"The Grand Experiment": Seeing how much you can get away with


Jun 28, 2001
The Penn State serial rapist story makes reinforces one overarching theme: Paterno had access to inside information within the State College Police Department. If he had the hubris to call victims of a football player rapist, there can be NO doubt that he knew about Jerry Sandusky's activities.

Furthermore, look at the cult's reaction to having a serial rapist in their midst: They dismiss it by saying he was an inconsequential part of the team.

Paterno's organization was nothing short of a mob-like syndicate -- a group that covered up crimes, maintained power and lived outside the law. This was a criminal enterprise disguised as football program.

Rot in hell Paterno and, before too much longer, Sandusky.
But that guy being a sociopath criminal rapist really had nothing to do with going to Penn State, he would of been that way no matter where he went. It is true though that it was easy for them to cast aside as he really was an inconsequential part of the team. I wonder what they would of done if he was an All American?
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Paterno was every bit as much of a child rapist as his pervert assistant, Sandusky. Just because he wasn't physically in the room to commit the rape (and who's to say he wasn't) doesn't absolve him of the crime.
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Paterno was every bit as much of a child rapist as his pervert assistant, Sandusky. Just because he wasn't physically in the room to commit the rape (and who's to say he wasn't) doesn't absolve him of the crime.
That's the part that the cult just can't wrap their brain around... it's absurd....
It's not like half of all USC alumni are walking around with cardboard cut-outs of OJ Simpson and harping on the "conspiracies" against OJ, and saying his actions were rally no big deal (just get over it).....
Every time the cultists deny, or minimize, or defend Joe, or defend their program, or chant "we are", they are just demonstrating how the "superiority complex" sick culture, that caused so much pain and suffering in the first place, is just continuing on and on and on, as strong, and as sick, as ever...
nothing was learned... nothing... it's as toxic now as it ever was...
I'd have to actually hear a nitter say something like "Joe was a sick bastard that should rot in h - e - ll ".. or "our team has been pretty average this past decade and our academic standards and policies are really not much different from most other D1 schools".. IF if ever hear that from a nitter, I might think the toxic "superiority complex" sick culture has a chance to someday change up there.. I'm not holding my breath...
I mean I love sports, and rooting for the teams I like to root for.. But come on, my team doesn't have to be "morally superior" for me to enjoy watching a sporting event.. it's a sick, weird, ugly culture up there...
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paterno knew when one of his players farted, let alone broke the law.
I am sure the chief of police in state college had paterno on speed dial.
The chief of police back then would make an interesting article to hear
his side of some of these criminals that never saw daylight.
The threads probably don’t seem particularly useful but consider that, perhaps recruits do not, but the lazy Pgh sports media read these boards to find out information they would never work hard to find on its own. I think we’ve all seen and heard multiple articles or tweets or what have you about Pitt sports news from those types that had been offered up on the Pitt sports boards previously.

Since the majority of them went to Penn State or some of the PSU wanna-be State schools like Clarion and such, or else went to “journalism” factories such as Syracuse that dislike Pitt as well, they are all together happy to have ignored the Sandusky and Franklin rape scandals, the latter under the twisted impression that something that harms Penn State somehow is good for Pitt (guess what, it isn’t, the great majority of Pitt’s sports deficiencies have been caused from within). So they are happy that these stories have quietly been buried (and outright censored, in the Pgh Post Gazette case …they went to the extreme to turn off readers comments to Penn State stories in fear of the truth squeaking through).

The most recent example…other than a Kdka TV feature on the most recent case (and I only saw it mentioned once at that), that story of the other rape coverups in the late 70s was gleefully ignored by all other local news outlets.

But the places where these stories don’t ever conveniently go away are Pitt sports message boards. Question our motives, sure, it’s fair to do so. But, when these turkeys venture to such here to steal scoops, they can’t help but encounter reminders that they were complicit in terrible crimes.
The threads probably don’t seem particularly useful but consider that, perhaps recruits do not, but the lazy Pgh sports media read these boards to find out information they would never work hard to find on its own. I think we’ve all seen and heard multiple articles or tweets or what have you about Pitt sports news from those types that had been offered up on the Pitt sports boards previously.

Since the majority of them went to Penn State or some of the PSU wanna-be State schools like Clarion and such, or else went to “journalism” factories such as Syracuse that dislike Pitt as well, they are all together happy to have ignored the Sandusky and Franklin rape scandals, the latter under the twisted impression that something that harms Penn State somehow is good for Pitt (guess what, it isn’t, the great majority of Pitt’s sports deficiencies have been caused from within). So they are happy that these stories have quietly been buried (and outright censored, in the Pgh Post Gazette case …they went to the extreme to turn off readers comments to Penn State stories in fear of the truth squeaking through).

The most recent example…other than a Kdka TV feature on the most recent case (and I only saw it mentioned once at that), that story of the other rape coverups in the late 70s was gleefully ignored by all other local news outlets.

But the places where these stories don’t ever conveniently go away are Pitt sports message boards. Question our motives, sure, it’s fair to do so. But, when these turkeys venture to such here to steal scoops, they can’t help but encounter reminders that they were complicit in terrible crimes.
I can’t like this post enough. Because it is the truth.
The threads probably don’t seem particularly useful but consider that, perhaps recruits do not, but the lazy Pgh sports media read these boards to find out information they would never work hard to find on its own. I think we’ve all seen and heard multiple articles or tweets or what have you about Pitt sports news from those types that had been offered up on the Pitt sports boards previously.

