Duzzi and the new staff's energy and enthusiasm...


Athletic Director
Sep 21, 2003
is off the charts and seems very genuine. That all comes from Narduzzi, who doesn't have to fake his energy and enthusiasm. The coaches are everywhere and are really embracing the university and their new jobs. The players seem to love it and to be energized by it. The Pitt football culture is already changing.

Of course, all that matters is whether it translates to success on the field--and I think it can't help but to do so. After three years of low-energy, 6-6 football, this is all very refreshing.

The energy, the vibe--it's different this time. Is it September yet?

never could understand all the posters who always said "I really like Paul Chryst". What was there to like? Really, he wasn't much different than Graham in that he jumped ship as soon as the going was starting to get a little rough. The new regime certainly is a breath of fresh air.
Re: agreed

My only beef with Chryst is that I really didn't think he was cut out for the HC job. He is a good guy who did some positive things here, and now Narduzzi isn't inheriting a total rebuild, but at the end of the day, he went 6-6 three straight years even with the benefit of weak schedules. The excuses for that from the usual suspects changed with the landscape each year, but the bottom line is PC's performance here was lackluster, and he didn't seem to be capable of having the fire in his belly to motivate and energize the team.
Re: agreed

He also had the youngest roster in the country. Narduzzi will benefit greatly from that fact.
Re: agreed

and he had one of the weakest payrolls for assistant coaches in the country. Narduzzi isn't so hamstrung in that respect.

PC left the cupboard close to bare defensively and at the QB position--so let's not overstate what he left to Narduzzi. Many of those young players may never pan out, especially the defensive players. Narduzzi is inheriting a solid foundation on offense, that's about it.

But all that considered, I still don't think Chryst had the head coach stuff. He's inheriting a well oiled machine at Wisky, but i think they will experience a downturn beginning sometime it the next few years.
year 3, 1-6 in the meat of the schedule

with a loss to akron at home. Tired of the "youngest team in the country" line. Chryst showed his true character by bailing as soon as the seat was getting a little warm. I'm thrilled he left because next year would have been another 6-6.
Re: year 3, 1-6 in the meat of the schedule

Chryst showed his true character by bailing as soon as the seat was getting a little warm.

I hope that's just sour grapes, and you don't really believe that to be the case. There is nothing wrong with the circumstances under which he left Pitt. Chryst left to take a job he absolutely could not refuse, should not have refused, and he went out the right way.
Its refreshing and appears more credible than most here in the bcs era.
But, as you've said, it has to translate.
Hopefully it will still be off the charts in a about a year from now.
hypothetical question

let's say we were 6-6, 8-4, 10-2 instead of 6-6 for the past three years. Then would you say he was okay in leaving? I would still say it is BS since I'm sure they asked him in the interview if he was committed to Pitt and would he leave for Wisky should the opportunity present itself. And he probably answered he would stay.

Once again the going was getting tough here and Chryst chose to get out. I'm thrilled he did but still say it speaks something about his character.
Re: hypothetical question

When Paul Chryst was a kid, he delivered newspapers on his bicycle. One of the places he delivered papers to was Camp Randall Stadium, home of the Wisconsin football team.

I don't think PC bailed on Pitt - this was an extraordinary circumstance that he left Pitt for...

Seems to me it ended up being a win for PC and - with the hiring of Coach Duzz - a win for Pitt.

Go Pitt.
Re: hypothetical question

Originally posted by MajorMajors:
When Paul Chryst was a kid, he delivered newspapers on his bicycle. One of the places he delivered papers to was Camp Randall Stadium, home of the Wisconsin football team.

I don't think PC bailed on Pitt - this was an extraordinary circumstance that he left Pitt for...

Seems to me it ended up being a win for PC and - with the hiring of Coach Duzz - a win for Pitt.

Go Pitt.

We can say a lot of things about Chryst as a head coach, but saying he lacks character for heading home to Wisconsin shouldn't be one of them.
Re: hypothetical question

Agree. Character was not one of his flaws. He was a good guy and showed it on his way out the door.

And for the record, I was not a believer in him as HC here. But i never questioned his character.

this was the dream homecoming job opportunity for PC that I'm sure neither he nor Alvarez saw coming from a mile away, at least not for several more years. I can't comprehend the mindset that would question his character for making this move. It wasn't just a no-brainer for him, it was like a fantasy turned to reality. Good for him. And, I think in the end, good for Pitt.
the going was not getting tough at Pitt for chryst.

that is sheer fantasy.

now if this were 2016 and we had just finished another 6-6 season or went 7-5 with 3 more inexplicable losses (or worse, went under .500) that would definitely be true (but still might not have been the reason he left).

but in no way shape or form was chryst's seat at pitt warmed by anything but his big midwest butt. saying otherwise is wishful thinking.

there was nothing coming out of the university or the rumor mill to suggest that his job wasn't entirely secure.
Come on... I liked Chryst as a person and offensive coach... But no one could say he didn't have one year left. Are you telling me if he come in with another poor recruiting class and finished 6-6 to 7-6 ish again with the talent we have that he wouldn't be outta the burgh faster than lightning?

He was certainly not doing great by any stretch other than building a great line in offense. Which I really like. But a .500 record over 4 years woulda got him canned
Re: hypothetical question

Originally posted by Slick Manager of Champs:
let's say we were 6-6, 8-4, 10-2 instead of 6-6 for the past three years. Then would you say he was okay in leaving? I would still say it is BS since I'm sure they asked him in the interview if he was committed to Pitt and would he leave for Wisky should the opportunity present itself. And he probably answered he would stay.

Once again the going was getting tough here and Chryst chose to get out. I'm thrilled he did but still say it speaks something about his character.
you're 100% completely WRONG

nothing wrong with PC taking his dream job back home -- all rational fans knew this could and would happen eventually

PC did a good job here -- set a good foundation for Duzzi

also, PC didn't have the salary or budget that Duzzi is now getting -- and he had a crappy boss in Pederson who is now thankfully gone

PC's character is fine
Re: hypothetical question

Why give a pass when PC couldn't sell what PN accomplished in regards to his operating budget? It's all part of the head coach's job.
Re: hypothetical question

Well... wont get into semantics into whether you give your word in a contract and break that word is right or wrong... I think it's wrong, of course, but I am sure I was raised different.

But other than that... PC did a good job at building the Oline.. that is it. You cant say the record was good. I mean, I am not going to say Franklin did a good job at Vandy when he didnt even beat a team with a winning record then say PC did good. I liked PC, and he was a nice guy... but he isnt a great leader.

The jury is out on PN, but he looks to be doing the right things so far.

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