I believe this is the academic progress rate which measures the retention levels of players that enter a school and finish their degree according to the NCAA. Well if the meaning of this benchmark is what I understand it to be than -not only Pitt but a majority of teams will suffer dramatically because of the transfer portal and the free one year transfer rule about to be official soon. This is especially so in hoops because of the smaller rosters as opposed to football. For example In Capels two classes McGOWENS, Johnson, Toney, Murphyand Drumgogle have transferred out so Pitt,s APR will take a dramatic hit.Add that to the Stallings era and we may be towards the bottom tier of schools. Meanwhile Pitt.
Meanwhile Pitt is in much better shape for football with few transfers over the past few years. However I do expect several transfers at the end of spring ball and the semester among those that don’t appear to factor into plans of the staff for next season. One Quarterback is likely if a backup is established after spring ball.
Meanwhile Pitt is in much better shape for football with few transfers over the past few years. However I do expect several transfers at the end of spring ball and the semester among those that don’t appear to factor into plans of the staff for next season. One Quarterback is likely if a backup is established after spring ball.