
The Indy manager was on the Fan yesterday and threw out a bit of a zinger regarding Glasnow.. Said something that jumped out at me, about how he is not mentally ready.. Was pretty concerning.. He backtracked after, said he has the "tools" blah blah but man, that was quite a little nugget..

Glasnow is 22 years old and had 2 pitches, of course he isn't ready.

And the Pirates aren't cheap for holding guys down to avoid them becoming super 2s. Literally every team does it. Krisk Bryant sued the Cubs over it (or something close enough).
Glasnow is 22 years old and had 2 pitches, of course he isn't ready.

And the Pirates aren't cheap for holding guys down to avoid them becoming super 2s. Literally every team does it. Krisk Bryant sued the Cubs over it (or something close enough).
yeah but the manager mentioned him not being mentally ready, not so much anything to do with the proverbial tools.. Maybe im making it more than it is..
I wouldn't Glasnow to the majors, if you want to rush a two pitch pitcher with some control problems to the majors then you are just asking for trouble........Don't ruin this kids career because of what some dolts in the seats want.....
he talked glowingly of Kuhl, said he needs to be in same conversation as taillon and glasnow.. We have some talent in the minors, got to give the buccos credit for that..

Yes, not to mention the guys lower down like Keller. We may not have a Kershaw or Arrieta-level guy in the system (who does) but we do look to have a solid rotation from top to bottom once a few of these guys come up.
Think it's bobble head tonight, fireworks next week, and a wild card lose to end the season, if we are lucky. I always have hope in the Steelers and Penguins, they try like hell, that's all that can be asked. If you think the Pirates try and win, you must have loved Pederson and Nordy
Think it's bobble head tonight, fireworks next week, and a wild card lose to end the season, if we are lucky. I always have hope in the Steelers and Penguins, they try like hell, that's all that can be asked. If you think the Pirates try and win, you must have loved Pederson and Nordy
You literally understand nothing about sports.

In your mind, the Steelers try way less than the Pirates because they never sign any free agents or make any trades. They often let guys walk in free agency when those players have a few productive seasons left. They also draft rather poorly over the last few years.
You literally understand nothing about sports.

In your mind, the Steelers try way less than the Pirates because they never sign any free agents or make any trades. They often let guys walk in free agency when those players have a few productive seasons left. They also draft rather poorly over the last few years.

Yeah on this note, it is obvious what the Steelers miss?? Some competent DB's. Why didn't they sign Josh Norman? Hell, guys would kill to come to the Steelers. So.....the Steelers don't try that hard.
Think it's bobble head tonight, fireworks next week, and a wild card lose to end the season, if we are lucky. I always have hope in the Steelers and Penguins, they try like hell, that's all that can be asked. If you think the Pirates try and win, you must have loved Pederson and Nordy

I also love the insinuation that "successful" teams like the Steelers, Pens, Patriots, Cavs, Warriors, Spurs, Cards, and Cubs don't have giveaways, theme nights/games, concerts, or fireworks.

Those things are merely a ploy by Nutting to trick Pirates fans, according to morons like this joker.
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I'm glad most on here get it with the Pirates. There are a couple MLB boards I frequent and all the posters sound like del.

Recruits, this thread, I couldn't add much of anything. Spot on.
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I thought I could resist participating in this stupidfest but couldn't. Amazing that just like chum attracts sharks, Bucco threads attract the idiot brigade. Every member of the brigade out in full regalia in this thread supporting the worst owner in professional sports, Nutsack! Quality owners don't participate to compete, they compete to win championships.Also fascinating that every member of the idiot brigade also seems to rail against the idea of an on-campus FB stadium. However, since your combined contributions to athletics total about $100(some park downtown and walk across the bridge to the stadium-give me a break-spend a few bucks and support Pitt athletics and quit pretending you do, frauds), no one gives a crap about your opinion on the subject of an on campus stadium. You're all a bunch of dumb smalltimers. This just proves stupid is just stupid, regardless of the subject.

