Ben Affleck Top Of His Game, Live By Night & Accountant!


Dec 25, 2006
I recall going to see Forest Gump and a Drama Teacher Friend whispered to me, Tom Hank is at the Top of his Profession, and he was dead on right. Tom went on to making and staring in even better Movies.

I see the same in these last few Movies Ben Affleck made in the Accountant and now Live by Night. Ben mixes Historical Subject Topics with Today's Social Value Changes on subjects once Taboo with Family Conflicts Themes and portrays them in showing a good story with twists.

There was a time I did not care for his movies, but he has develop his Acting, Directing and Executive Producers Skills into a Great Art of Film Making and look forward to more as he continues to grow and make Movies I truly enjoy.

Recommend both Films.
Who cares about Ben Affleck!
I'm so happy he and the rest of his liberal commie, traitors, including their worthless outgoing president are miserable with the Trump landslide victory!
And they are!

Most are self hating white people who also hate police, military, and guns but
make a living using those themes in their movies.

You cant have it both ways liberal Hollywood!

Stick to making movies about what you actually believe in global warming, and trans gender bathrooms and see how much money you make!

A new movement is brewing which involves the 65 mill Trump voters to begin not going to Hollywood movies or supporting certain musical artists Springsteen being one of them!

Can't wait !
Who cares about Ben Affleck!
I'm so happy he and the rest of his liberal commie, traitors, including their worthless outgoing president are miserable with the Trump landslide victory!
And they are!

Most are self hating white people who also hate police, military, and guns but
make a living using those themes in their movies.

You cant have it both ways liberal Hollywood!

Stick to making movies about what you actually believe in global warming, and trans gender bathrooms and see how much money you make!

A new movement is brewing which involves the 65 mill Trump voters to begin not going to Hollywood movies or supporting certain musical artists Springsteen being one of them!

Can't wait !

Bravo. Trump has done more for the US in 60 days than our present fake administration and he hasn't taken office yet.

I'm waiting for Springsteen and others to move to Canada.

Finally, just bought a few mire L.L.Bean shirts.
I recall going to see Forest Gump and a Drama Teacher Friend whispered to me, Tom Hank is at the Top of his Profession, and he was dead on right. Tom went on to making and staring in even better Movies.

I see the same in these last few Movies Ben Affleck made in the Accountant and now Live by Night. Ben mixes Historical Subject Topics with Today's Social Value Changes on subjects once Taboo with Family Conflicts Themes and portrays them in showing a good story with twists.

There was a time I did not care for his movies, but he has develop his Acting, Directing and Executive Producers Skills into a Great Art of Film Making and look forward to more as he continues to grow and make Movies I truly enjoy.

Recommend both Films.
The Accountant was a very pleasant surprise. Haven't been motivated to see Live by Night but based on your review, maybe we will. Have you seen La La Land yet?
Who cares about Ben Affleck!
I'm so happy he and the rest of his liberal commie, traitors, including their worthless outgoing president are miserable with the Trump landslide victory!
And they are!

Most are self hating white people who also hate police, military, and guns but
make a living using those themes in their movies.

You cant have it both ways liberal Hollywood!

Stick to making movies about what you actually believe in global warming, and trans gender bathrooms and see how much money you make!

A new movement is brewing which involves the 65 mill Trump voters to begin not going to Hollywood movies or supporting certain musical artists Springsteen being one of them!

Can't wait !
It sounds like you need to relax. During these moments, tequila is your friend.....;)
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Funny story about Tom Hanks. I was watching one of those 'Movie Review' shows in the mid-80s (sort of a rip off of Siskel & Ebert) where a critic was just blasting 'The Money Pit' They showed the scene in which Hanks fell through a floor and was trapped inside a rug. (Yeah, horrible description. You just have to see the movie to understand) Anyway, Hanks busted out into exasperated laughter when they paused the scene and the critic went into a 2 minute diatribe about what an awful actor Hanks was, and that he would never make it in Hollywood and that Bosom Buddies was pretty much his range as an actor.
Remember when everyone tried to give all of the credit to Matt Damon for Good Will Hunting?Affleck had a few horrible bombs but he is really talented.

