OT: Pain


Lair Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Dec 3, 2007
Rolled over this AM and got a tennis ball sized cramp in my calf. Been a long time since I had one of those. It went away in about 30 seconds, but man…I don’t know what what feels worse.

So what’s the worst pain you’ve experienced and is it worse than what I described above?
Tore my ACL on the basketball court. I've had
five knee operations and two rotaror cuff
surgeries. The ACL when it happend was
beyond painful, LOL

One of the rotator cuff surgeries was almost
as bad, the other not bad at all.
I used to get those cramps in my calves, but not as much now. I found keeping hydrated throughout the day, not gulping, helps to ease those off.

The worst pain I ever had was when I had a bad gall bladder and didn't know what it was. I couldn't stand, sit, walk because of the intense pain in my gut. I tried everything and nothing worked. ER found I had a gall bladder that was on the verge of rupturing and I had emergency surgery for removal. The doctor had to make 3 incisions to get it out. That was 6 years ago. Fun times.
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Rolled over this AM and got a tennis ball sized cramp in my calf. Been a long time since I had one of those. It went away in about 30 seconds, but man…I don’t know what what feels worse.

So what’s the worst pain you’ve experienced and is it worse than what I described above?
I didn’t have to think twice before coming up with my answer.

A kidney stone that wouldn’t pass on its own easily the worst pain I’ve experienced, also a pain that pretty much nothing you could do or take to alleviate it.

Had 2 bouts like the above 30 years apart, glad they haven’t been any more frequent.
Rolled over this AM and got a tennis ball sized cramp in my calf. Been a long time since I had one of those. It went away in about 30 seconds, but man…I don’t know what what feels worse.

So what’s the worst pain you’ve experienced and is it worse than what I described above?
Braking my ankle , once the shock and endorphins ran out and being to o close to the resetting and sedation it the ER- so without pain meds for about 5 hours

My blood pressure was 200/95 and I was sweating trying to breathe through it the last 2 hours

I say posting from my bed with my
Leg elevated awaiting the fixation next week assuming swelling is improved enough
i used to get huge pains in my calfs when i'd run (OK, jog). it was like 1/2 cramp, 1/2 strain. felt like someone was pushing their thumb as hard as they can into the middle of the calf. but unlike a cramp, it would eventualy go away but i'd be sore from it.

Really weird, i am talking about 4m jogs at a leisurely pace too, not any hard core crap. i obviously did the hydration thing and that really didnt work, ate bananas which who the F knows why and stretched. none of them really seemed to work by themselves but the combo of all 3 and rest for a few days and it would be tolerable..

i never had great running shoes, never took it that serious so that could have been the issue too. now i just do treadmill, 10 xs easier, not nearly the workout of running outside but at least if i have these issues, i am not 2 miles from my house.
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Braking my ankle , once the shock and endorphins ran out and being to o close to the resetting and sedation it the ER- so without pain meds for about 5 hours

My blood pressure was 200/95 and I was sweating trying to breathe through it the last 2 hours
Oh yeah. I can attest to that too. Good call.
Bladder spasm after a stint was placed for kidney stones. Felt like my guts were trying to climb out. Took a week and a lot of pain meds to settle that down. I've busted up a lot of stuff on my body but that's probably the worse. Bruised ribs aren't much fun either.
Bladder spasm after a stint was placed for kidney stones. Felt like my guts were trying to climb out. Took a week and a lot of pain meds to settle that down. I've busted up a lot of stuff on my body but that's probably the worse. Bruised ribs aren't much fun either.
I guess I didn’t experience any bladder spasms from the stint, had pains associated with the stint but nothing to match the pain from the actual kidney stones. Pulling that stint out was an experience as well.
With my gall bladder story, I recall the nurse administering morphine to me initially. They asked if I felt better and it had no effect. They had to keep administering higher and higher doses. None really helped a whole lot. That pain was so severe. The only thing that helped was getting the damned gall bladder removed.
Not sure the worst, but I've had bronchitis for a couple of weeks with a lot of coughing. Pulled or strained a stomach muscle earlier this week from coughing, so for about a day every time I would cough it felt like I was being quickly stabbed right in that muscle. I can deal with it but the worst was knowing it was coming everytime I needed to cough, which was a lot.
It’s remarkable how powerful your Brain is . I was literally joking and laughing with neighbors and the ER staff while my foot was pointed side wise

When that wore out- I legit said my pain was 8-9/10.
Propofol and ketamine significantly improved things
never broke ankle, like everyone i twisted and sprained it to all hell but never a break. cant imagine that pain.
I just checked in on Pantherlair and the first three threads were politics, pain and abortion. That's misery.