Back to the Bucs, no one ever said (duh)that high spending guaranteed championships or that Nutsack should engage in profligate spending but if he were interested in winning a championship, which he isn't, he would have plugged a couple of holes in the Buccos roster(over 20 first basemen in 8 years) the last couple of years and increased the chances of winning a championship. Instead he stuck his head up his behind and protected his wallet and the rest is history. The guy has no credibility as regards trying to attain the brass ring, none at all. The Pirates' pitching staff blows and they will win nothing this year. All but the idiot brigade knew Liriano was long in the tooth, Cole is overrated but decent and the rest of the starting rotation stinks-thanks to Nutsack's refusal to do anything the past off season because he has "quality" guys in the'll be a miracle if any of those young pitchers pans out. Wait for Godot, Nutsack. He's a lousy owner who exploits the fanbase and the idiot brigade does't even realize they're being screwed. Congratulations, you, the members of the brigade, are every cheap owner's dream team.
Face it del, it isn't really a stupidfest until you show up.

You have to give him credit for bemoaning an unwillingness to sign an aging 1B and then plainly stating that "everyone knew Liriano was long in the tooth" without an ounce of intended irony.

I would post the top available 1B each of the past several years but I wanna give Del a little more rope with which to hang himself.
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I thought I could resist participating in this stupidfest but couldn't. Amazing that just like chum attracts sharks, Bucco threads attract the idiot brigade. Every member of the brigade out in full regalia in this thread supporting the worst owner in professional sports, Nutsack! Quality owners don't participate to compete, they compete to win championships.Also fascinating that every member of the idiot brigade also seems to rail against the idea of an on-campus FB stadium. However, since your combined contributions to athletics total about $100(some park downtown and walk across the bridge to the stadium-give me a break-spend a few bucks and support Pitt athletics and quit pretending you do, frauds), no one gives a crap about your opinion on the subject of an on campus stadium. You're all a bunch of dumb smalltimers. This just proves stupid is just stupid, regardless of the subject.

Back to the Bucs, no one ever said (duh)that high spending guaranteed championships or that Nutsack should engage in profligate spending but if he were interested in winning a championship, which he isn't, he would have plugged a couple of holes in the Buccos roster(over 20 first basemen in 8 years) the last couple of years and increased the chances of winning a championship. Instead he stuck his head up his behind and protected his wallet and the rest is history. The guy has no credibility as regards trying to attain the brass ring, none at all. The Pirates' pitching staff blows and they will win nothing this year. All but the idiot brigade knew Liriano was long in the tooth, Cole is overrated but decent and the rest of the starting rotation stinks-thanks to Nutsack's refusal to do anything the past off season because he has "quality" guys in the'll be a miracle if any of those young pitchers pans out. Wait for Godot, Nutsack. He's a lousy owner who exploits the fanbase and the idiot brigade does't even realize they're being screwed. Congratulations, you, the members of the brigade, are every cheap owner's dream team.

If I'm understanding you right, relying on highly regarded prospects is foolish but overpaying for 30 year Olds that aren't that good is how you contend?
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Pirate bats lead all of Major League Baseball in runners left in scoring position and runners left on base. Offense is up but there when needed, get people on base can't move them along or bring them home.
The Pirates are in excellent shape for the forseeae future. They are loaded with arms in the minors. Polanco, marte, kang form a core going forward that most teams would kill to have. Cutch is still here two more years. Harrison, mercer, and cervelli are good complimentary players. Bell is close. Meadows is close.

Huntington will never go "all in." He understands that the best way to win a World Series is maximize your chances over a period of time. I don't know if they will win one, but I am pretty sure they will make at least the wc game for the next several years.
Pirate bats lead all of Major League Baseball in runners left in scoring position and runners left on base. Offense is up but there when needed, get people on base can't move them along or bring them home.

