This is kind of funny but the point is very valid.
This is kind of funny but the point is very valid.
Thirty years ago, you were soft if you wanted water at practice.
Try eating 10,000 calories a day with 3+ gallons a day of water while you strength train. Protein and Water with proper stretching and exercise, no creatine, PED's, and steroids which will kill you at a young age. This picture is a joke.
I don't know what that means.
I don't know what that means.
I am glad I am not the only one completely confused by his post. I think it is the creatine.
So the Patriots are huge, particularly Rodney Harrison? No wonder they dominate the league and Brady gets all those models...This has been around for awhile.
A friend of mine had a relative on the Patriots and they are huge on this. Rodney Harrison was all over this.
So the Patriots are huge, particularly Rodney Harrison? No wonder they dominate the league and Brady gets all those models...