I had kidney stones four times in 13 months. The first time was by far the worst. My urine looked like prune juice and I didn't know what was going on. The fourth time was the morning I was leaving for Tampa to see the Steelers in the Super Bowl. I was ready to cancel, but somehow I just mentally forced myself to pass it.

I've also had gout several times, the first time for that was also the worst. I guess once you get something the first time, the precautions you start to take lessen the pain if you get it again.
Toss up for me. I had surgery on my wrist years back from a football injury. The painkillers did not work at all so those first couple days were miserable. On a more routine basis, I had some terrible plantar fasciitis during marathon training and there's not much worse than that first step you take when you wake up in the morning.
I just checked in on Pantherlair and the first three threads were politics, pain and abortion. That's misery.

I had kidney stones four times in 13 months. The first time was by far the worst. My urine looked like prune juice and I didn't know what was going on. The fourth time was the morning I was leaving for Tampa to see the Steelers in the Super Bowl. I was ready to cancel, but somehow I just mentally forced myself to pass it.

I've also had gout several times, the first time for that was also the worst. I guess once you get something the first time, the precautions you start to take lessen the pain if you get it again.
Pain is appropriate for the football board and what we feel as supporters of the program.
I guess I didn’t experience any bladder spasms from the stint, had pains associated with the stint but nothing to match the pain from the actual kidney stones. Pulling that stint out was an experience as well.
The doctor stood just out of arm reach and laughed and remarked that it was like having birthing pain. I wasn't in a good state of mind and may have threatened him. He refused to see me after than. Later found out that the nicked my bladder. But yeah, the stint coming out was pretty bad, too.
Rolled over this AM and got a tennis ball sized cramp in my calf. Been a long time since I had one of those. It went away in about 30 seconds, but man…I don’t know what what feels worse.

So what’s the worst pain you’ve experienced and is it worse than what I described above?
Not the most intense pain, but try on a three-day migraine headache. Thank God I only experienced that twice in my lifetime.
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Broke my left arm and wrist twice in the same day. It really hurt but I just thought it was banged up because there was no deformity and then took another shot to that arm and damn near passed out. The x-rays showed two distinct fractures that according to the doctor happen at seperate times.

Tore my distal biceps tendon this year and that hurt like hell but was surprised that the pain did not last all that long.
Another vote for kidney stones. First time it happened, in addition to the pain I didn't know what was wrong and was very scared. Second time I knew what it was, but the pain was similarly excruciating. Morphine didn't ease the pain, but thankfully Dilaudid did. Was never so happy to be vomiting from the Dilaudid in lieu of feeling the pain.
Another vote for kidney stones. First time it happened, in addition to the pain I didn't know what was wrong and was very scared. Second time I knew what it was, but the pain was similarly excruciating. Morphine didn't ease the pain, but thankfully Dilaudid did. Was never so happy to be vomiting from the Dilaudid in lieu of feeling the pain.
had a stomach thingy about 15 years ago that had me in the hospital twice, for about 2 weeks each time. man oh man, Dilaudid iv drip was ridiculous..

I'd actually time it out, sit there in pain and wait for the pens game to start on the TV in my hospital room then call the nurse in for my daily Dilaudid "fix."

i can see how prince and Michael Jackson could OD from that at home.. drugs are a dangerous thing, glad im not rich enough to have my own personal MD at home concocting such things for me.
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Rolled over this AM and got a tennis ball sized cramp in my calf. Been a long time since I had one of those. It went away in about 30 seconds, but man…I don’t know what what feels worse.

