Anyone want to guess what University is leading in this research?
Selected Quotes:
The 55-year-old mother of two in 2012 agreed to let surgeons implant
electrodes on her brain to control a robotic arm. More recently, she
flew an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter simulator using nothing but her thoughts, an official said.
Scheuermann, who became paralyzed years ago from a rare genetic
disease, has tolerated the two pea-sized implants on her left motor
cortex "very well," Prabhakar said, allowing her to extend her
participation in the DARPA project.
As for Scheuermann, who participates in the research through a
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center study, she's happy to play the
role of pioneering patient.
Full Article
Selected Quotes:
The 55-year-old mother of two in 2012 agreed to let surgeons implant
electrodes on her brain to control a robotic arm. More recently, she
flew an F-35 Joint Strike Fighter simulator using nothing but her thoughts, an official said.
Scheuermann, who became paralyzed years ago from a rare genetic
disease, has tolerated the two pea-sized implants on her left motor
cortex "very well," Prabhakar said, allowing her to extend her
participation in the DARPA project.
As for Scheuermann, who participates in the research through a
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center study, she's happy to play the
role of pioneering patient.
Full Article