I mean....we've had some success, gosh.
2 Big Ten Titles (better than Michigan), beat Ohio State 3 times (sadly, that's more than anybody else), beat Florida State, LSU, Texas A&M, & Tennessee (when they were good) in bowl games, three 11 win seasons. considering the last couple years.....ehh, we haven't been too bad, in my opinion. Michigan, on the other hand, has been awful.......how's their recruiting going? just fine....ya know why?.....because they're Michigan. sorta the same reason why our recruiting is going just fine. the old regime was holding us back.
Pitt should've kept Wanny. he was a beast recruiter, and he was dedicated to the program....plus he had a great stache. Pitt sorely misses a Pitt guy...or a Pittsburgh guy.
we'll see what Narduzzi does, but recruiting's been underwhelming thus far. obviously, win some games....that'll change.