Looking at Avg Stars - some stats


Dec 23, 2003
This class is not bad. Our overall star rating is #45 - there are a lot worse in the Power 5 (Kansas #74, Syracuse #66). In fact, the following were worse on an avg star basis

ACC - (BC, UVA, Wake, Syracuse)
B10 - (Maryland, Indiana, Northwestern, Illinois, Iowa, Rutg, Purdue) - half of Big 10(2)
B12 - (Texas Tech, Kansas St, Iowa St, Kansas)
Pac12 - (Utah, Ariz, Colo, Wash St, Oregon St)
SEC - (no one!)

Not bad for a coach with a couple of weeks. Glad that he didn't just fill it up for the sake of getting bodies.

From a conference standpoint, if you believe star ratings, SEC is amazing...

ACC Avg=37; Median=39
B10 Avg=40; Median=47
B12 Avg=42; Median=42
P12 Avg=34; Median=33
SEC Avg=20; Median=20 insane; they had 12 of the top 30 classes then UK and Vandy
Except for RichFraud in Tucson, all mediocre-to-worse teams.

The rich get richer.....squared.
Utah and Kansas St pretty good as well. Bill Snyder always finds ways to get it done.
Re: Except for RichFraud in Tucson, all mediocre-to-worse teams.

Exactly-beating all those losers is supposed to make us feel better about this class? LMAO.

It's all much adieu about nothing. The coaches had 2 weeks-lucky they could add anyone let alone a couple of highly regarded guys.

If the class stinks next year, time to get worried.

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