Another "ACC" fan experience survey

Sean Miller Fan

All P I T T !
Oct 30, 2001
I think they send these after every game. I did the first couple but they are too long and reduntant that I've stopped.

Lyke is either planning major changes or they have money left on their JD Power contact that is use or lose by year end because these surveys are relentless.
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they are too long and redundant....hmmmm? reminds me of someone from around these parts but I just can't put a finger on it...
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I think they send these after every game. I did the first couple but they are too long and reduntant that I've stopped.

Lyke is either planning major changes or they have money left on their JD Power contact that is use or lose by year end because these surveys are relentless.

Next week we're going to get a survey to about our satisfaction level with the type and number of surveys. This kind of thing is par for the course with the current administration.
You guys whine about everything. This survey was done by the ACC. Most but not all matters were covered by the Pitt survey. My comments were typical. My only objection to Heinz is that it just too damn big for our fanbase ( 30 TO 45k).
Tell them that the ACC should invest $100 million to the Pitt Stadium fund over a 30 year period.
Was at the Steelers game last night. Attendance was off a little, and the stadium didn’t feel like it was “rocking” like it normally does. That being said, I envisioned the upper decks being tarped off and while it might improve the optics, the atmosphere would still suck. 25-30K cheering still doesn’t create a good environment in a 65K stadium
Next week we're going to get a survey to about our satisfaction level with the type and number of surveys. This kind of thing is par for the course with the current administration.

I'm waiting for the survey that asks for fans preferred starting time for games with three choices, 12:00, 12:20 and 12:30.

"We have heard from our fans loud and clear that they do not like all the noon starts. Therefore, all home games will be starting at 11AM."
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"We have heard from our fans loud and clear that they do not like all the noon starts. Therefore, all home games will be starting at 11AM."

"And due to popular demand, we've added a 12:15 start time. Expect 2 more surveys in short order"

"Which minute in the noon hour do you most prefer we start our home games?"

Drop down menu with 60 options

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So I reached out to the College Soundoff Board about this ACC survey and not everyone has received it. At least two with season tickets- from Clemson and Miami- haven't received anything all year. Waiting to see if any other schools respond.

SMF: Are you sure these are from the ACC or maybe it's something from Pitt?

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