So what’s the worst pain you’ve experienced and is it worse than what I described above?
Blew out my left knee ACL playing pickup basketball when I was 31. We had the gym for 3 hours and there was only 10 minutes left. Jumped to deflect a fast break pass and heard a small explosion when I landed. I felt bad because we were playing in a Catholic School gym and I let out a stream of profanity that was epic. The pain was awful...
Tore my ACL on the basketball court. I've had
five knee operations and two rotaror cuff
surgeries. The ACL when it happend was
beyond painful, LOL

One of the rotator cuff surgeries was almost
as bad, the other not bad at all.
ACL's hurt like hell....and although aspirating the knee fluid isn't painful that monstrously big syringe is horrifying.
About 6 weeks ago I pulled a groin muscle that triggered my sciatica I was in agony for about two weeks couldn't sit or stand.
ACL's hurt like hell....and although aspirating the knee fluid isn't painful that monstrously big syringe is horrifying.
I stepped on a nail, went through my shoe, toe got infected and had to have half of toenail removed. They brought out a monstrously big needle to numb the toe. It entered several times under my toenail. I shot upright on the ER room table, latched on to another doctor's jacket, ripped his sleeve right off his coat as a response to the pain. 😀
Braking my ankle , once the shock and endorphins ran out and being to o close to the resetting and sedation it the ER- so without pain meds for about 5 hours

My blood pressure was 200/95 and I was sweating trying to breathe through it the last 2 hours

I say posting from my bed with my
Leg elevated awaiting the fixation next week assuming swelling is improved enough
This is happening right now in real time?
Jeez. Hope all goes OK.
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Had a bad case of sciatica in 2022 for over seven months. Nothing excruating but daily discomfort from lower back to calf on one side.Tried chiro anf pt. Finally become eligible for epidural and it solved problem and been good for so e eight months ( knock on wood). Now the other side is bothering me in the Sac. Closing in on 70 so i guess tgat comes with theterritory.
I had polyorchidism, and my accessory testicle torted. That was unbearable pain.
although aspirating the knee fluid isn't painful that monstrously big syringe is horrifying.

OK, so here is my big syringe story. Without getting into all the details, a long time ago my left ankle swelled up really bad, assumedly due to spending all day on my feet in a pair of new, ill fitting shoes. It got so bad I could hardly walk, so my buddy takes me to the ER.

Doctor comes in and looks at it and they take x-rays and they decide that I have fluid building up in my ankle, and it needs removed. So shortly before they start, one of the nurses comes in and says to me, "I just wanted to let you know, you are the only person in the ER right now (it was probably 10:00 at night at the time), when the doctor puts the needle in it's OK if you scream, you won't be disturbing any other patients."

Now there's something you don't want to hear at the hospital.

So the doctor comes in with the big syringe, and he sticks that needle down into my ankle joint probably seven or eight times. And it was excruciating. And he didn't get one drop of fluid out. So OK, we are done, the doctor and the nurses leave the area I was in, and I am laying there waiting for someone to come back and tell me what's next. And after a few minutes one of the nurses comes back and says "I hate to tell you this, but the doctor really thinks that there has to be fluid in the joint and he needs to get it out, so he's going to come back in and try again."

And he came back and stuck that needle into my ankle another five or six times, and again he doesn't get one drop of fluid out. Not one drop.

I've had my nose broken taking a charge playing basketball, I broke my collarbone crashing on my bike when I was about seven or eight, someone mentioned plantar fasciitis and I've dealt with that, but none of them came close to the pain when that doctor put that needle into my ankle. In fact all of those combined may not have been as bad as him sticking that needle in, over and over again.
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Rolled over this AM and got a tennis ball sized cramp in my calf. Been a long time since I had one of those. It went away in about 30 seconds, but man…I don’t know what what feels worse.

So what’s the worst pain you’ve experienced and is it worse than what I described above?
Gout. Not even close.
Was working on a ladder only 6’ off the ground. Long story short, lost balance and jumped on ladder. Landed on both feet, no rolling of ankles but the left side exploded. Crushed heel, broke 2 bones in the ankle. 3.5 hrs of surgery, 2 plates, 16 screws, a fusion and permanent nerve pain. Wouldn’t want it to happen to anyone else. 😕
Hopefully everyone is doing ok now, getting better, or like me learning to cope with the situation.
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Was working on a ladder only 6’ off the ground. Long story short, lost balance and jumped on ladder. Landed on both feet, no rolling of ankles but the left side exploded. Crushed heel, broke 2 bones in the ankle. 3.5 hrs of surgery, 2 plates, 16 screws, a fusion and permanent nerve pain. Wouldn’t want it to happen to anyone else. 😕
Hopefully everyone is doing ok now, getting better, or like me learning to cope with the situation.
I know a guy who did similar but snapped both tib-fibs.