I don't give a damn about any actors politics. He is entertaining and it ends at that for me even though I may not agree with him on any other topic.
i stopped liking tom hanks when he started taking himself way to serious... he was good in his sillier roles like bachelor party..
Remember when everyone tried to give all of the credit to Matt Damon for Good Will Hunting?Affleck had a few horrible bombs but he is really talented.

I don't give a damn about any actors politics. He is entertaining and it ends at that for me even though I may not agree with him on any other topic.
Gone Baby Gone, The Town and of course Argo are terrific films. He is very talented.
The Accountant was a very pleasant surprise. Haven't been motivated to see Live by Night but based on your review, maybe we will. Have you seen La La Land yet?
I heard many Great Things about La La, but not seen it. If it is a Musical I like to watch them on Streaming or DVD with Closed Caption so I can hear and read the words. I love Musicals after knowing all the Words to songs and makes those Movies far more understandable by knowing them exactly, in my opinion.

I saw JC Superstar and 1776 in 1970's right on Broadway as Young Man interviewing with Exxon in New Jersey but enjoy them over and over on Tapes then CD's after hearing and being able to read every word that came with the albumns.

Got a very special treat back then too. Two of the Actors on Broadway in 1776 actually lived at an Greenwich Village Apartments own in NYC by an Exxon Executive and through him, one Mid Age Actor took me to Back Stage to watch practice with a Back Stage Tour and fell in love with Musicals ever since. I learn many of them waited long times to get such parts and often worked at Restaurants to make a living. Tough Gigs but they loved what they were doing. This was when in NYC was a dump with crime and bankrupt and before Theaters Renaissances revived 42 Second Street. Also, went to NFL Draft a couple of times in late 1980-90s located in Marriott in Times Square and the City was changing like it is today.

Every year I went to Pennsylvania Society in NYC took in love watching the Rockette's Christmas Specials but missed it being in California this year. Found out one Former Rockette is from Western Pennsylvania from Beaver County near me and she will takeover in a few years now serving as Executive Assistant Manager for them with Madison Square Garden through an American Guild Lawyer. Her Mother went to school with Dorsett at Hopewell. When I was in Cali talked to him and told big problems with misinformation on Rockette's and Trump Inauguration.They travel often and two groups but no Rockettes has to ever dance anytime on certain events and only does by voluntarily signing up if they choose and a few won't but many will anyway. Got to know these people from a Judge in PA Society that knew a Theater Manager and went to Madison Square Garden Big East Basketball Games every year.

Same later for Joseph's Amazing Dream-coat, Evita, Les Miz, Cats Love the Musical Production on PBS with Closed Captions. I often went to Toronto and saw Phantom over 10 Times in 1990s, especially when I lived in Rochester. I used to be member of Cultural Trusts and Carnegie Museum and enjoyed Shows and Events there.

I did see Rogue One in Silicon Valley and afterwards with some Lawyers that worked at various High Tech Firms had Dinner and they talked about how the Star Wars is just not entertaining as before and why. None of liked it all and too many "Canned" Rip Offs of other Movies. I was told, Lucas ruined the First Series Squeals by listening to his Kids tell him what they wanted to see in the Movies, and why they weer so lame, but Kids loved them, and it is about the money. Joe Letteri also from Western Pennsylvania and Cal Berkley Grad actually left Lucas and went onto doing Lord of the Rings, King Kong, Planet of Apes and Batman won a few Academy of Awards Visual Effects. I met his Brother once and he help set up Red Hot & Blues BBQ with Lee Atwater who was into Blues Music big time in the 1980s. Billy Price teaches at CMU and does great Blues in Western PA, but often was in Philly. Lee died of Cancer later!
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There's a lot of stupid in this thread.

The Accountant wasn't good. But it was entertaining. It did exactly what I hoped it would do.

