Would Young as a PF play a different role than Artis?

JS School

Aug 17, 2011
I don't have much of a problem with Young as a C, but some of you who agree point to his poor midrange shooting as to why he shouldn't be playing farther away from the basket as a PF. But would he? Artis is a hybrid who is successful finding open areas in a defense and making his shots from there. I don't envision Young playing in the same manner. With Nix sealing off bigger defenders, I imagine Young being a force scoring and rebounding around the basket without having to battle as many big defenders. Is this a reasonable assumption, or is the offense a system where Young would be expected to operate pretty much as Artis has?

When Adams was here I think Zanna may have played PF a little more like Artis than what I am expecting of Young. Adams was a lot more active than what Nix probably will be, however, so that's why I am wondering whether or not it is a system thing.