Thanks a million...worked like a charm!Here are a few links to help get you started:
Thanks a million...worked like a charm!Here are a few links to help get you started:
I will be honest, I absolutely hated going pretty much all podcasts from Peak. I rarely listened. I want to read at my own pace, during conference/training calls, I can't do that with podcasts.I don't understand why most wouldn't just stay here.
Peak's posts in a nutshell:
"Who are the top five players on the team this week?"
"What are the top five Narduzzi wins?"
"Pitt keeping a close eye on a freshman running back who graduates in three years."
Him leaving doesn't necessarily change this board much.
I will be honest, I absolutely hated going pretty much all podcasts from Peak. I rarely listened. I want to read at my own pace, during conference/training calls, I can't do that with podcasts.
Peak is so dry. Awful delivery . Like watching paint dry. He won’t be missed. He’s no JJ Kitchen.
There’s a lot of people that can do a podcast and default to “can be really good” when talking about any unit or player.
Haha, yeah - neither of the two above do it for me. Peak is kind of repetitive and, while I don't dislike him at all, pretty uninteresting in that role. Kitchen, on the other hand, seems aggressively overly-optimistic and homerish.
I kind of just want someone who tells it like it is - good and bad - and does so in an engaging way. I don't doubt that it's not the easiest thing in the world to produce 20 minutes of content every day. At the same time, no one says he has to do it every day.
Now to be fair to Peak, his “this guy/unit can be really good” view of everything is pretty standard amongst all these guys.
If you listen to Bud Elliot’s summer school, all he has on is 247 board guys to discuss their team. And all of them have a “glass overflowing” view of their team.
I've seen a few of those and have kind of interpreted it as them thinking that's how Bud Elliot wanted them to act or something. Because there's no way any of them could be that dense. Although a few of them barely sounded like they were plugged into the team they supposedly cover.
In general, I prefer podcasts that include a couple different people having a discussion, rather than someone going off on a soliloquy, which I feel lends itself to saying the same things multiple times.
He's an idiot. He's proven that a million times over. If could have gotten a real job, he would have.Peak is so dry. Awful delivery . Like watching paint dry. He won’t be missed. He’s no JJ Kitchen.
He's an idiot. He's proven that a million times over. If could have gotten a real job, he would have.