I think it is huge that most of the bad apples will be gone after next year, if you still believe Jamie has a shot to right the ship. It has become clear that Young and Artis won't play defense and Jamie is giving up on those two. Furthermore, since they are perceived as team leaders, and cannot or will not do what Jamie asks of them, their attitude may be affecting the whole team. I am still not sure if they are frustrated at the lack of talent their teammates possess and it has strangled their will to compete. Either way, I don't want to put it all on them, but, it is obvious that Jamie is losing the team again!
That probably explains why the team quit at the end of last year and looks to be packing it in early once again. Strange as this may seem to say, I would not mind seeing those two leave at the end of this season. Starting fresh with players who want to work hard and get better along with some better recruits could make a difference. In fact, getting back to players who are coachable and willing to work hard in Jamie's system might be the turning point in moving the arrow back up. I really hope this is the case, because we aint getting rid of Jamie yet, but I hope they clean house with all the assistants!