I'm dreading seeing La La Land clean up at the Oscars. There isn't enough money you could pay me to see that movie.
I heard many Great Things about La La, but not seen it. If it is a Musical I like to watch them on Streaming or DVD with Closed Caption so I can hear and read the words. I love Musicals after knowing all the Words to songs and makes those Movies far more understandable by knowing them exactly, in my opinion.

I saw JC Superstar and 1776 in 1970's right on Broadway as Young Man interviewing with Exxon in New Jersey but enjoy them over and over on Tapes then CD's after hearing and being able to read every word that came with the albumns.

Got a very special treat back then too. Two of the Actors on Broadway in 1776 actually lived at an Greenwich Village Apartments own in NYC by an Exxon Executive and through him, one Mid Age Actor took me to Back Stage to watch practice with a Back Stage Tour and fell in love with Musicals ever since. I learn many of them waited long times to get such parts and often worked at Restaurants to make a living. Tough Gigs but they loved what they were doing. This was when in NYC was a dump with crime and bankrupt and before Theaters Renaissances revived 42 Second Street. Also, went to NFL Draft a couple of times in late 1980-90s located in Marriott in Times Square and the City was changing like it is today.

Every year I went to Pennsylvania Society in NYC took in love watching the Rockette's Christmas Specials but missed it being in California this year. Found out one Former Rockette is from Western Pennsylvania from Beaver County near me and she will takeover in a few years now serving as Executive Assistant Manager for them with Madison Square Garden through an American Guild Lawyer. Her Mother went to school with Dorsett at Hopewell. When I was in Cali talked to him and told big problems with misinformation on Rockette's and Trump Inauguration.They travel often and two groups but no Rockettes has to ever dance anytime on certain events and only does by voluntarily signing up if they choose and a few won't but many will anyway. Got to know these people from a Judge in PA Society that knew a Theater Manager and went to Madison Square Garden Big East Basketball Games every year.

Same later for Joseph's Amazing Dream-coat, Evita, Les Miz, Cats Love the Musical Production on PBS with Closed Captions. I often went to Toronto and saw Phantom over 10 Times in 1990s, especially when I lived in Rochester. I used to be member of Cultural Trusts and Carnegie Museum and enjoyed Shows and Events there.

I did see Rogue One in Silicon Valley and afterwards with some Lawyers that worked at various High Tech Firms had Dinner and they talked about how the Star Wars is just not entertaining as before and why. None of liked it all and too many "Canned" Rip Offs of other Movies. I was told, Lucas ruined the First Series Squeals by listening to his Kids tell him what they wanted to see in the Movies, and why they weer so lame, but Kids loved them, and it is about the money. Joe Letteri also from Western Pennsylvania and Cal Berkley Grad actually left Lucas and went onto doing Lord of the Rings, King Kong, Planet of Apes and Batman won a few Academy of Awards Visual Effects. I met his Brother once and he help set up Red Hot & Blues BBQ with Lee Atwater who was into Blues Music big time in the 1980s. Billy Price teaches at CMU and does great Blues in Western PA, but often was in Philly. Lee died of Cancer later!
I thought Rogue One was the best Star Wars installment since Return of the Jedi. The tunes in La La Land are quite addictive. We downloaded the soundtrack over Christmas and the kids and I played it over and over.
There's a lot of stupid in this thread.

The Accountant wasn't good. But it was entertaining. It did exactly what I hoped it would do.

I'm dreading seeing La La Land clean up at the Oscars. There isn't enough money you could pay me to see that movie.
Wow - okay.
i stopped liking tom hanks when he started taking himself way to serious... he was good in his sillier roles like bachelor party..
I used to feel that way at time, but I learned to not let a Actors Personality or his or her Politics get in the way of Great Art and Performances. Some like you say do wear it on their sleeves and later use it in their Movies or TV Shows. In fact, when a Popular TV Shows like Taxi went into start using Musicals Acts or Preach Social Values as Comedy an Entertainment Lawyer told me it was near the end of the Show, they were running out material. Turned out to be true back in 1980s-90s and early 2000s, but I do not watch one TV Show today so don't know anymore.

