Rizzo to Pitt

Great news! Does he transfer in January? If so, can he wrestle this year?
Amazing the difference in transfer rules amongst different sports but, hey, that would be great if he's in the lineup next semester. I'm driving to the Keystone Classic in Philly this Sunday. I'm guessing he'll be hanging around the team most of the day. Really solidifies the lineup especially if a few of the freshmen come through.
Wow! That is good news. Go Pitt, Beat Lehigh. going to try to watch

online off the Lehigh website.
The way Tasser has been wrestling, I don't know if Rizzo will be able to beat him out. Could he redshirt and save a year of wrestling eligibility or is it already cooked from football?
Look, P.J. has been the ultimate team guy. Impressive kid off the mat. Had some wonderful moments on it.

Don't want to be viewed as minimizing those things, but... I'd argue we're talking about a different level of wrestler here in Rizzo.

174 (I'd argue Tasser's real class) has had three different starters the last three years - Vaughan, Bonnacorsi and T. Wilps. He wasn't able to beat any of those guys out - no shame in that, I think Wilps & Bonnacorsi are future ACC champs. With that being what it is, what makes you think he's beating out a former 3x state champ for a spot - a spot Tasser's not even naturally suited for?

He's at HWT because the condition of that spot (Pre-Rizzo) is borderline reprehensible (after great years with Tomei & Zac) and he's the most talented kid of the willing. I'll grant that Rizzo will have a curve that could last a few weeks to a month. But coming down the stretch, in Blacksburg for the conference title, I'd rather have Rizzo out there against Myers/Walz/Gwiadowski.
Tasser told me he weighs 206 now, so he is giving up 25 to 75 pounds on everyone he wrestles. Assuming that Rizzo is in wrestling shape pretty quickly, I agree that he will be the Hwt. next semester. UVA and VT both will be very tough and we will need every point we can scrape up. UVA had one champion, one runnerup and 2 semi-finalists in the Cliff Kean Invitational this weekend. VT has 6 wrestlers ranked higher than our wrestlers in their weight class.

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