"We do not urinate on the fire"

Sometimes you just have to urinate, no matter what. If there is a fire there, you will urinate on it, if we have to go bad enough. We all know that to be true. Ergo, MT is being less than truthful.
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No, logic says one parent left and that has contributed to you being such an attention whore.


Your kids are going to be in the same boat after your wife finds out you took out a reverse mortgage to try and help Pitt outbid Cincinnati for a Third Team All-MAC linebacker.
You know Tomlin once said that when he was a young boy, he used to sit in his aunt's salon and just listen to middle aged black women conversation. He said that influenced his Tomlinisms.
You know Tomlin once said that when he was a young boy, he used to sit in his aunt's salon and just listen to middle aged black women conversation. He said that influenced his Tomlinisms.

Do you suppose the women in the salon talked much about urinating on a fire?

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