George Clooney often has Great Box Office Topics for Great Movies then F-Them up with his poor Subject matter Dialogue, poorer research, and poorest depiction of including his political views on every movie he works on, and ends up messing it all up.

I saw Jane Fonda Movies in the 1960s and 1970s and even when protesting the Vietnam War her performances were fantastic like in Hurry Sundown, Klute, and Julia and in many others she was usually a Pro.

I saw her personally up close once when she did her Tom Hayden Political Tours and she was very petite but very attractive, but I was very surprised how small she looked but she was actually 5' 8"? They were trying to start a Political Movement back in late 1970s. She attacked and mocked Mellons, Rockefeller's with advancing Hayden's Politics before switching to Ted Turner. She actually became more beautiful as she aged but always perform as a Pro but like Hanks turned talkative too.

So, I don't just judge them as People anymore, just let their Acting and Performances decide my opinion on what Movie they do and how well they do them.
For whatever reason, Emma Stone is one of those actors and actresses who instantly ruin films for me. Plus, I find the obsession with the film so predictable. So many better films this year.
How would you know if you didn't actually see it????
I used to feel that way at time, but I learned to not let a Actors Personality or his or her Politics get in the way of Great Art and Performances. Some like you say do wear it on their sleeves and later use it in their Movies or TV Shows. In fact, when a Popular TV Shows like Taxi went into start using Musicals Acts or Preach Social Values as Comedy an Entertainment Lawyer told me it was near the end of the Show, they were running out material. Turned out to be true back in 1980s-90s and early 2000s, but I do not watch one TV Show today so don't know anymore.

George Clooney often has Great Box Office Topics for Great Movies then F-Them up with his poor Subject matter Dialogue, poorer research, and poorest depiction of including his political views on every movie he works on, and ends up messing it all up.

I saw Jane Fonda Movies in the 1960s and 1970s and even when protesting the Vietnam War her performances were fantastic like in Hurry Sundown, Klute, and Julia and in many others she was usually a Pro.

I saw her personally up close once when she did her Tom Hayden Political Tours and she was very petite but very attractive, but I was very surprised how small she looked but she was actually 5' 8"? They were trying to start a Political Movement back in late 1970s. She attacked and mocked Mellons, Rockefeller's with advancing Hayden's Politics before switching to Ted Turner. She actually became more beautiful as she aged but always perform as a Pro but like Hanks turned talkative too.

So, I don't just judge them as People anymore, just let their Acting and Performances decide my opinion on what Movie they do and how well they do them.
I'm not worried about hanks politics, just liked him a lot better in his younger days when he was more of a comedic actor.
I would suggest learning the facts before speaking but really what's the point...

Hillary Clinton outpaced President-elect Donald Trump by almost 2.9 million votes, with 65,844,954 (48.2%) to his 62,979,879 (46.1%), according to revised and certified final election results from all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Who cares about Ben Affleck!
I'm so happy he and the rest of his liberal commie, traitors, including their worthless outgoing president are miserable with the Trump landslide victory!
And they are!

Most are self hating white people who also hate police, military, and guns but
make a living using those themes in their movies.

You cant have it both ways liberal Hollywood!

Stick to making movies about what you actually believe in global warming, and trans gender bathrooms and see how much money you make!

A new movement is brewing which involves the 65 mill Trump voters to begin not going to Hollywood movies or supporting certain musical artists Springsteen being one of them!

Can't wait !
Just because it doesn't interest you doesn't make it over rated or undeserving of awards.

Perhaps. I can still weigh the available information to have an opinion though, right? If not, then nobody can have an Oscars opinion unless they've seen 100% of the films nominated for every category.
I thought Rogue One was the best Star Wars installment since Return of the Jedi. The tunes in La La Land are quite addictive. We downloaded the soundtrack over Christmas and the kids and I played it over and over.
I loved Star War I Part 4, really thought Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, II Part 5 was even better with Spielberg directing, but a tad short on Return of the Jedi Star Wars III Part 6, but still enjoyed the All 3 Episodes First Series very much.

