It was indeed 303 yards. I believe this still stands as the single game rushing record against ND. I was at that was one of the most unbelievable performances I've ever seen.303 yds right?
I was at the game, too, and share your sentiments completely. A beautiful, sunny, November afternoon, and Tony just lit them up. Yes, it is still the single game rushing record against ND, 45 years later.It was indeed 303 yards. I believe this still stands as the single game rushing record against ND. I was at that was one of the most unbelievable performances I've ever seen.
Thx 4 posting, TD is my favorite football player of All-Time! The acceleration he had was just amazing.
Man, I wasn’t around in the 70’s, but I imagine it was a pretty good time to be a Pitt fan!
Student from 77-81 and it was a great time to be a Panther. No coaches raping young boys
Don’t know if anyone on here is as old as I am (hope not),but Lee Majors(the six million dollar man) was stage named Majors because of his friendship with Johnny Majors family-If memory serves,Johnny’s dad was the high school coach for Johnny and Lee. Well,Lee was married to Farrah Fawcett during 1975,and they were at this game. I actually remember them walking up the steps at Pitt Stadium. Also-Penn State was idle that weekend and Paterno and his staff were there(and took a lot of ribbing). Great memories. PS- If you have never watched this video,do so to see Gordon Jones punt return.