
He actually said that every single accuser is making it up for the money. That Jerry is a boy at heart and that's why he showed with the kids, roughhoused with them, invited them over, etc. He was trying to make Jerry sound like Michael Jackson as a defense of the man. Very disturbing.
I heard it as well. What a lunatic and I'm glad the hosts were taunting Ziegler near the end over his claim that there is a little boy in Jerry and how he's doing in prison. It pisses me off how the cult must think the world of John Ziegler.
Ziegler is a nut job who is an attention whore. Unfortunately to many people buy his crap. There is a reason Paterno family have distanced thenselves from the guy. He is a terrible person. He has also made some anti semantic comments and said the 6 million Jew deaths were fabricated and the number is closer to 2 million. The guy comes up with all these conspiracy theories like 9/11 to get attention.
Ziegler is a nut job who is an attention whore. Unfortunately to many people buy his crap. There is a reason Paterno family have distanced thenselves from the guy. He is a terrible person. He has also made some anti semantic comments and said the 6 million Jew deaths were fabricated and the number is closer to 2 million. The guy comes up with all these conspiracy theories like 9/11 to get attention.

Well you know what, he's yours so enjoy. Sadly, he and the cultists don't reflect all psu people (i know many folks who are repulsed by this and the cultists) but there are way more than just a handful.

And you are right-he's a terrible person. Period.
He actually said that every single accuser is making it up for the money. That Jerry is a boy at heart and that's why he showed with the kids, roughhoused with them, invited them over, etc. He was trying to make Jerry sound like Michael Jackson as a defense of the man. Very disturbing.
And Dennis Hastert used to sit in a recliner in front of the boys shower only to make sure there was no shenanigans and hazing going on.
If the silent alumni don't take a stand for their university, this will continue
I agree with Ratking on this.
I can understand the reasonably minded PSU fan being quiet for awhile, humbling accepting what happened and taking the criticism as deserved. But at this point, they need to speak up and tell the world that many of them are PSU fans who accept that Paterno and the university failed the victims, and they aren't defending anyone's reputation, and just want to move on.

Remaining quiet just enforces the view that all PSU fans are crazy Kool-aid drinkers. They can do what they want, but I'm just saying their silence is hurting them and the whole fan base and alumni. If I were them, I'd speak up, because others are mis-representing their POV.
John Zeigler investigated and defending Paterno, Sandusky and PSU would be like El Chapo investigating and defending ISIS's interrogation tactics.
Here's the cliff notes version on Ziegler...

He's from Bucks County and supposedly grew up in a very strict, Roman Catholic household (PA by birth, Nittany Lion by the Grace of God?) but ended up at Georgetown for his degree. He tried to do sports for local media outlets but failed miserably. He claims to have dated Ron Goldman's sister (that's the guy OJ murdered). He's shot his mouth off a few times using the "N-word" (on the air once) and it got him fired just as many times. So because of that, he convinced himself he's the last bastion of truth and free speech in America.

His radio show is basically the Limbaugh formula of blaming the media for all ills but tries to be edgy like Howard Stern. It usually ends badly which is self fulfilling because it allows him to pound his fist and self-righteously claim persecution. He's like that guy that's overly willing to share his opinion, talks to close, and you learn to actively avoid when you see him coming.

When it comes to PSU, my guess is, he's found some willing patsy's that are willing to agree with him so he caters to their interest. For all we know, the guy is just a fan boy with an actual microphone and a twitter account. You can pretty much expect that if he tweets about it, you'll see it on BWI.
If the silent alumni don't take a stand for their university, this will continue
So what should the silent alums do? My belief has long been that many people know far more than has been said. I also think that settling all the cases kept the power of subpoena away and that PSU was right to settle the cases. But suing insurance companies opened a can of worms.
Were I a PSU alum, my fear would be that by ousting the powers in charge I would leave PSU totally defenseless. What evils did they know about that did remain hidden from the world. It is a crap shoot and as long as there are vocal idiots like Funko Harris around to harass people, PSU could lose still more in this sad sad series of lies and cover ups.
If this happened at pitt I would demand pitt cleaned house and would withhold financial donations until they did so. I would also fight to return the school to its mission which is education first. I wouldn't allow tone deaf presidents to make ludicrous statements about the school being the victims.
If this happened at pitt I would demand pitt cleaned house and would withhold financial donations until they did so. I would also fight to return the school to its mission which is education first. I wouldn't allow tone deaf presidents to make ludicrous statements about the school being the victims.

