11th game rumor

I heard they are getting a team of Pitt alumni together to play Sept 12. Guys who didn't make the NFL and/or are just recently out of the league.
Well Upper Saint Clair has an opening that weekend since Mount Lebanon had to cancel their first game :D
I heard they are getting a team of Pitt alumni together to play Sept 12. Guys who didn't make the NFL and/or are just recently out of the league.
Mean Machine! ...Mean Machine!...Mean Machine!
I read somewhere that Temple said they weren't interested.

We (my other we, that is) have an "acting" athletic director who isn't acting like one. The position became vacant last month when Pat Kraft took the Boston College job. So, Temple slid the former basketball coach into the interim role since they were paying him to do nothing . . . and they're still paying him to do nothing.
North Texas State does have an opening for that date. Other FCS possibilities include Austin Peay and Jacksonville State. Time is running out.Need to act soon.
Looks like it’s official. Just announced Austin Peay. Good work Heather. Let’s hope we could kick it off on that date.
I wonder when they might plan on starting to tell people what is going on as far as attendance goes? But then again, that game is still 2-1/2 weeks away, so plenty of time.
