You get to be 15 again and live through any decade...

So basically time freezes in your current life and you go back to being 15 years old again. As soon as you turn 25 in this hypothetical life, you just return to exactly where you are today - same age, same circumstances, knowing the same people, etc. This hypothetical life is strictly "bonus time" for you to enjoy (hopefully). Also, if you die in your hypothetical life, only that life is over... you don't die in your current/real life.

In either life (your current life or your hypothetical life), you will have no knowledge of the other life. So, while choosing to go back to the time of the dinosaurs or the time of some Biblical happening(s) might seem appealing, it will not satisfy any curiosities you have today. And the same things happen (wars, social trends, etc.), but you don't get to have the benefit of hindsight or knowing how things will play out when you go back in time.

You must start at the "0" year of a particular decade. I know this is all a bit lengthy for something so trivial, but I'm just laying down the specifics to avoid all the potential loopholes, ha.

Which decade are you choosing and why?
The 70's (when I was 15--'79 barely). .Grew up in Johnstown. Pitt NC (they camped at UPJ back then--Jtown had a lot of Pitt fans--I'd say per capita more than Pittsburgh) in 76. . Pittsburgh sports ruled the decade. We had a killer freak flood that isolated us for weeks sans power with "shoot to kill" order for looters (cool stuff for a kid). Got me ready for this current predicament. We had a great movie filmed in town. Slapshot. Pretty cool for a kid also. My 8th parochial hoop team went 27-0 before losing our first game by a bucket in the state playoffs played at Central Catholic.... Pretty easy call for me... .
Absolutely -no question-without doubt—the 50’s. Why? Where to begin? We had Nat King Cole and Perry Cuomo. We had Moms that were always home to take care of everything that went on in our homes and throughout the neighborhood(yes,we had actual neighborhoods).We had sock hops,pep rallies,malt shops-we could stay out and play without worrying about safety,whether we missed a text,or if the AC was on or not(no one had such a thing),we had a party line phone,we had no social classes(none of us had anything)but we were happy.I could go on and on—but,as I look back,we were all united. We had just come off of WWII-and our fathers came home,bought a refrigerator and got on with life.Probably what helped us the most was we had no worries-we had a President(Ike) who was a war hero,had no ego,was not a braggart(unlike today’s pretender),and united us a one country-UNDIVIDED-we all believed in the gov’t because of the Truman’s,Eisenhower’s,Rayburns,Lodges,etc. I know that most of you do not understand-as you really had to live through it-but the 50’s really was the best of times. As a final thought-I was at the ‘55 Pitt-PSU game(at PSU)right after a great snowstorm-and watched Corny Salvaterra direct the Panthers to victory(20-0)I think.

yeah, it was great if you were a priest or a nun... No birth control pills and the latex rubber was not readily available...
yeah, it was great if you were a priest or a nun... No birth control pills and the latex rubber was not readily available...
I heard marriage and kids were all the rage back then...btw, were ya getting a lot of birth control needing action at 15?
I started the decade of the 70's with this looming over me. I was too young to remember.....but we had Allegheny County detectives watching my house 24/7 because of this guy.

Born in 53. Got to see all the cool stuff. No one had any idea what we doing. Under the radar. Today everyone wants to let everyone know what they do by the minute. I still stay in the shadows. “Keep your mouth shut and don’t rat on your friends”.
Being a Fiji at Pitt 71-75 was the time of my life. No rules.......
Wouldn’t change a thing......
Whatever the decade in the future will be where pleasure robots are ready for prime time; because 15 to 25 year old me will always be incompetent dealing with real women.
I wonder if there's an ideal year to have been born.
Again, I think demographics have alot to do with this. 1966---67 pretty ideal. Too young for Vietnam, late 60's riots and assassinations, Energy Crisis, really have an effect. You got to see and live most of your life with current technology, but you also have a time exposed to those 'good old days' when life was simpler. Pretty decent economic prosperity throughout our lives.

I think say a kid born 20 years later, lose some of that innocence by all of the electronic and social media, kids actually walk or bike over to someone else's house to play games and stuff, now everything is texted and almost supervised. There was much more hope then. Not so much now. The smaller suburban towns weren't in the blight as alot our today.