Here’s what’s crazy - Pitt had 26 turnovers to Clemson 7 ( if the box score is correct).
You guys know how I always cite A/TO stats. Well, I have to admit I've never seen anything
like this. First of all a ratio of 12/26 isn't just bad, it's AWFUL, for them to win this game? Incredible,
but yup we win it despite the odds against. But here's the crazy part, we somehow in the same
game shoot 60% from the field and 53% on our threes, beat them 39 to 26 on the boards
and hold them to very poor shooting %'s.
Want more crazy stuff?...Marley who couldn't put the ball in the ocean last game, goes for
60% in both FG's and 3's. Johnson and the other three starters all over 50%. That's ALL FIVE
of them. The two subs didin't even shoot. This is essentially a five player team doing
all this. Clemson btw, had 18 steals, which normally would be a killer. None of this makes
sense. What does make sense is these young women have heart, don't give up and are capable
off pulling off a game like this. They deserve a great deal of credit IMO. I'm amazed and so happy
for every one of them.