Am I reading this correctly. Starting this weekend all MLB games are 7 inning

Last nights pirate game is what’s wrong with baseball. Both teams combined for a gazillion strikeouts. People don’t want to watch that slow boring garbage. They want to see bats hit balls in play that generates ACTION. Base runners and throws from the outfield etc. what a joke baseball is. Nobody wants to watch some .250 hitter step out of the box after every pitch to redo his wrist bands.

the owners are making money but the game is going down the tubes. The younger generation doesn’t care for slow sporting events that have no action. They will put 80,000 in the Atlanta stadium to watch soccer because it has more excitement and you are out of the stadium in 2 and 1/2 hours
Last nights pirate game is what’s wrong with baseball. Both teams combined for a gazillion strikeouts. People don’t want to watch that slow boring garbage. They want to see bats hit balls in play that generates ACTION. Base runners and throws from the outfield etc. what a joke baseball is. Nobody wants to watch some .250 hitter step out of the box after every pitch to redo his wrist bands.

the owners are making money but the game is going down the tubes. The younger generation doesn’t care for slow sporting events that have no action. They will put 80,000 in the Atlanta stadium to watch soccer because it has more excitement and you are out of the stadium in 2 and 1/2 hours
Soccer- seriously. Who wants to watch a 3 hour marathon to see a 0-0 tie.
Last nights pirate game is what’s wrong with baseball. Both teams combined for a gazillion strikeouts. People don’t want to watch that slow boring garbage. They want to see bats hit balls in play that generates ACTION. Base runners and throws from the outfield etc. what a joke baseball is. Nobody wants to watch some .250 hitter step out of the box after every pitch to redo his wrist bands.

the owners are making money but the game is going down the tubes. The younger generation doesn’t care for slow sporting events that have no action. They will put 80,000 in the Atlanta stadium to watch soccer because it has more excitement and you are out of the stadium in 2 and 1/2 hours

My kid lives and breathes baseball. Plays 100+ games per year between HS, travel and legion.

He’ll sit and watch another travel or even little league game, but can’t stand watching pro ball.
Now teams will be at the ballpark for six hours. That means game that starts at 7:10 PM will last until after 1:00 AM.
At least the snooze fest season will be over twice as fast.
He had a good argument until soccer. OMG, talk about boring. Do they ever score
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It's been a while since I lived in a minor league baseball town (not counting my last relocation from the 'Burgh two decades ago :D). but I seem to recall doubleheaders there were seven-inning games.
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Hopefully they can eventually whittle the games down to zero innings.
They have been talking about seven innings for doubleheaders (only) since they started putting a plan together. They are doing it for the same reason as the moronic rule that puts a runner on second base to start extra innings. To try to not have games last so long.

Which is, of course, the same reason why regular season NHL games have a five minute overtime, regular season NFL games have ten minute overtimes, regular season NBA games have five minute overtimes, and so on throughout sports. Teams don't want games lasting all night.
Baseball is starting to mirror the NBA for me. I used to love NBA basketball, but I lost interest as the league evolved from the 90’s to today.

MLB is becoming unwatchable with the slow pace & high strikeouts. Analytics may be great, but putting the ball in play substantially less while making games longer isn’t fan friendly.
the owners are making money but the game is going down the tubes. The younger generation doesn’t care for slow sporting events that have no action. They will put 80,000 in the Atlanta stadium to watch soccer because it has more excitement and you are out of the stadium in 2 and 1/2 hours

The best part of soccer is the time. I think all big time TV sports should try to keep games in a 2.5-hour window rather than a 3-hour time slot. It's particularly nice if you go to games because of the time it takes to commute with traffic and then walking in and out of the stadium. College football is bad with most games going at least 3.5 hours.

However, I disagree about soccer having more excitement. I enjoy going to soccer games, but just because they're dribbling the ball doesn't make it exciting. There are about as many exciting moments in a soccer game as a 4-3 baseball game, except 5 of those moments are shots that miss the net by 10 yards. The players flopping also really takes away from the game.
Giants ruined AAA baseball in Sacramento.. Rivercats used to be affiliated with the As.. nice ballpark.. inexpensive.. fun atmosphere.. sitting in picnic lawn was fun.. buy a few affordable beers and a dog...
Then Giants took over the team..
Jacked up prices for tickets and beer and food.. banned bringing in any snacks from outside.. just a crazy expensive deal now.... corporate greed atmosphere...
Loved going to bucco games as a kid in the 70s.. now I can't even tolerate local AAA team..
Twilight doubleheaders used to start at 5:30. With the pace of today's game that puts the finish at past midnight. 7 inning games? Maybe 2 strike strikeouts, 5 ball walks, 4 run inning wins game, screw it hit off a tee.
Last nights pirate game is what’s wrong with baseball. Both teams combined for a gazillion strikeouts. People don’t want to watch that slow boring garbage. They want to see bats hit balls in play that generates ACTION. Base runners and throws from the outfield etc. what a joke baseball is. Nobody wants to watch some .250 hitter step out of the box after every pitch to redo his wrist bands.

