Superbowl commercials and halftime

mbe 34

All Conference
Nov 24, 2004
Nothing stood out to me.
I usually look for the "funny" beer ads - after a while I switched when the commercials came on.
Maybe i missed the best ones?

Same for the halftime show - I liked the start - then I got bored.
Thing seemed like a Pepsi commercial to me - I turned it off 5 minutes into it.
The one with the car that grew after taking viagra was funny

The one with the car that grew after a viagra fell in its gas tank was funny. But from a commercial effectiveness point of view it was awful. I'd bet that if you polled people today about it, more people would think it was a viagra commercial and not a car commercial. I can't even remember what brand it was (Mini Cooper maybe?).

Katy Perry did about as well as anyone could've possibly done. The situation is just set up for failure as you are bound to underwhelm. It would've been better without MIssy Misdemeanor Elliott. That part was way to long and grating (and I don't mind rap - just thought she sucked). These shows are better without "special guests". I like Lenny Kravitz, but thought he added nothing and I also like the Red Hot Chili Peppers and thought they ruined Bruno Mars' performance at last years halftime show. In order for the halftime show to be memorable, someone's top has to fall off or weather needs to impact it (like it did for Prince which ended up being great).
My 3-year old daughter liked the dancing sharks and beach balls. Aside from that, I really wasn't paying attention to halftime. Commercials seemed pretty bland this year as well. I wasn't even really paying attention to the game until those last two Patriots drives.

This post was edited on 2/2 8:41 AM by CaptainMurphy
"brewed for drinking, not dissecting," .... loved Bud ripping the fruity micro brews and beer geeks.... Now let the Bud bashing begin by said insufferable beer geeks...
That commercial was worthless

Another poor example of writing. That commercial was like McDonald's trying to insult customers of Morton's Steakhouse. Someone needs to tell Bud that its over. People who want good beer aren't going to buy a Bud. They should focus their efforts on those who would be inclined to buy Budweiser. An ad with a bunch of muddy trucks and confederate flags comes to mind. :)
upj87--I will take a crack at that. For most it just depends on the primary motivation in beer drinking--just to drink (especially for a long session) or to enjoy flavor while drinking. If you want to get drunk and fast, of course, many microbrews will be more effective due to the significantly higher alcohol content (and once drunk flavor won't be savored any longer).

History-- Standard U.S. beers are a product of the prohibition era when people drank whatever they could get their hands on easily illegally regardless of flavor (or lack thereof). Americans simply got used to this style of beer and it was what the brewery's brought back after prohibition to suit what people had become accustomed to drinking. The light beer version came later as part of the trend to have lower calorie products (for health reasons) and to be able to drink a significant number without getting drunk. They were basically an offspring of the 3.2% (near beer) products already sold in certain jurisdictions. They were just marketed differently to appeal to a mass market. All are relatively bland tasting and to a greater ("light beer") or lesser degree (regular American beer) relatively low-alcohol products (compared to microbrews). They are perfect if you want to drink more than 2-3 at a session and flavor doesn't matter much.
They are perfect if you want to drink more than 2-3 at a session and flavor doesn't matter much. [/I]I guess I am just too much of an unsophisticated rube as to not understand what flavor of beer I prefer. You guys are the epitome of the guys in the commercial with their noses in the glasses sniffing around.....

like I come the beer geeks...If you do not understand the complexities of the beer world your pallet is inferior and according to OH Pete you bare confederate flags on your mud stained truck....and you wonder why people think the beer snobs snooty? I thought this was a Pittsburgh board. I drink Bud. I'll drink Iron City and I'll drink Yuengling. I've tried the micro brews. Don't like them. But I love sophisticates who label me(or the beer I chose) something less because of this. I think bud nailed it on this commercial for this very reason.
Maybe jst me but the sound or the way it comeS over the TV of the halftime shows is tough but thought KP put on a great time she was very good

The ads were bummers and dwners
What happened to Monkeys wearing suits in Board Rooms??

Jeez godaddy canceled an add over a dog but Nationwide puts on a kid from the afterlife

I was damn near in tears
I think we are now getting to the crux of it

You are guilty of reverse discrimination. It is ok to make fun of "beer geeks" but when someone insinuates that you lack sophistication because you like bad beer you take offense. In the immortal words of the late, great Rodney King: "Can't we all just get along?"

Commercials were a disappointment. Funny seems too difficult to pull off any longer so they increasingly go for sentiment or preachy. No thanks.

The funniest was likely the Fiat ad, but it went on too long and probably confused many that it was actually a viagra ad.
Nationwide's commercial was powerful.
I know a couple that lost an 18 month while moving, inhaled scented oils.

