• N
    NCanton Panther replied to the thread Joey Porter Jr. Sucks.
    Yeah, you’re right about that, Queen had a stinker of a game today as well. Good thing the offense showed up today in a big way to bail...
  • P
    Poonugget_ACC replied to the thread Jaland Lowe NBA.
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  • HOF Coach
    HOF Coach replied to the thread Volleyball Tournament Tickets.
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  • TD_6082
    TD_6082 replied to the thread Biggest shots in Pitt history.
    How much time was left? That's been 15 years ago.
  • P
    We beat them 3-1 at the YUM Center. We beat Wisconsin at Wisconsin in the elite 8 in 2022. To really good teams, it doesn't matter.
  • J
    You might think that, but pretty much every sports organization in the country clearly disagrees with you.
  • S
    Sean Miller Fan replied to the thread Syracuse/Miami.
    They absolutely will. Miami is out. You cant put 2 loss Miami with 0 quality wins over 3 loss Alabama.
  • S
    steelcurtain55. replied to the thread The Narduzzi Contract.
    He's missed on 80-90% of the top area players in the DMV for the past 4-5 years. Maryland is an after-thought for the top area talent...
  • Atwood409
    Atwood409 replied to the thread Rivals Tweet.
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  • E
    Elsalvador replied to the thread Portal recruits.
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  • S
    Not necessarily. And Fields vs Xavier wasnt a buzzer beater. Its hard to make the list as a big shot if it was with 2 minutes to go in...
  • S
    Yes. I think Sunday early evenings are perfect for attendance if you must play on a Sunday. I think the schools can almost name their...
  • N
    NotAnOaklandGuy replied to the thread Neal brown.
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  • J
    I wonder if they are setting it up for all day soccer on Saturday. Either us or OSU hosting at 1:00 eastern, the Denver game at 3...
  • daminals76
    daminals76 replied to the thread Rivals Tweet.
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  • mike412
    mike412 replied to the thread Mens Soccer-let’s just win it..
    TOSU won on PKs 4-2. Three of their PKs were unstoppable. High and in a corner. Didn’t matter if GK guessed right. Those are impossible...
  • F
    Frabjous replied to the thread WVU's Brown is out.
    The guitar kid from Deliverance.
  • Lothrop22
    Lothrop22 replied to the thread Rivals Tweet.
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  • TD_6082
    TD_6082 replied to the thread Biggest shots in Pitt history.
    Does the criteria have to be a buzzer beater? If so, I would probably vote Fields vs Xavier. However the Jerome Lane slam is the shot...
  • M
    My family is considering coming to Pittsburgh this weekend for the volleyball tournament. I was wondering if tickets are purchased...
  • J
    I take that back. The NCAA doesn't have days and times for yesterday's winner on their web site, but SMU's web site says that they are...
  • sherepower
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  • J
    I wonder if the four teams that played yesterday will play Friday and the four that play today will play Saturday? But on the other...
  • C
    Very true