Then Lucas F-UP the entire prequel trilogy released between 1999 and 2005, and found out why by listening to his "nine year old" the set, The only part i enjoyed at all, was how Darth Vader became Darth Vader and needed Bionic's and that was about 5 Minutes of that Movie. So, got very soured on them.

Although I agree with there was great aspects and far better story lines and with some Heroines and Heroes outcomes that made it more valuable in explaining Start first 3 plots. I just felt the Shoot Sequences went way too long and could not wait until it ended. Yet, everyone else clapped so you are not wrong. just was out touch and turned off so much from the Lucas Prequels that I am glad he sold them and it was a better than his versions. I am just still sour and pouting over the middle versions?

I'll share one experience with you on one discussion that came up after the movie at Dinner.......Later the Silicon and some Entertainment Lawyers went to Dinner and discussed all the Stars and talked how unrealistic Star Wars & Star Trek Movies are so out of date. We actually discussed whether better Science Fiction Space Movies based on could truly show new developments coming from Silicon Valley.

For example, one Patent Lawyer said, the Lasers are not seen at all, they move as fast as the speed of light and just sap the objects they hit and gone. Yet, in the Sci-Fi Movies you seen them obviously for the audience to relate? Why not a Movie with a realistic Laser?

The other Lawyer talked about how the tough part of explaining how the Prequel technology was more advanced then the Original Sequels of 1970-s80s, course put out of Series sequence in 2005 and now 2015-16? He explain it how the Empires reduced Technology by stifling Art, Civilizations, and causing scarcity and thus less Technology due to less Resources and Invention? But that was inconsistent in how Wars actually increase technology as opponents try to win them with New Weapons? Civil War Wood Ships to Iron Ships, Single Shot Guns to Repeating Guns to Gatling Guns to WWI Battleships, Blimps, Tanks, Bi-Planes, to WWII Bigger Better Tanks, Planes, Aircraft Carriers over Battleships, Jets V2 Rockets, Atomic Bomb, to Korean Jets, to Vietnam Copters, etc etc. Kind of like in Independence day Sequel last year when we took Advance Alien Technology and they came back? Yet, in the first Movie the Flying Saucer in 1950s used by Will Smith was exact Technology used in 1990s with alien Advancements to their own???

So, one brought up the mistakes in Star War, Star Trek & Independence Day, on not advancing realistic High Tech Advancements. Like no one hears Running Engines in space like on Start Trek, or how the Body Armor of Storm Troopers is so defective so why wear them? Or why would Aliens on Independence Day have this big invasion ready after they destroy Earth Cities to gather ore planet resources then in the Sequel just look to explode the Earth by digging into the core and how a slow School Bus is missed by Lasers???? So this Discussion went on and on and I just shut up and listened and keep in mind these are all High Tech Lawyers of which I am not. I am just a facilitator now putting people together.

They finally asked me why I was so quiet and I told them. This discussion was better than any movie I just saw and had only one question. I asked them why in Star Trek, Start Wars, and Independence Day every one is still punching and fighting with Laser Swords, Guns, and Grenades but no has invented a Personal Force Field Around Every Person, that would stop a punch, kick, or Laser like the Bork had in Star Trek that can adapt instead of Defective Body Armor?

They took that subject and went off further together and said, maybe we need to write a Book and Screenplay on a Sc-Fi Movie on how true Advances in Technology would prevent the need to have these fallacies and mock the star Wars, Trek, and Independence Movies plots and action pack hitting and fighting scenes would be shown.......then someone said.......Who would watch that kind of a Movie? Since Audiences could not realate it to the Characters and killing off Characters kill Sequels?