They're like 10th in MLB with RISP. That's before today gets taken into account so could fluctuate.

A lot of base runners is going to lead to a lot of guys left on base.

It's why wins are so closely correlated to men left on base. It's not because men left on base is good, it's because getting guys on base is good and you're naturally going to strand most of them.

If batters could magically summon the ability to get a hit every time they wanted to, they wouldn't fail 70% the time.
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Then why do you always immediately resort to name calling and non-sequiturs? Should be easy for you to develop a rational, consistent, fact-based argument, right?
Check the and your buddies brutalized the two posters who disagreed with you in this thread. your positions are complete's all live in fantasyland...your posts don't merit counterarguments. you and your buddies deserve to be responded to in kind, which I did! Nutting is a cheep bum and the team's record and draft selections during his tenure reflect that. The end!
Check the and your buddies brutalized the two posters who disagreed with you in this thread. your positions are complete's all live in fantasyland...your posts don't merit counterarguments. you and your buddies deserve to be responded to in kind, which I did! Nutting is a cheep bum and the team's record and draft selections during his tenure reflect that. The end!

We didn't brutalize anybody. We posted facts. They didn't. That's not brutalizing. That's informing the uninitiated.
Pirate bats lead all of Major League Baseball in runners left in scoring position and runners left on base. Offense is up but there when needed, get people on base can't move them along or bring them home.

You understand the foolishness of this don't you? Yeah they lead, because they have so many runners in scoring position. There is another result to this,
Check the and your buddies brutalized the two posters who disagreed with you in this thread. your positions are complete's all live in fantasyland...your posts don't merit counterarguments. you and your buddies deserve to be responded to in kind, which I did! Nutting is a cheep bum and the team's record and draft selections during his tenure reflect that. The end!

Going constantly over slot in the mid rounds, drafting big bonus guys like Alvarez and Cole.... that's cheap?
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Going constantly over slot in the mid rounds, drafting big bonus guys like Alvarez and Cole.... that's cheap?

In Del's world, "being committed" meant signing Kevin Youkilis, James Loney, Mike Napoli, or Mike Morse in either 2013, 2014, or 2015. Those were the top 1B on the market who were available to the Pirates those years (Jose Abreu would not consider NL teams, even after Colorado gave him a very formidable offer compared to the White Sox).

Or, it meant blocking Gregory Polanco with Marlon Byrd's near replacement level production.

Del is correct in pointing out that a free agent contract failed because a player was long in the tooth. Unfortunately, he doesn't apply that knowledge in a constructive manner and realize that MOST free agent contracts -- especially those to pitchers -- are massive failures. The best/only way to really develop a great staff is through internally developing guys.

To wit:

And, since I feel like Del felt like he said something profound by pointing out Liriano's deal as shaky, the pesky analytics community has been fascinated with Liriano and his staying power for quite some time. In fact, his downfall this year was somewhat predictable:
I thought I could resist participating in this stupidfest but couldn't. Amazing that just like chum attracts sharks, Bucco threads attract the idiot brigade. Every member of the brigade out in full regalia in this thread supporting the worst owner in professional sports, Nutsack! Quality owners don't participate to compete, they compete to win championships.Also fascinating that every member of the idiot brigade also seems to rail against the idea of an on-campus FB stadium. However, since your combined contributions to athletics total about $100(some park downtown and walk across the bridge to the stadium-give me a break-spend a few bucks and support Pitt athletics and quit pretending you do, frauds), no one gives a crap about your opinion on the subject of an on campus stadium. You're all a bunch of dumb smalltimers. This just proves stupid is just stupid, regardless of the subject.

