A fitting end


All American
Jul 27, 2001
to a crap game and a crap season. This is the worst Pitt team I can remember since the bad old days of Paul Evans. The most difficult part of this season is that it's now more then just a one year aberration. We've missed the dance 2 of 4 years and those years we did get in we were nowhere near previous Pitt teams.

I've seen posters who think that it's too early to say that we're in a downward trend. To them I simply say you're whistling past the grave yard. This is a program moving in the wrong direction. That doesn't mean that it's impossible to turn it around, but denial of the problem is part of the problem.

Jamie needs to go home, pour a very large scotch, and take a long look in the mirror because he has lost a lot off his fast ball in the past 4 years.

As I was reading the last sentence of the post I thought about what Jamie's choices are.
1. Take these players and try to rebuild with whatever strengths he can help to develop?
2. Force a bunch of players out and bring in ...who?
3. Move on to another job thinking the change will be a win-win situation for he and Pitt?

Interesting but time will tell.