A coach, administrator, professor, whoever raping and abusing little boys (or girls) absolutely could happen at Pitt. As it could at Notre Dame. As it could at Harvard. As it could at Michigan. Texas, even the Naval Academy. What wouldn't happen and in Pitt's case, couldn't would be a concerted 40 year sweep it under the rug cover up.
A coach, administrator, professor, whoever raping and abusing little boys (or girls) absolutely could happen at Pitt. As it could at Notre Dame. As it could at Harvard. As it could at Michigan. Texas, even the Naval Academy. What wouldn't happen and in Pitt's case, couldn't would be a concerted 40 year sweep it under the rug cover up.
yeah, we eat our own too much.. To think we'd cover this up is beyond comprehensible. we fired a coach for banging a cheerleading coach
yeah, we eat our own too much.. To think we'd cover this up is beyond comprehensible. we fired a coach for banging a cheerleading coach the end of the day, football for better or worse is not the driving force at the University of Pittsburgh. And Pitt football again for better or worse, is not the driving economic engine of the city of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.
So what should the silent alums do? My belief has long been that many people know far more than has been said. I also think that settling all the cases kept the power of subpoena away and that PSU was right to settle the cases. But suing insurance companies opened a can of worms.
Were I a PSU alum, my fear would be that by ousting the powers in charge I would leave PSU totally defenseless. What evils did they know about that did remain hidden from the world. It is a crap shoot and as long as there are vocal idiots like Funko Harris around to harass people, PSU could lose still more in this sad sad series of lies and cover ups.
This is what you're missing. We want it all out in the open. Every one of the Rat bastards. Believe me I know it could be ugly. Actually I know it will get uglier and it will tie certain BOT's to The Second Mile and Hershey as well if there is any justice at all. And if you think this was about football, you're not even remotely close.

“Joe allowed me to start the 2nd Mile”
- Sundusky

Old poopy pants was in charge of everything in creepy valley! Deal with it
This is what you're missing. We want it all out in the open. Every one of the Rat bastards. Believe me I know it could be ugly. Actually I know it will get uglier and it will tie certain BOT's to The Second Mile and Hershey as well if there is any justice at all. And if you think this was about football, you're not even remotely close.
I get that the disgusting pimping of young at risk boys to sick and perverted PSU and State bigwigs didn't have much to do with UPS football other than being run by an ex coach. But the cover-up had very much to do with the football program. And Joe and Tim and Graham and Tom and Larry all turned a blind eye to the pederast for the sake of the mythical image. And that is both disgusting and inexcusable.
This is what you're missing. We want it all out in the open. Every one of the Rat bastards. Believe me I know it could be ugly. Actually I know it will get uglier and it will tie certain BOT's to The Second Mile and Hershey as well if there is any justice at all. And if you think this was about football, you're not even remotely close.
Then you have an irresistible force against an immovable object and will never have resolution.
No sir, I am not naive. It has always and only been about power. Nothing more, nothing less.
The problem is within the Penn State Football CULTure, they are fighting among themselves, and Ziegler has posted emails Blehar sent to each other.

Blehar to his credit does not challenge Sandusky's Abuse of Children but does challenge the sloppy PAOAG Investigations and Freeh Report on those conclusions from sloppy and illegal leaks of Grand Jury Presentments, to his credit. The Criminal & Civil Lawsuits are being followed by him and I commend him doing it but disagree with some aspects of his own conclusions. Just me and Blehar does a good job to reflect on what happen and he will review other material as well and may change his views too.

Ziegler on the other hand, feels Sandusky never did anything and was railroaded and that conveys in all honesty that all the victims lied and just wanted money, and only a few Penn State Football CULTure Fans on BWI believe him anymore.

Bagwell to his credit too, and some others, are just going after Transparency and wants more Information released and then Blehar reviews and analyzes it. They want all the truth too. If it happens to be negative on Penn State Football, Paterno, or University they all stated like Clemente they will change their minds, but they want to see why many things were sealed, confidentiality agreements, and information on why, whom, and what caused rush to judgments that led to the Penn State University & Football Scandal.