I also mention, the Third Independence Day Sequel should be how earth should Unite and create its own Fleet of Star Ships and Unite with the Collaboration of Aliens against the Predator Aliens and attack their own Home Planet??? One guy said, they already made a Movie like that called Star Troopers, and another said, I think that it is in the works, but they all like the idea!

Just saw Hidden Figures last afternoon. Quite a Movie but went over the Top on some aspects but still a must see Movie for Children to see especially Females, for inspiration, direction, and learning about history that can change things, ideas, and behavior for the future.

Just because it doesn't interest you doesn't make it over rated or undeserving of awards.
I agree in part and disagree too, I force myself to read Publications I would not normally read. I love reading The Economists but also read Mother Jones once in awhile. I watch PBS but RT TV too. The same for Movies, Plays, or Musicals trying something else sometimes provides a different perspective, but can also be a waste of time if it just reinforces old concepts and if you no longer enjoy it, tough to watch it .

I did not like Ben Affleck in Good Will Hunting, Sums of all Fears or Pearl Harbor. But did enjoy him Reindeer Games, Boiler Room, Accountant and Live by Night!

It is like the Football & Bowl Games, Hit and Misses depending on what your watching and whom you want to see or lose with hold lot of In-Between games one personal taste does not care about!
I loved Star War I Part 4, really thought Star Wars Empire Strikes Back, II Part 5 was even better with Spielberg directing, but a tad short on Return of the Jedi Star Wars III Part 6, but still enjoyed the All 3 Episodes First Series very much.

Then Lucas F-UP the entire prequel trilogy released between 1999 and 2005, and found out why by listening to his "nine year old" the set, The only part i enjoyed at all, was how Darth Vader became Darth Vader and needed Bionic's and that was about 5 Minutes of that Movie. So, got very soured on them.

Although I agree with there was great aspects and far better story lines and with some Heroines and Heroes outcomes that made it more valuable in explaining Start first 3 plots. I just felt the Shoot Sequences went way too long and could not wait until it ended. Yet, everyone else clapped so you are not wrong. just was out touch and turned off so much from the Lucas Prequels that I am glad he sold them and it was a better than his versions. I am just still sour and pouting over the middle versions?

I'll share one experience with you on one discussion that came up after the movie at Dinner.......Later the Silicon and some Entertainment Lawyers went to Dinner and discussed all the Stars and talked how unrealistic Star Wars & Star Trek Movies are so out of date. We actually discussed whether better Science Fiction Space Movies based on could truly show new developments coming from Silicon Valley.

For example, one Patent Lawyer said, the Lasers are not seen at all, they move as fast as the speed of light and just sap the objects they hit and gone. Yet, in the Sci-Fi Movies you seen them obviously for the audience to relate? Why not a Movie with a realistic Laser?

The other Lawyer talked about how the tough part of explaining how the Prequel technology was more advanced then the Original Sequels of 1970-s80s, course put out of Series sequence in 2005 and now 2015-16? He explain it how the Empires reduced Technology by stifling Art, Civilizations, and causing scarcity and thus less Technology due to less Resources and Invention? But that was inconsistent in how Wars actually increase technology as opponents try to win them with New Weapons? Civil War Wood Ships to Iron Ships, Single Shot Guns to Repeating Guns to Gatling Guns to WWI Battleships, Blimps, Tanks, Bi-Planes, to WWII Bigger Better Tanks, Planes, Aircraft Carriers over Battleships, Jets V2 Rockets, Atomic Bomb, to Korean Jets, to Vietnam Copters, etc etc. Kind of like in Independence day Sequel last year when we took Advance Alien Technology and they came back? Yet, in the first Movie the Flying Saucer in 1950s used by Will Smith was exact Technology used in 1990s with alien Advancements to their own???

