skill set. That skill set must be honed and it must be built with the intention of reaching that position. EJ Borghetti seems to be a wonderful human being, but he has honed his skill set in a particular way because he chose a particular path and it seems to be what he loves doing.

Colin Dunlap made mention of how Barry Alvarez went from football coach to AD at Wisconsin, using it as evidence that anyone can make this jump. He failed to note that Alvarez was at a place with no football attendance or development (donations) issues. Furthermore, Alvarez took that job before the days of conference realignment and mega-billions media rights deals. He had time to learn the nuances of what it takes to be a modern AD. Pitt has challenges that require a certain kind of leadership and experience.

Pitt's next choice must be someone with a strong, STRONG fundraising background. That background must include the ability to muster corporate support as well. He must be technology and social media forward, and it won't hurt if he comes from a conference that has a conference network in place because Pitt will be moving in to that world in a few years also.

Barnes may have been a sitting AD, but he was coming from a very small school in the Mountain West. I prefer sitting AD's, but I have changed my thinking on this issue somewhat. I feel that a number two from a BIG or SEC school would be a great hire. Will that person eventually leave? Yes. But Pitt should never hire someone just because "they won't leave". They simply need to put a buyout in place that guarantees a certain level of stability that doesn't impair progress. What we have right now is yet another holding pattern on progress because we'll be faced with an interim AD and a learning curve for the next AD.

It's frustrating to see people just throw names out as if you can take any former athlete, coach, etc. with Pitt ties and say they have the skill set.

There's literally only one name among former Pitt players that should even be mentioned in conjunction with this job. And that name is Jimbo Covert. And if you think I'm crazy you should do your research. After that, Pitt should seek exclusively among current sitting AD's or Deputy AD's from major schools with strong football programs.
How about addressing the elephant in the room? PITT was dead last of all the power 5 Teams in 2015 directors cup. Maybe the ad should begin there and improve all the PITT athletic programs. They are woefully deficient in comparison to their peers. Sorry, but your Nittany Lion rival were 20th. Spin it however you like but it is what it is. There is so much work to do.

Elephant in the room? What's the "Directors Cup" and does anyone care?
The ultimate goal of the athletic department is to make money. Keep winning and attendance and revenue will go up.
Priority one should be fundraising with heavy emphasis on anyone under age 40. Our gameday experience looks like a retirement home and if they don't get younger alumni interested and involved this program is going to be extinct or BC-like in 10 years when the Boomers are dead or in The Home.
Elephant in the room? What's the "Directors Cup" and does anyone care?
The ultimate goal of the athletic department is to make money. Keep winning and attendance and revenue will go up.
It shows who is the all-around best and most competitive athletic department for that year. If we're coming close to winning that, or even in the top 25%, then there's a good chance we're making good money too.
Steve Pederson stayed for 6 years and then 8 years.

Longevity is not necessarily a virtue.
It can be. Our hoops team had some of its greatest history under his watch. Not that I thought he had everything to do with it.

However, Pedey notwithstanding, we have too much institutional turnover to be successful. We need guys who are all in for Pitt's success. Not guys who take their success elsewhere for a bigger paycheck the first time they can.

Fraud did it. Moose Lodge did it. Howland did it. Canada did it. Barnes did it. The only ones who really showed long term commitment to Pitt was Wanny and Dixon, and we pressured them out. Great moves Pitt. That's why we will never succeed here. Lack of vision and dedication from top to bottom.
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