Baseball Coach Joe Jordano. Knows Pitt, knows the money people, learned (by observation) the successes and failures of prior AD's and has the respect of Trustees, Coaches, Alumni, the Department and the greater Pittsburgh community.
LOL.Baseball Coach Joe Jordano. Knows Pitt, knows the money people, learned (by observation) the successes and failures of prior AD's and has the respect of Trustees, Coaches, Alumni, the Department and the greater Pittsburgh community.
The OP is on record as advocating for Pitt to drop down to Div 2 or 3 in sports.Nobody in the Pittsburgh community has a clue who he is. If you think anybody besides a handfull of Pitt people followed Pitt baseball, then you sir are nuts.
Baseball Coach Joe Jordano. Knows Pitt, knows the money people, learned (by observation) the successes and failures of prior AD's and has the respect of Trustees, Coaches, Alumni, the Department and the greater Pittsburgh community.
Baseball Coach Joe Jordano. Knows Pitt, knows the money people, learned (by observation) the successes and failures of prior AD's and has the respect of Trustees, Coaches, Alumni, the Department and the greater Pittsburgh community.
And look at how their football programs are going?Don't think it will happen but that seems to be a new trend in college sport hiring the baseball coach as AD. South Carolina, LSU, GA Tech and few other southern schools have done it in the past few years and Mississippi State did it a few months ago.
Hilarious. Few even know what the job of as an AD does. Most of this board knows less. I hope you'll get behind our new AD. If you met him, you know it was the best choice for Pitt. H2P!
You are a clown. You have stated that your desire is for Pitt to drop down to D2 or D3 for sports.Hilarious. Few of you even know what the job of an AD. Most of this board knows less. I hope you'll get behind our new AD. If you met him, you know he was the best choice for Pitt. H2P!
Why would someone desire for pitt to drop down to d2 or d3? That doesn't make sense. I could see if you hated pitt, taking joy in that but if you are a pitt fan or alum, why would you ever possibly desire that? There is literally no possible explanation for a pitt fan wanting that.You are a clown. You have stated that your desire is for Pitt to drop down to D2 or D3 for sports.
And that is why everything that is posted by him should be treated in the same manner as a PS troll.Why would someone desire for pitt to drop down to d2 or d3? That doesn't make sense. I could see if you hated pitt, taking joy in that but if you are a pitt fan or alum, why would you ever possibly desire that? There is literally no possible explanation for a pitt fan wanting that.
Baseball Coach Joe Jordano. Knows Pitt, knows the money people, learned (by observation) the successes and failures of prior AD's and has the respect of Trustees, Coaches, Alumni, the Department and the greater Pittsburgh community.
I highly doubt that...If you follow Pitt at all you know who he is.Heck,I even knew who the previous Baseball coach was...If you didn't know it was Mark Jackson.And No, it isn't the former St.John's basketball player.Do you know who Oval Jaynes was?? Maybe I'm getting into too much Pitt triva.LOLReally???
Its Pitt BASEBALL for Gods sake.
Im guessing there are people AFFILIATED WITH THE UNIVERSITY that dont even know who this guy is......