So, one brought up the mistakes in Star War, Star Trek & Independence Day, on not advancing realistic High Tech Advancements. Like no one hears Running Engines in space like on Start Trek, or how the Body Armor of Storm Troopers is so defective so why wear them? Or why would Aliens on Independence Day have this big invasion ready after they destroy Earth Cities to gather ore planet resources then in the Sequel just look to explode the Earth by digging into the core and how a slow School Bus is missed by Lasers???? So this Discussion went on and on and I just shut up and listened and keep in mind these are all High Tech Lawyers of which I am not. I am just a facilitator now putting people together.

They finally asked me why I was so quiet and I told them. This discussion was better than any movie I just saw and had only one question. I asked them why in Star Trek, Start Wars, and Independence Day every one is still punching and fighting with Laser Swords, Guns, and Grenades but no has invented a Personal Force Field Around Every Person, that would stop a punch, kick, or Laser like the Bork had in Star Trek that can adapt instead of Defective Body Armor?

They took that subject and went off further together and said, maybe we need to write a Book and Screenplay on a Sc-Fi Movie on how true Advances in Technology would prevent the need to have these fallacies and mock the star Wars, Trek, and Independence Movies plots and action pack hitting and fighting scenes would be shown.......then someone said.......Who would watch that kind of a Movie? Since Audiences could not realate it to the Characters and killing off Characters kill Sequels?

I also mention, the Third Independence Day Sequel should be how earth should Unite and create its own Fleet of Star Ships and Unite with the Collaboration of Aliens against the Predator Aliens and attack their own Home Planet??? One guy said, they already made a Movie like that called Star Troopers, and another said, I think that it is in the works, but they all like the idea!

Just saw Hidden Figures last afternoon. Quite a Movie but went over the Top on some aspects but still a must see Movie for Children to see especially Females, for inspiration, direction, and learning about history that can change things, ideas, and behavior for the future.

Honestly I'm a pretty simple person. I try not to overthink much especially at the movies. If it's well done and I enjoy it, I tend to leave it at that. :)
I'm not worried about hanks politics, just liked him a lot better in his younger days when he was more of a comedic actor.
Understand, but he is an Actor with a wide of talent from comedy to drama and I enjoy seeing him do both in Ladykillers! He on NPR this week!
Honestly I'm a pretty simple person. I try not to overthink much especially at the movies. If it's well done and I enjoy it, I tend to leave it at that. :)
I know, but these are Lawyers and always trying to take things apart as taught in Law School always asking questions like how did happen, why, who did this, etc etc.
Honestly I'm a pretty simple person. I try not to overthink much especially at the movies. If it's well done and I enjoy it, I tend to leave it at that. :)

I think it depends on the movie for me. After something like Arrival or Inception, I enjoy a hearty post-film discussion. But when it comes to the mechanics of the film, especially in Science Fiction, I try not to get too caught up on the mechanics. Debating the differences in technology between The Phantom Menace and A New Hope is tedious to me. But sometimes that stuff gets in the way of my enjoyment of the film, a bit like the end of Interstellar.

A healthy suspension of disbelief is necessary.
I think it depends on the movie for me. After something like Arrival or Inception, I enjoy a hearty post-film discussion. But when it comes to the mechanics of the film, especially in Science Fiction, I try not to get too caught up on the mechanics. Debating the differences in technology between The Phantom Menace and A New Hope is tedious to me. But sometimes that stuff gets in the way of my enjoyment of the film, a bit like the end of Interstellar.

A healthy suspension of disbelief is necessary.
Did you like Arrival?
Yes! I did. My 3rd favorite movie of the year behind Hell or High Water and Moonlight.

Loved it - my husband and youngest not so much. Moonlight has yet to make its way here but will once it is nominated.
I find it fascinating the number of extremely talented actors there are these days. I may not always like the movies, but the actual acting is usually very good.

But having said that, the difference (advantage) of cinema over the stage is that when a movie actor screws-up, the director yells "cut" and they re-shoot the scene as often as needed until the director is satisfied. This is why I especially admire those in the theater who make their living live-on-stage even more: they're the tightrope walker who performs their craft without the safety net.
I will never forget the oscar winning performance in the critically acclaimed
film .... ? Oh yeah Dazed and confused !