I loved Star War I Part 4, really thought Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, II Part 5 was even better with Spielberg directing, but a tad short on Return of the Jedi Star Wars III Part 6, but still enjoyed the All 3 Episodes First Series very much.
Then Lucas F-UP the entire prequel trilogy released between 1999 and 2005, and found out why by listening to his "nine year old" the set, The only part i enjoyed at all, was how Darth Vader became Darth Vader and needed Bionic's and that was about 5 Minutes of that Movie. So, got very soured on them.
Although I agree with there was great aspects and far better story lines and with some Heroines and Heroes outcomes that made it more valuable in explaining Start first 3 plots. I just felt the Shoot Sequences went way too long and could not wait until it ended. Yet, everyone else clapped so you are not wrong. just was out touch and turned off so much from the Lucas Prequels that I am glad he sold them and it was a better than his versions. I am just still sour and pouting over the middle versions?
I'll share one experience with you on one discussion that came up after the movie at Dinner.......Later the Silicon and some Entertainment Lawyers went to Dinner and discussed all the Stars and talked how unrealistic Star Wars & Star Trek Movies are so out of date. We actually discussed whether better Science Fiction Space Movies based on could truly show new developments coming from Silicon Valley.
For example, one Patent Lawyer said, the Lasers are not seen at all, they move as fast as the speed of light and just sap the objects they hit and gone. Yet, in the Sci-Fi Movies you seen them obviously for the audience to relate? Why not a Movie with a realistic Laser?
The other Lawyer talked about how the tough part of explaining how the Prequel technology was more advanced then the Original Sequels of 1970-s80s, course put out of Series sequence in 2005 and now 2015-16? He explain it how the Empires reduced Technology by stifling Art, Civilizations, and causing scarcity and thus less Technology due to less Resources and Invention? But that was inconsistent in how Wars actually increase technology as opponents try to win them with New Weapons? Civil War Wood Ships to Iron Ships, Single Shot Guns to Repeating Guns to Gatling Guns to WWI Battleships, Blimps, Tanks, Bi-Planes, to WWII Bigger Better Tanks, Planes, Aircraft Carriers over Battleships, Jets V2 Rockets, Atomic Bomb, to Korean Jets, to Vietnam Copters, etc etc. Kind of like in Independence day Sequel last year when we took Advance Alien Technology and they came back? Yet, in the first Movie the Flying Saucer in 1950s used by Will Smith was exact Technology used in 1990s with alien Advancements to their own???
So, one brought up the mistakes in Star War, Star Trek & Independence Day, on not advancing realistic High Tech Advancements. Like no one hears Running Engines in space like on Start Trek, or how the Body Armor of Storm Troopers is so defective so why wear them? Or why would Aliens on Independence Day have this big invasion ready after they destroy Earth Cities to gather ore planet resources then in the Sequel just look to explode the Earth by digging into the core and how a slow School Bus is missed by Lasers???? So this Discussion went on and on and I just shut up and listened and keep in mind these are all High Tech Lawyers of which I am not. I am just a facilitator now putting people together.
They finally asked me why I was so quiet and I told them. This discussion was better than any movie I just saw and had only one question. I asked them why in Star Trek, Start Wars, and Independence Day every one is still punching and fighting with Laser Swords, Guns, and Grenades but no has invented a Personal Force Field Around Every Person, that would stop a punch, kick, or Laser like the Bork had in Star Trek that can adapt instead of Defective Body Armor?
They took that subject and went off further together and said, maybe we need to write a Book and Screenplay on a Sc-Fi Movie on how true Advances in Technology would prevent the need to have these fallacies and mock the star Wars, Trek, and Independence Movies plots and action pack hitting and fighting scenes would be shown.......then someone said.......Who would watch that kind of a Movie? Since Audiences could not realate it to the Characters and killing off Characters kill Sequels?
I also mention, the Third Independence Day Sequel should be how earth should Unite and create its own Fleet of Star Ships and Unite with the Collaboration of Aliens against the Predator Aliens and attack their own Home Planet??? One guy said, they already made a Movie like that called Star Troopers, and another said, I think that it is in the works, but they all like the idea!
Just saw Hidden Figures last afternoon. Quite a Movie but went over the Top on some aspects but still a must see Movie for Children to see especially Females, for inspiration, direction, and learning about history that can change things, ideas, and behavior for the future.