Lyke gets it. Hired a great soccer coach, which is on the verge of making the tourney. I never thought we would of gotten Capel, a coach who has been to the Elite 8 in the dumpster fire we had. I trust her to review next year. Heck, since the extension, Narduzzi technically produced a coastal division championship - not the prettiest, but still a result. The Capel hire makes me wonder who she might lure in. I don't think finances is a limiting factor unless she decided to go all in on MBB. Heck, we still have an outside shot at 9-10 wins this year. Is it Narduzzi's fault he lost 2 games where the other team had 30+ more 4 star players? We should all be happy we haven't gotten blown away like years past. The angst shows how far we really have come. Next year was always supposed to be the break out year. Many predicted 5-7 wins this year, which will be eclipsed.