Back to the Bucs, no one ever said (duh)that high spending guaranteed championships or that Nutsack should engage in profligate spending but if he were interested in winning a championship, which he isn't, he would have plugged a couple of holes in the Buccos roster(over 20 first basemen in 8 years) the last couple of years and increased the chances of winning a championship. Instead he stuck his head up his behind and protected his wallet and the rest is history. The guy has no credibility as regards trying to attain the brass ring, none at all. The Pirates' pitching staff blows and they will win nothing this year. All but the idiot brigade knew Liriano was long in the tooth, Cole is overrated but decent and the rest of the starting rotation stinks-thanks to Nutsack's refusal to do anything the past off season because he has "quality" guys in the'll be a miracle if any of those young pitchers pans out. Wait for Godot, Nutsack. He's a lousy owner who exploits the fanbase and the idiot brigade does't even realize they're being screwed. Congratulations, you, the members of the brigade, are every cheap owner's dream team.
^^^Menstrual cramps^^^
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the idiot brigade all backing Nutsack in this thread, collectively the dumbest and cheapest collection of posters on the lair . The collective IQ of Quit Calling Me Stupid(sorry but you are profoundly), Gramps(NTOP), who is arrogant enough to admit he doesn't go to the FB games but yet has a loudmouth opinion on everything FB, Moneybalz, the guy who vomits meaningless stats every 5 seconds and eschews the ones used since BB was invented to justify every Bucoo penny-pinching move, Joe bananas(never been on the right side of any issue), and the rest of the guys who can't stand the thought of pitt having an on campus, is about 50. Go shine your bobbleheads and light a candle to your Nutsack icon. What a clueless gaggle of knuckleheads!
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I would love to know what type of medical treatment Del is open to receiving with his "how could you eschew the things that were used back when [subject X] was invented?" line of logic.
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the idiot brigade all backing Nutsack in this thread, collectively the dumbest and cheapest collection of posters on the lair . The collective IQ of Quit Calling Me Stupid(sorry but you are profoundly), Gramps(NTOP), who is arrogant enough to admit he doesn't go to the FB games but yet has a loudmouth opinion on everything FB, Moneybalz, the guy who vomits meaningless stats every 5 seconds and eschews the ones used since BB was invented to justify every Bucoo penny-pinching move, Joe bananas(never been on the right side of any issue), and the rest of the guys who can't stand the thought of pitt having an on campus, is about 50. Go shine your bobbleheads and light a candle to your Nutsack icon. What a clueless gaggle of knuckleheads!

I'd love an on campus stadium. You are still unbelievablely wrong on the bucs.
I would love to know what type of medical treatment Del is open to receiving with his "how could you eschew the things that were used back when [subject X] was invented?" line of logic.

If someone new came here and posted the stuff he does you'd have to assume that it was someone trolling the board, because you'd have to assume that no one could actually be so clueless as to say some of the stuff that he does. But I'm pretty sure we all know that he is "real", and that just makes his constant misery about pretty much every sport every to be kind of pathetic.
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Del, just let it go. Pirate fans will believe what they want to believe because they love the team and have some childhood connection to baseball because they grew up with it. I personally think the sport is boring and stinks. I was a bandwagon fan in the 90's because they were winning and were a Pittsburgh team. I can't even become a bandwagon fan anymore. Maybe if they brought in a salary cap I could possibly start to follow it again....but until then, its dead to me and i'll continue to change the tv when it's on and change the radio station when the FAN spends countless hours talking about it over and over.