Was there a recent incident in the PITTsburgh area that a small child pulled over a small dresser..
Not for nothing, but Anheiser Busch just recently purchased three craft breweries, so I find the commercial a bit hypocritical, unless they plan on shutting them down.
A dead kid....remind me never to get Nationwide

Between their idiot jingle and this dead kid commercial....forget them

All the way with JFK Baby.
Commercials were depressing. The Doritos guy on the plane gave me a slight upward movement of the lip when I saw the baby. I thought the over the top social commentary that tried to come through was too much. I want entertainment; not to think during a football game of this magnitude. The underlining message that there are dead beat dads was somewhat offensive, but I won't complain. The only social one that I liked was the "run like a girl" ad which worked for me even though I don't have a daughter.

I usually like the movie trailers, but the only one that stood out was Jurassic World and it looked like a complete repeat of the first movie from the preview. Although I am willing to bet Pratt can make it watchable.

As an aside, watching those Kate Upton ads makes me ill. I cannot stand her at all. I don't find her attractive. I find her lack of intelligence offensive to mine. I literally wish that she would fall off of her horse and get injured; not paralyzed, but injured.
Re: A dead kid....remind me never to get Nationwide

Originally posted by Jud The Bus Driver:

Between their idiot jingle and this dead kid commercial....forget them

All the way with JFK Baby.
They should have one with Peyton Manning humming...."hmmmm hmmmm baby drowning in the bath tub"
Actually the Esurance ones were really good. Lindsay Lohan (I think it was her) and Bryan C. from breaking bad were well done...
Except we watched the game with our 9 year old daughter

The one with the car that grew after a viagra fell in its gas tank was funny.

spent the whole commercial trying to get me and my wife to explain to her what the deal was with the pill ...
Re: Except we watched the game with our 9 year old daughter

I liked the Viagra/mini commercial best of all.
My favorite ended up being the one with Kim K, not because of the commercial itself, but my 6 year old made a comment out of the blue about her having a big behind.

Guess my actual favorite was the Brady Bunch Snickers one.

BTW, was there an Avengers one, and if so, when did it air?
Halftime was well done except for Lenny Kravitz and Missy Elliot. At least Kravitz is kind of iconic. WTF is Elliot doing there?
Katie Perry did well.
Personally I think Super Bowls should only feature musicians of the era. Kravitz and Elliot are old news.
Big nod to the production team for Katie Perry's numbers.

The commercials were awful with all the ham-fisted over-the-top attempts to tug at my heartstrings. Just unbearably hokey. Scared lost puppies and "being a dad" LOL. Just stop. Subtlety is a virtue.
Agree with Ether that the Brady Bunch one was the best. The Reebok ad that ran before opening kickoff and the Viagra-inspired Fiat ads weren't bad, but overall the effort this year was weak.
I loved the stage during the half time show. I thought it was a fabulous visual and I'm now a KP fan, where I wasn't before. She won me over.

The only ad I liked was the Dodge Commercial with the senior citizens over 100 yrs old offering advice.
Halftime was ok until Lenny Kravitz came out. Then I was depressed he wasn't the main act. I love Mr. Kravitz. Great music and coolest guy on the planet.

Re: Kate Upton, I get the boobs, but that's it. I don't find her attractive at all and I have no probem calling out beautiful women.
LOL at Budweiser mocking craft breweries for making "peach pumpkin beer" after they not only just bought out a popular craft brewing company, but have been selling their own line of fruity beers for years. That one will be tough to top. Maybe Dodge will target Audi or Papa John's will scoff at Bleecker Street Pizza.

This post was edited on 2/2 3:57 PM by rpost3
I liked the commercial with the girl from The Mindy Project. I can't even remember what it was for.

The Terminator Gynesis trailer looked horrible.
Originally posted by LeftCoastPanther:
I liked the commercial with the girl from The Mindy Project. I can't even remember what it was for.

The Terminator Gynesis trailer looked horrible.
Terminator and T2 are by far, in my opinion, the greatest Sci Fi movies. I could add Alien and Aliens by I consider that more of Horror. I liked the early whispers I heard of this movie with a interesting reboot idea of Arnold facing Arnold, BUT when I heard about the change to the Sarah Connor storyline, I hated the idea. Now I am holding out hope despite the fact that it looks like an easy cash grab for Arnold, but that scene where he dive bombs into the helicopter just looks so dumb.
Budweiser and macros are flat out awful. its impossible to drink a bud let alone dissect. bud is best used for killing garden slugs.
The did something to Katy Perry's breasts, because even when she changed to a bikini top, there was no visible cleavage. I was quite disappointed.

I and my guests enjoyed to dancing beach balls and sharks.

Missy Elliott looks weird to me after losing so much weight. She didn't look better, just weird. Same with Al Sharptonand the NBC weather guy. I'm thinking that losing weight through stomach stapling has something to do with having an unnatural look.