Game Thread

We need to open up the offense.

Canada has about three plays in his arsenal today.
Pitt needs a big Defensive Play to turn it around and win it, now must score a TD to tie it, then Win it!
1:28 left to Win it
Wow another 45-38 Game from 42-39 Last Week?
We shall see, if we go to OT we Win, but IF is Big!

Absolutely disgusting. No way in hell OK St should've even had a chance and then Maddox can't even not give up a huge play to blow it.
Obviously, opportunity to win this game was lost with a poor play call on 3rd and 4 with 3 mins to go. We get a good playcall and convert that 3rd down there's a good chance of a score and a win.
3 games in Canada has called 60 minutes of good football. On defense the game ended just like it started. Not a good defensive scheme to put your corners on a island when they both suck.
Honestly, who bites on a hitch & go in a tie game with the other team 85 yards from the end zone?

Low football IQ?
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I didn't expect PITT to win this game, but the lack of a true game plan on offense following the lightning delay is painful. Defense played a great second half after a dismal first half. Oh well, on to UNC in a huge game that I believe PITT can win.
I didn't expect PITT to win this game, but the lack of a true game plan on offense following the lightning delay is painful. Defense played a great second half after a dismal first half. Oh well, on to UNC in a huge game that I believe PITT can win.
For some reason i read your user name as "Pitt Valium" and I wanted to stop by and confirm that yes, this is what most of our fan base needs right now. BTW, I agree with your sentiments.
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3 games in Canada has called 60 minutes of good football. On defense the game ended just like it started. Not a good defensive scheme to put your corners on a island when they both suck.

-In 3 games this year our offense has scored 28, 38, and 42. We just went on the road and had 550 yards of offense and scored 38, only to lose. You should beat most teams scoring 38 points. I know everyone wants Lamar Jackson and scoring 70 a game, but that isnt happening and he looks like the 2nd coming of Vick.

-I know there are a bunch of pass spread happy people that want to junk the offense for a spread, but that isnt going to happen either. Our Top WR from last year is already lost for the season, and our TE talent, is underwhelming. And Peterman is an average QB that doesnt exactly have 4.5 speed.

-This loss is 100% blamed on the defense. Our offense is already averaging more yards and more points without Tyler Boyd and Ford lost to injury. And that's with a brand new playbook and 3rd offensive coordinator in 3 years.

-We need major help in the secondary and way faster lb's. We also need a major speed increase in the secondary. Losing Hamlin is a monster loss. Getting Hamlin and Ford will be monster gains.
I agree that some of the play calling sucked. But damn 38 points should be enough to win a game.
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I agree that some of the play calling sucked. But damn w8points should be enough to win a game.
Depending on how it went down, 38 points may have lost to PSU too. Obviously this loss was on the defense, our secondary put together the most embarrassing performance ever seen by mankind. But bottom line they buckled down most of that second half, and our offense had a chance to win. They basically decided to let that same defense try to win it instead. Just not a good idea at all.
No, no, obviously he bit on something because he sucks. Sure, the game announcers said he slipped, but what do those guys know? They are only at the game, not at home watching it on their computer.

If he slipped that is unfortunate but you've got to admit both cornerbacks spent a large portion of this game reading the names on the backs of the OSU receivers. After the very smart adjustment at the half to back off on the press coverage, it's odd that the guy got 20 yards behind everyone. At least one safety should cover the top, no? (Late in a tied game)
At least one safety should cover the top, no? (Late in a tied game)

If I were the coach, yeah. But the fact that Maddox had no help deep surely isn't Maddox's fault. It the OP wanted to bitch about someone having a low football IQ, shouldn't it have been the person that put Maddox into the position he was in rather than a guy who slipped on a wet field?
If I were the coach, yeah. But the fact that Maddox had no help deep surely isn't Maddox's fault. It the OP wanted to bitch about someone having a low football IQ, shouldn't it have been the person that put Maddox into the position he was in rather than a guy who slipped on a wet field?

Maybe. No way to know who blew the coverage. Just know the coverage blew.

Was he expecting to have safety help? Who knows?

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