Are you hydrating like a champion?

Very uncool to take pictures in the toilet.

They have pictures like this in the toilets at the rugby stadium here. But they compare the urine colour to beer styles. No, I will not take a picture.
This has been around for awhile.

A friend of mine had a relative on the Patriots and they are huge on this. Rodney Harrison was all over this.
Thirty years ago, you were soft if you wanted water at practice.

-Which is idiot mentality. Water makes you a powerhouse, not weak. People dont know shit about strength training and power lifting and strength gain without the use of performance enhancing drugs and steroids.

-Try eating 10,000 calories a day with 3+ gallons a day of water while you strength train. Protein and Water with proper stretching and exercise, no creatine, PED's, and steroids which will kill you at a young age. This picture is a joke.

-People wonder why people like Teddy Bruchi blew his heart out
I don't know what that means.

-It means drink 3+ gallons of water a day, every day, when you train hard. You should be drinking 1 gallon a day even if you dont train for anything. You will have to piss about every 45 minutes, but all toxins get flushed out of your body immediately.

This has been around for awhile.

A friend of mine had a relative on the Patriots and they are huge on this. Rodney Harrison was all over this.
So the Patriots are huge, particularly Rodney Harrison? No wonder they dominate the league and Brady gets all those models...