However, so far I have not been able to read any of them challenge the Penn State 2012 Reforms. Lubrano has complained about the need for PSU putting them in the Reforms but he has voted and gone with some of them as well.

I have always posted without a doubt Penn State University AND the Penn State Football Program required many 2012 Reforms that the Penn State Football Scandal caused and it happen under the Paterno Era of Football at Penn State.

I am open to anyone that can say those reforms were wrong, unnecessary and should be removed, revoked, and no longer enforced?
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He actually said that every single accuser is making it up for the money. That Jerry is a boy at heart and that's why he showed with the kids, roughhoused with them, invited them over, etc. He was trying to make Jerry sound like Michael Jackson as a defense of the man. Very disturbing.

When confronted by the mother of the victim shortly after the 1998 incident, Sandusky said (not a direct quote, paraphrased from memory) "You probably hate me now, I wish I was dead". He wrote disturbing letters that sounded like lamenting a break-up love letters to a victim several years after the fact. He was caught in the act by not one but two individuals (unfortunately one is no longer competent to testify but at the time was afraid to speak out since he was a "lowly" janitor and Sandusky was such a revered figure). Most acts of abuse are rarely witnessed and this case had two!! Each victim told a similar story of patterned abuse and had no knowledge of each other to "collaborate" their stories.

This case has more evidence than the OJ Simpson murders. Outside of the DA catching him in the act, there is no way any sane person can be convinced of Sandusky's innocence. to think otherwise is truly insane.
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When confronted by the mother of the victim shortly after the 1998 incident, Sandusky said (not a direct quote, paraphrased from memory) "You probably hate me now, I wish I was dead". He wrote disturbing letters that sounded like lamenting a break-up love letters to a victim several years after the fact. He was caught in the act by not one but two individuals (unfortunately one is no longer competent to testify but at the time was afraid to speak out since he was a "lowly" janitor and Sandusky was such a revered figure). Most acts of abuse are rarely witnessed and this case had two!! Each victim told a similar story of patterned abuse and had no knowledge of each other to "collaborate" their stories.

This case has more evidence than the OJ Simpson murders. Outside of the DA catching him in the act, there is no way any sane person can be convinced of Sandusky's innocence. to think otherwise is truly insane.
All good points, and now the MEDIA is in full bloom and search mode and it is because many of the PSU Football CULTure Fans attacked them, and quoted Frank Fina, Paterno's Lawyers, Clemente, Thornburgh, Blehar, Bagwell, Ziegler and many more.....and now that they are about to get their demands and wishes possibly before a Judge that dropped that Bombshell, we shall see how it is all comes out or is handled or see many Civil Lawsuits dropped, dismissed or settled.
In June, Sandusky's Lawyers go for their Post Appeal Convictions Hearing and win a New Trial to prove Children were lying and Frank Fina violated Sandusky's rights and committed alleged Prosecution Misconduct ending up Unsealing everything?
Penn State starts selling Branch Campuses to PENN, Pitt, CMU, Temple, and Big Ten Schools to pay for all the costs of this growing Scandal that has more Ink & TV today than the last 4 years?

As stated, when one opens a Can of Worms for Fish Bait one does not always catch any Fish and ends up losing a lot of money trying and wish they could it all back?

Oh well, one person can always turn Lemon into Lemonade and this gives Penn State Biggy Talker Coach Jimmy Franky a way out to leave the Penn State Program, by saying, one can't coach or move on, when the university is divided??????????????? I can hear Jimmy now, I can't beat Temple, Michigan, Pitt, OSU, Iowa and MSU with Paterno's Clouds over me.

While this happens, Coach Pat & Staff will nab some more Penn State Recruits and De-Commits in the PSU ProCessPool, where a Student Athlete just wants to play Football and go to Classes without a Scandal Headline facing something new every day?

Hackenberg is happy he left, O'Brien couldn't wait, and now more will follow like Franklin, Just A Hunch!

The Legacy not looking towards a brighter future anymore!
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As I've said all along. ups settled a lot of claims very, very quickly to not have
skeletons in their closet!
This is what you're missing. We want it all out in the open. Every one of the Rat bastards. Believe me I know it could be ugly. Actually I know it will get uglier and it will tie certain BOT's to The Second Mile and Hershey as well if there is any justice at all. And if you think this was about football, you're not even remotely close.

The darkest day of this scandal has yet to dawn.

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