Anyone catch Franco interview on Fan?

I couldn't listen to the whole interview .

This imbecile can't string 2 sentences together ....I had to switch to DVE.....
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Not to mix this thread with Politics...but my wife was going to vote for Hilary until she made her last stop in Pittsburgh. She was escorted to the stage by Franco (and Mel Blount I think). At that point my wife became angry and wondered why she would associate herself with someone like him(Franco) .
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Not to mix this thread with Politics...but my wife was going to vote for Hilary until she made her last stop in Pittsburgh. She was escorted to the stage by Franco (and Mel Blount I think). At that point my wife became angry and wondered why she would associate herself with someone like him(Franco) .

Hillary is a Nitter. Well, at least her father and brother were Nitters.
Why was your wife escorted on the stage with Franco and Mel?

Not to mix this thread with Politics...but my wife was going to vote for Hilary until she made her last stop in Pittsburgh. She was escorted to the stage by Franco (and Mel Blount I think). At that point my wife became angry and wondered why she would associate herself with someone like him(Franco) .
I thought the morning show guys did well (I only heard the first portion). They certainly weren't buying into Franco's delusions. Franco did not come across well, or even lucid.
You guys are acting like the Fan put him on so he can defend Joe and they agree. To the contrary. He called in and asked to be on to say his piece on the Wisky player who called him a piece of garbage.

The Fan saw this as the potential car wreck that it could be, and for the most part it was. The Fan hosts weren't buying any of it and kept on saying basically "but Joe was the guy, the boss", etc....

Franco was completely incoherent, rambling and just showing that Grade A Nitter education that he received.
The station is mostly terrible now, even by Pittsburgh radio standards.
Wife and I listened to The Fan the first hour ( we lose the signal at the first tunnel on the PA turnpike) of our 4.5 hr trip home and it has really gone downhill. We left Pittsburgh around 7:45 am and the two guys on were so bad we wondered how they got jobs on radio.
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You guys are acting like the Fan put him on so he can defend Joe and they agree. To the contrary. He called in and asked to be on to say his piece on the Wisky player who called him a piece of garbage.

The Fan saw this as the potential car wreck that it could be, and for the most part it was. The Fan hosts weren't buying any of it and kept on saying basically "but Joe was the guy, the boss", etc....

Franco was completely incoherent, rambling and just showing that Grade A Nitter education that he received.
Thanks, Recruits. The OP asked a simple, basic question: what was discussed. About 20 posts later you finally answer the question that every other poster ignored... namely, what the hell did Franco say and why was he even on!!??
Thanks, Recruits. The OP asked a simple, basic question: what was discussed. About 20 posts later you finally answer the question that every other poster ignored... namely, what the hell did Franco say and why was he even on!!??

Franco also said that De'Andre Levy's current injuries are :"karma" from him dissing JoePa. Yes, he said that.
As longas PSU people keep punching back this will never ever go away and I'll love every minute of it. Been five years since this all started and we're still hearing outcry for the dead gym teacher.
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Wife and I listened to The Fan the first hour ( we lose the signal at the first tunnel on the PA turnpike) of our 4.5 hr trip home and it has really gone downhill. We left Pittsburgh around 7:45 am and the two guys on were so bad we wondered how they got jobs on radio.
Same with us every home game weekend! I'm sure we've passed each other dozens if not 100's times. Always roll out about that time too. Always stop in Somerset rest stop for coffee. LOL
Creatures of habit!
I have to say that overall I feel the FAN is trending down even more in terms of the quality of their product if it was possible. They have hit on a formula that works for them, they have no FM competition for true sports talk save Madden in the afternoon and he's incredibly polarizing.

I think the morning show is decent. After that it's literally horrible. They're basically banking on people tuning in just because it's sports talk no matter how good or bad the actual discussion is. And so far it seems to be working. Just don't think they can keep it going forever without actually improving their on-air talent. Some of those guys aren't even qualified to run a vacuum cleaner in the studio.