Bad look by Pitt

Do 99% of other college students partake in an activity that requires 30+ hours of prep a week, that brings millions of dollars to the school?

No, they do more than that. Real students actually study and attend classes and spend a lot more than 30 hours a week doing that so they can become educated and get jobs after they graduate. A good academic reputation brings a lot more than millions of dollars to a school.

These so-called student-athletes should have been reading the rules and paying attention. If they didn't and they're not getting their stipend, that's on them. They get more preferential treatment than any other students, and they don't deserve it.
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Obviously you fail to understand the per student argument I made. Regular students do not come close to $206,000 to making money like that for Pitt a year, hell that is a 4 year price. Football and Basketball players make that every single year.

You obviously don't understand the whole picture. What you said is irrelevant and not germane to this argument. What athletics brings to a school and what each athlete brings to a school is pennies compared to what huge amounts of money are brought to the school per student academically.
Sort of thought the same about making controversy when none really existed. And as others have said welcome to the real world, etc...

But this is not about the 99.9 % of “regular students” it’s about doing what everyone else does for their “student athlete footballers”. Why shouldn’t Aston or Ollison etc be able to use the semester to get credits toward a 2nd degree when kids in the same position at Wake, Virginia, NC St etc can if they want. Ppl talk about how they want Pitt to play “dirty” to get recruits etc but Pitt won’t even extend the same basic benefits that most other schools provide. It’s not like anyone is asking Pitt do something illegal.

I believe the sentence is Blue is the key.

Smart administrators and communicators would have made this decision, issued a complete explanation and rationale for the decision, and scheduled the implementation date sometime out in the future after the communication.

There's always two levels of communication which are very different in timing and content:
1. to those impacted by the decision or policy change
2. to the general publiic

I own a small PR business and make a living advising businesses how to communicate decisions like this.

Image is everything.

Proper timing and communication of news or policy always helps control negative feedback.

"save a horse ride a cowboy"
Signed: Mrs Buffett
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I am not going to disagree with buffet here but Alan's article said some parents were upset because they didn't know. Why does the article insinuate pitt is to blame when maybe the parents should be bitching at their kids for not filling out the proper paperwork.

Again as a non student athlete I don't know enough to truly comment but it seems like the original article is trying to blame pitt without getting the entire story and full perspective .
You obviously don't understand the whole picture. What you said is irrelevant and not germane to this argument. What athletics brings to a school and what each athlete brings to a school is pennies compared to what huge amounts of money are brought to the school per student academically.

The way you present your argument (or at least the way I interpreted your argument) is illogical. If you are stating the entire student body is responsible for all academic money then every student is equal. Athlete and non athlete alike. Your argument makes no sense.
I'm not going by per student. And if you want to nitpick some football player who's a total bust, a 4 year scholarship, who never get's on the field is worth way less, maybe you can even count them as a negative.

if your not going by per student then every single student is equal athlete and non athlete alike.
I am not going to disagree with buffet here but Alan's article said some parents were upset because they didn't know. Why does the article insinuate pitt is to blame when maybe the parents should be bitching at their kids for not filling out the proper paperwork.

Again as a non student athlete I don't know enough to truly comment but it seems like the original article is trying to blame pitt without getting the entire story and full perspective .

I agree. Poor reporting, incomplete information, and poorly written while lacking all of the facts.
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The way you present your argument (or at least the way I interpreted your argument) is illogical. If you are stating the entire student body is responsible for all academic money then every student is equal. Athlete and non athlete alike. Your argument makes no sense.

I'm not going to waste time getting into the financial aspects of a university. You're not understanding my argument because you don't know the relative financial impacts and bottom lines of academics and athletics at a school the size of Pitt. I don't think anyone here does and I wouldn't expect that. I have a small hint of what they are, and that by itself is enough to say what I said.

Not a good look. Heather has made many good moves but this needs to be taken care of ASAP. It’s hard enough to recruit to Pitt as is. PN & staff should not have to fight for this. You don’t want former players & their families turning on Pitt because the school wants to save what is really small change to them in the long run.

You would never hear about this at PSU, OSU & many other schools where they take care of their student athletes. It may sound small to some but it’s another thing in a long list that can be used against Pitt in recruiting.

Yeah... it is a university first. I think we shouldnt bend rules for student athletes. Dumb.
Ok so how well does that work for the schools not named Bama, LSU, Georgia, Texas, etc get the point. All of you need to realize Pitt has more in common with Sryacuse, Mich St, Purdue, Georgia Tech, ETC ETC and they do not run kids off in droves.

Every SEC school does it. You mentioned Purdue, last 4 years they took 23, 28, 25, and 24. That's 100 kids in 4 years. VT took 95 last 4 classes. Pitt is at 87.

If you aren't recruiting quality then you need to increase quantity. It's a simple concept.

Scholarships are for P5 football players. If you aren't good enough you need to go somewhere else. I don't donate to athletics so they can provide charity scholarships.
The ACC is paying Pitt $20 million a year for 2 things, Football and Men's Basketball. All those other sports are window dressing, there would not be a network without football and Men's Basketbally, so don't tell me those other sports scholarships (and I am a huge wrestling fan) have the same value as those 2. So 85 football 12 basketball equals 97 scholarships that brings in $20 million. So that comes to $206,185 per scholarship player.

Yeah the regular student's (not even taking into account financial aid) tuition is defiantly equaling that? Sarcasm encase you didn't realize it.

The ACC is probably pretty steamed Pitt dropped women's tennis. Or so I've been told.
This is a really bad look. Anyone defending it is rather idiotic to be honest.

You're right. It's a bad look that these student-athletes couldn't be more responsible and didn't check this on their own so this wouldn't have happened. It's on them and it doesn't look good for them. All these kids have to do is read and follow proper procedures. They didn't. Pitt didn't do anything wrong.
Every SEC school does it. You mentioned Purdue, last 4 years they took 23, 28, 25, and 24. That's 100 kids in 4 years. VT took 95 last 4 classes. Pitt is at 87.

If you aren't recruiting quality then you need to increase quantity. It's a simple concept.

Scholarships are for P5 football players. If you aren't good enough you need to go somewhere else. I don't donate to athletics so they can provide charity scholarships.
This is correct. Again, Pitt self-sanctioning itself.