the owners are making money but the game is going down the tubes. The younger generation doesn’t care for slow sporting events that have no action. They will put 80,000 in the Atlanta stadium to watch soccer because it has more excitement and you are out of the stadium in 2 and 1/2 hours
I agree. The game is becoming unwatchable. Wayyyyy too long between the expanded commercial breaks, pitching changes and glacially s-l-o-w pace of play. Bash or whiff. It is ridiculous. I've been a baseball nut for most of my 60 years. Never dreamed I'd find a PCN documentary about pretzel making more interesting than baseball.
I agree. The game is becoming unwatchable. Wayyyyy too long between the expanded commercial breaks, pitching changes and glacially s-l-o-w pace of play. Bash or whiff. It is ridiculous. I've been a baseball nut for most of my 60 years. Never dreamed I'd find a PCN documentary about pretzel making more interesting than baseball.

This launch angle baseball is indeed boring
Last nights pirate game is what’s wrong with baseball. Both teams combined for a gazillion strikeouts. People don’t want to watch that slow boring garbage. They want to see bats hit balls in play that generates ACTION. Base runners and throws from the outfield etc. what a joke baseball is. Nobody wants to watch some .250 hitter step out of the box after every pitch to redo his wrist bands.

the owners are making money but the game is going down the tubes. The younger generation doesn’t care for slow sporting events that have no action. They will put 80,000 in the Atlanta stadium to watch soccer because it has more excitement and you are out of the stadium in 2 and 1/2 hours
I don't think people want to see 5 guys on one side of the infield. Why do pull hitters continue to try and pull the ball? Just bunt it down the 3rd base side. The sport is garbage right now.
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Don't need to. I'm enforcing a rule in my house from now until December 31, 2020 that if anyone turns a Pirate game on the living room TV, I am legally allowed to terminate their life. Not sure if it would hold up in court, though.

No jury of your true peers would dare convict.
Don't need to. I'm enforcing a rule in my house from now until December 31, 2020 that if anyone turns a Pirate game on the living room TV, I am legally allowed to terminate their life. Not sure if it would hold up in court, though.
I have imposed that same rule on myself, especially with NHL playoffs cranking up and the NFL on track for Sept, there is no way I will be caught watching a pitch of any MLB game — playoffs included. And this is from someone who used to rate MLB as #1 when growing up in the 80s and early 90s.
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I have imposed that same rule on myself, especially with NHL playoffs cranking up and the NFL on track for Sept, there is no way I will be caught watching a pitch of any MLB game — playoffs included. And this is from someone who used to rate MLB as #1 when growing up in the 80s and early 90s.

Yeah, baseball always used to be my #1 as well. Just can't stand it anymore.
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Don't need to. I'm enforcing a rule in my house from now until December 31, 2020 that if anyone turns a Pirate game on the living room TV, I am legally allowed to terminate their life. Not sure if it would hold up in court, though.
I have imposed that same rule on myself, especially with NHL playoffs cranking up and the NFL on track for Sept, there is no way I will be caught watching a pitch of any MLB game — playoffs included. And this is from someone who used to rate MLB as #1 when growing up in the 80s and early 90s.
Just says 7-inning double headers.
Maybe single games are still 9

There’s already ALOT of games to make up

Baseball is starting to mirror the NBA for me. I used to love NBA basketball, but I lost interest as the league evolved from the 90’s to today.

MLB is becoming unwatchable with the slow pace & high strikeouts. Analytics may be great, but putting the ball in play substantially less while making games longer isn’t fan friendly.

Baseball would be a better product if all games were only 7 innings, imo.
O don't get me started..... LOL.
I haven’t watched much baseball the last 5 years so do they still display AVG, HR and RBI when batters come up, or are they showing the new-age stats instead? Honest question. I don’t watch at all.