Since the majority of them went to Penn State or some of the PSU wanna-be State schools like Clarion and such, or else went to “journalism” factories such as Syracuse that dislike Pitt as well, they are all together happy to have ignored the Sandusky and Franklin rape scandals, the latter under the twisted impression that something that harms Penn State somehow is good for Pitt (guess what, it isn’t, the great majority of Pitt’s sports deficiencies have been caused from within). So they are happy that these stories have quietly been buried (and outright censored, in the Pgh Post Gazette case …they went to the extreme to turn off readers comments to Penn State stories in fear of the truth squeaking through).

The most recent example…other than a Kdka TV feature on the most recent case (and I only saw it mentioned once at that), that story of the other rape coverups in the late 70s was gleefully ignored by all other local news outlets.

But the places where these stories don’t ever conveniently go away are Pitt sports message boards. Question our motives, sure, it’s fair to do so. But, when these turkeys venture to such here to steal scoops, they can’t help but encounter reminders that they were complicit in terrible crimes.
Testify! We should all never forget the media's lapdog role at Penn State. How many children were unnecessarily raped because the media didn't do their job and treated Paterno like a demigod?
That's the part that the cult just can't wrap their brain around... it's absurd....
It's not like half of all USC alumni are walking around with cardboard cut-outs of OJ Simpson and harping on the "conspiracies" against OJ, and saying his actions were rally no big deal (just get over it).....
Every time the cultists deny, or minimize, or defend Joe, or defend their program, or chant "we are", they are just demonstrating how the "superiority complex" sick culture, that caused so much pain and suffering in the first place, is just continuing on and on and on, as strong, and as sick, as ever...
nothing was learned... nothing... it's as toxic now as it ever was...
I'd have to actually hear a nitter say something like "Joe was a sick bastard that should rot in h - e - ll ".. or "our team has been pretty average this past decade and our academic standards and policies are really not much different from most other D1 schools".. IF if ever hear that from a nitter, I might think the toxic "superiority complex" sick culture has a chance to someday change up there.. I'm not holding my breath...
I mean I love sports, and rooting for the teams I like to root for.. But come on, my team doesn't have to be "morally superior" for me to enjoy watching a sporting event.. it's a sick, weird, ugly culture up there...

Really the fans have an inferiority complex. They will wildly follow anything the football team says and yell at anyone who opposes and point out straw man arguments instead.

Paterno had a superior complex perhaps thinking they were above the law, but that too could have also just been an inferiority complex of knowing he was nothing more than a coach of a podunk town's team in the middle of nowhere that none of the big cities cared about, and once he was an Ivy league student probably destined for big intellectual pursuits.
Really the fans have an inferiority complex. They will wildly follow anything the football team says and yell at anyone who opposes and point out straw man arguments instead.

Paterno had a superior complex perhaps thinking they were above the law, but that too could have also just been an inferiority complex of knowing he was nothing more than a coach of a podunk town's team in the middle of nowhere that none of the big cities cared about, and once he was an Ivy league student probably destined for big intellectual pursuits.
I would even dispute the latter. Despite the sappy stories about him preaching the merits of Homer, I'm not sure an English lit major -- even an Ivy League one -- automatically means you're destined for "big intellectual pursuits" outside of academia. (Yes, being well educated does usually make you a good critical thinker.) But, in fact, a deep thinker would have questioned his own morality even as Sandusky was running amok.
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Testify! We should all never forget the media's lapdog role at Penn State. How many children were unnecessarily raped because the media didn't do their job and treated Paterno like a demigod?
Particularly Pittsburgh media. Local yokel center county media wouldn’t risk their sustenance by telling the truth (though ironically it took one to ultimately do so, even though she had managed to escape to a job on the outside).

Pgh sports media, with tremendous varieties of other subjects to cover (so not a company store like in CC) almost to a man (and they are all males even in 2022) STILL say everything that happened there was fine. Why is that a reporter might write something questioning , say, Russia or Covid and gets immediately fired and ‘cancelled’ … but someone like Ron Cook can snidely continue to deny anything wrong happened there, and his job is safe?
Anytime I see someone wearing a penn state t shirt out and about I just look at them and say "joe knew". it pisses them off so much. I did it about half a dozen times last week in orlando.
I would even dispute the latter. Despite the sappy stories about him preaching the merits of Homer, I'm not sure English lit major -- even an Ivy League one -- automatically means you're destined for "big intellectual pursuits." In fact, a deep thinker would have questioned his own morality even as Sandusky was running amok.

I met Paterno, he wasnt an impressive thinker to me. Just grumbled a lot.
I dont mean he was a genius, just saying anyone who is accepted to any college, but moreso an Ivy league school, at the time thinks you are destined to intellectual pursuits. I know I was reading Schopenhauer, Kant, Sartre and Camus as a freshman thinking I was some intellectual at the time. I can only imagine what some bloated A-hole like Paterno was thinking at Brown.
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Anytime I see someone wearing a penn state t shirt out and about I just look at them and say "joe knew". it pisses them off so much. I did it about half a dozen times last week in orlando.
I always say, "We are ... because Sandusky was!"
I met Paterno, he wasnt an impressive thinker to me. Just grumbled a lot.
I dont mean he was a genius, just saying anyone who is accepted to any college, but moreso an Ivy league school, at the time thinks you are destined to intellectual pursuits. I know I was reading Schopenhauer, Kant, Sartre and Camus as a freshman thinking I was some intellectual at the time. I can only imagine what some bloated A-hole like Paterno was thinking at Brown.
As the onion has been peeled and the layers uncovered, it is very obvious JoePa had the Italian/American Brooklyn institution of "keep it ala famiglia" very much in his modus operandi on handling his organization. Even the Catholic Church.
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Anytime I see someone wearing a penn state t shirt out and about I just look at them and say "joe knew". it pisses them off so much. I did it about half a dozen times last week in orlando.
Do you really care that much to go there?