yeah, comment was off a bit. I mean, what is our system? Are we a jet sweep team because we ran it one year? are we a "Chaney system" guy because we ran that for one year. I don't really think pitt has a system, especially since our QB left and he was the one that really made it work with the quick reads..force feeding a "system" on the new oc is not a good idea. its just like the next time we hire an DC, will be hard to find a quality guy if he knows it won't be his system.
I am not up on the specific details and leave that to Posters, Peak's Podcasts, and enjoying reading and learning from themI think we could hire anyone and it would be like Canada this year. Basically we line up and run a pro style offense, anything innovative you wanna run can be through that. But they're not gonna let a spread offense type guy totally revamp the offense to something like that, you know an offense that wouldn't involve George Aston. The new coordinator can run it his way, I think he's just basically saying he can't completely overhaul the offense to a system we don't have players for a la Graham in 2011 with tino and co. Running the spread.
Of all the players, it just has to be AB lol.also said what a great benefit that Pitt shares the south side facility with the Steelers. the moms just love it . go figure. I guess the moms like taking pictures with AB according to Duzz. So much for the Ruiney haters. lol.
We ran sweeps with Boyd, too.yeah, comment was off a bit. I mean, what is our system? Are we a jet sweep team because we ran it one year? are we a "Chaney system" guy because we ran that for one year. I don't really think pitt has a system, especially since our QB left and he was the one that really made it work with the quick reads..