Ped St's helmet is not script
Makes a great Taco Chip Holder though!Ped St's helmet is not script
It was design but not adopted put in a while ago. Due not want to follow UCLA Script I was told!Additionally, while USC does use the design shown as an athletic department logo, I've never seen anything other than the Trojan profile on their footbal helmets. In fact, I've never seen anything other than a cardinal (that's the shade they call it) helmet with a center stripe and that Trojan profile both in gold.
Bed pan perhapsMakes a great Taco Chip Holder though!
This will be the New Helmet in Salute of the Athletic Reforms:
Just friendly Banter but recent Uniforms Changes and Favorite as Voted recently has Pitt Script in Top Ten again, and most liked no longer have Lions up there anymore, I think it is due to the Football Scandal. They really should do an over haul now.Bed pan perhaps