OT: Predict the Pirates 2023 Record


Dec 24, 2015
Predict the Pirates 2023 Record (Bonus: Predict the WS Champion)

Pirates will go 78-84 and the NY Mets will win the World Series.
Fanduel has O/U at 67.5 wins. I say over but still 90 losses. 70-92

Why? Nutting had lowest payroll LY yet 8th highest profit margin. Wins not a priority to him. Will leave top prospects in minors too long, til its too late.
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i'd give my right arm for an 81-81 record, then after wonder why in the hell i'd sacrifice an extremity to be average..

but if i was a betting man, im with WBRpanther and say low 70s.
73-89, maybe? Only six games under .500 feels really optimistic for a team batting McCutchen in the three-hole and with a staff that I have to imagine is in the bottom third of the league, if not considerably lower. Even 73-89 seems optimistic, honestly.
66-96. New faces coming aboard. Retreads dealt over the summer. The Pirates that end this season will be improved even if the W-L bump is minimal. I think the quantum jump comes in 2024.
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63-99. They’ll avoid 100 by winning the last game and the toady media here will applaud their ‘achievement’. Small sacrifice so that the likes of Cook and his ilk can continue to eat and drink (and drink and drink and drink and drink) on the Pirates dime.
To be honest, we're in the part of the cycle where a Pirate team capitalizes on a mostly crummy division and pushes towards 0.500 long enough that people start to get excited. They make a move that is proclaimed to be genius until a few years go by and the stark realization hits everyone but for a little while the fan boys are convinced a wild card is possible. Then August rolls around and the bottom falls out and it becomes clear they won't be able to sign Reynolds but he's "hurt" after having a nice first half of the season and we get fed a constant does of "he wasn't worth it" fed to us. By the end of September they've faded badly and settle in around 75 wins which still blows badly but they beat expectations so the goobers think a WS is close and Nutting banks an extra couple million.
I guess the visible pitch clock was only for spring training.
People can't make fun of it now.
A stolen base called out replay ? LOL
This is not the game I remember.
The Reds player was clearly safe , they reviewed and called him OUT.
Makes zero sense.
MLB is lost.
The Reds player was clearly safe , they reviewed and called him OUT.

Technically they called him out, and then they said that the replay was not conclusive so they could not overturn the call.

Unless the replay center had some angle that we didn't get to see on the telecast I don't know how they thought that, but whatever.

In any event, 161-1!

Or more like 71-91.
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Technically they called him out, and then they said that the replay was not conclusive so they could not overturn the call.

Unless the replay center had some angle that we didn't get to see on the telecast I don't know how they thought that, but whatever.

In any event, 161-1!

Or more like 71-91.
thats alot of speech.
what are your own thoughts ?
and you know he was safe.
thats alot of speech.
what are your own thoughts ?
and you know he was safe.

A lot of speech? It was two whole sentences. And one of them was saying that unless the replay center had a replay that we didn't get to see on television (which does happen sometimes) that I don't know how they thought there wasn't enough evidence to overturn the call.

It's a if you quoted and responded to my post without actually reading it.
A lot of speech? It was two whole sentences. And one of them was saying that unless the replay center had a replay that we didn't get to see on television (which does happen sometimes) that I don't know how they thought there wasn't enough evidence to overturn the call.

It's a if you quoted and responded to my post without actually reading it.
you give me a headache.
I was watching the game on Reds TV , he was safe by a mile.
Im sure they saw the same replay..
anyways MLB has replays now, which is dumb and still gets them wrong is my point.
you give me a headache.
I was watching the game on Reds TV , he was safe by a mile.
Im sure they saw the same replay..
anyways MLB has replays now, which is dumb and still gets them wrong is my point.

MLB doesn't just have replay now, it's had replay for 15 years.

What gives you a headache is probably just the simple act of trying to use your brain. Probably ought to continue not bothering with that.
I watched the game live, you are just being you.
He was safe, you can say whatever jargon you want.

I watched the game live too.

Neither one of us watching the game live or not changes the fact, and it is a fact, that the replay center has access to and can use replays that do not get shown on television.

And once again, unless they had a view that showed something that we didn't get to see on television it was the wrong call. I'm not even sure what you are really arguing about here, other than the replay guys have more views to look that we fans at home do and I know that and you don't and that fact really bothers you.
I watched the game live too.

Neither one of us watching the game live or not changes the fact, and it is a fact, that the replay center has access to and can use replays that do not get shown on television.

And once again, unless they had a view that showed something that we didn't get to see on television it was the wrong call. I'm not even sure what you are really arguing about here, other than the replay guys have more views to look that we fans at home do and I know that and you don't and that fact really bothers you.
Joe , you must have been a little league ump in your teens.
You always agree with the refs blindly on this board, basketball or whatever.
YOU are wrong, he was safe and there was a perfect angle to see on TV.
I think they'll show some things this year and flirt with 500. Probably settle around.... 77.

That’s about where I am as well. NL Central is fairly pedestrian, no reason they can’t get close to a winning record. This isn’t a team with a lot of glaring weaknesses. Just need the young guys to continue to improve and hit on a few of the high minors pitching prospects.

I think this team is about where the last decent team was in 2011. Remains to be seen if this team can become a playoff contender in a year or two.
I watched the game live too.

Neither one of us watching the game live or not changes the fact, and it is a fact, that the replay center has access to and can use replays that do not get shown on television.

And once again, unless they had a view that showed something that we didn't get to see on television it was the wrong call. I'm not even sure what you are really arguing about here, other than the replay guys have more views to look that we fans at home do and I know that and you don't and that fact really bothers you.
this is not coherent.
You always agree with the refs blindly on this board, basketball or whatever.

And by the way, I don't always agree blindly with the refs. What I do is point out that morons, like a certain someone in this conversation, who think that all refs are part of some sort of conspiracy to regularly screw over Pitt are, in fact, morons.

And sometimes that pisses off the morons, I get that. I mean I don't care. But I get that.