I wanted to post this before the Miami game but it took me 4 days and a lot of Tito’s to realize it’s still true. I’ve always been a Pitt fan, born it Pittsburgh and raised in C-bus. I quite comfortable watching Pitt go 7-6 or -8-4 and say next year. I‘Ve seen a lot of bad Pitt football and living in Columbus it’s compounded by comparing to Buckeye fans. My point... Coach Nard dog is a good coach, he has beaten who he should have and hasn’t played down to his opponents. Is as Pitt fans don’t appreciate the wins just look forward to the next win to get us “ranked” and it’s pathetic. I for one am glad to no longer flinch when playing the teams we should dominate. Live in the moment enjoy the team we have instead of looking forward to next year.