Just let the people who are ok with what is going on enjoy it. You won't/can't change them. I have given up.
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If someone new came here and posted the stuff he does you'd have to assume that it was someone trolling the board, because you'd have to assume that no one could actually be so clueless as to say some of the stuff that he does. But I'm pretty sure we all know that he is "real", and that just makes his constant misery about pretty much every sport every to be kind of pathetic.
There are thousands of Pirates' fans who have Nutting's number and agree with me. You and Moneybalz can vomit all the stats you want and that won't change the fact that Nutting could care less if he competes for a championship. That's a fact, otherwise he would have plugged the holes the last 3 years which prevented the Pirates from getting over the top. That makes you and your ilk the trolls. Fans who swallow whatever their favorite team gives them doesn't make them great fans, just means they're gullible. Never cared for dumb, gullible fans. They suborn incompetence and losing and ultimately insure the fanbase never gets to support a championship caliber team.
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There are thousands of Pirates' fans who have Nutting's number and agree with me. You and Moneybalz can vomit all the stats you want and that won't change the fact that Nutting could care less if he competes for a championship. That's a fact, otherwise he would have plugged the holes the last 3 years which prevented the Pirates from getting over the top. That makes you and your ilk the trolls. Fans who swallow whatever their favorite team gives them doesn't make them great fans, just means they're gullible. Never cared for dumb, gullible fans. They suborn incompetence and losing and ultimately insure the fanbase never gets to support a championship caliber team.

As always Del, you're free to give your analysis of what they could have done to plug those holes. When pressed, you just resort to name calling or changing the subject.

Feel free to peruse the list of free agents and come back with a great plan. Don't forget, you cannot choose free agents who signed on the cheap and became good -- by your standards, they were dumpster dives who teams got lucky on.
Del, just let it go. Pirate fans will believe what they want to believe because they love the team and have some childhood connection to baseball because they grew up with it. I personally think the sport is boring and stinks. I was a bandwagon fan in the 90's because they were winning and were a Pittsburgh team. I can't even become a bandwagon fan anymore. Maybe if they brought in a salary cap I could possibly start to follow it again....but until then, its dead to me and i'll continue to change the tv when it's on and change the radio station when the FAN spends countless hours talking about it over and over.

Just let the people who are ok with what is going on enjoy it. You won't/can't change them. I have given up.
Agree completely with you. Wouldn't have joined this idiot fest but for the fact that several posters in the thread threw stones at me even though I hadn't contributed to the week long thread at all.
Agree completely with you. Wouldn't have joined this idiot fest but for the fact that several posters in the thread threw stones at me even though I hadn't contributed to the week long thread at all.

If you hate baseball and find it boring like him, why are you here? I mean, you're agreeing word for word with him. Seems silly.
If you hate baseball and find it boring like him, why are you here? I mean, you're agreeing word for word with him. Seems silly.

You probably meant to quote me.
I'm actually here for Pitt football, mainly recruiting because I find that the most interesting. I am enjoying a lot of the playoff hockey talk here also.

As for this thread, i threw out the trade Cutch and Cole comments to see how it would make people flip out, but i didn't quite get the responses I intended to get. Today is the first time since I have looked at this thread to see how it could possibly still be getting this many posts. Well, I should have not been suprised. Trust me, I won't continue to follow.
As always Del, you're free to give your analysis of what they could have done to plug those holes. When pressed, you just resort to name calling or changing the subject.

Feel free to peruse the list of free agents and come back with a great plan. Don't forget, you cannot choose free agents who signed on the cheap and became good -- by your standards, they were dumpster dives who teams got lucky on.
I'm not calling anybody names who didn't throw stones at me first and that includes you. You and your buddies referenced me for days in this thread before I said a word. I don't change the subject; I find your theories ludicrous, as would every baseball expert known to man. Answer one question for me-how can someone who relies on statistics like you to substantiate every specious point you want to make, at the end of the day believe that winning a every just luck? The positions you take don't even merit counterarguments. I'm not changing the subject; I'm essentially not even acknowledging that you make a bit of sense...because you don't.
You probably meant to quote me.
I'm actually here for Pitt football, mainly recruiting because I find that the most interesting. I am enjoying a lot of the playoff hockey talk here also.

As for this thread, i threw out the trade Cutch and Cole comments to see how it would make people flip out, but i didn't quite get the responses I intended to get. Today is the first time since I have looked at this thread to see how it could possibly still be getting this many posts. Well, I should have not been suprised. Trust me, I won't continue to follow.

No, I didn't mean to quote you. I respect anybody who finds baseball boring. Different strokes.