Wednesday, May 11
Ray Blehar at
2:14 AM
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Ron Cook,
wendy silverwoodMay 11, 2016 at 6:02 AM
Thanks Ray.
Over the years, I have found that when you speak with these 'journalists" and others IN PERSON about asking those relevant questions you laid out above - they sheepishly nod and agree that they are all valid points.
Many have promised me IN PERSON they would "do more" in discussing the failures at Second Mile and CYS and shining a light on all that.
They haven't.
Many have also wondered out loud to me IN PERSON why Dr. Jack Raykovitz has skated and promised to "dig into it" or "look at that".
They haven't.
Many have agreed with me IN PERSON that Tom Corbett's Office of Attorney General whiffed on Second Mile and was silent on the mess the AG's Office created at Penn State and would write about it exposing those actions.
They haven't.
So I have to believe that these "journalists" and others that say one thing to me IN PERSON are then hiding behind their keyboards to irresponsibly hoist a banner of outrage about "the victims" and waving that in efforts for web hits, clicks and mad dollahs.
Which in a twisted way, is re-victimizing? It certainly doesn't explore the issues and just adding to the problem that continues to fester in our state.
It's not starting a discussion of education, prevention and holding those in the child welfare and advocacy profession in our state accountable.
I have spoken to our State AG, our Solicitor General, the Chair of PCCD, some Federal Prosecutors and many other state decision makers about the very issues you laid out above - they too agree that they are valid points and questions that need to be answered. Hell - Louis Freeh even agreed with me that I "raise a good question".
So if the media across our state won't go there, and these state decision makers won't go there - then what the hell is going on? I am truly baffled. It's like shouting into the void.
TruthseekerMay 11, 2016 at 10:51 AM
Hi Wendy, it's nice to see your post here in this blog. I know you don't frequently post here because you are busy on other larger fronts pursuing the truth. So thank you for giving some of the smaller players in this fight a chance to respond to your comment. Also, thank you for your original courage to question Louis Freeh's omission of Second Mile culpability from his "report".
I agree with you that there is an obvious duplicity here when officials are contacted and agree with you about the illegal and unethical nature of what's going on. And as you ask Ray here, what the hell is going on? I'd like a chance to surmise and answer your question.
If you can review some of my earlier posts on Ray's last 4 or 5 blog topics, you may get some background on why I believe what I'm going to say here: Sara Ganim, Brad Bumsted, John Micek, and Sally Jenkins are not making innocent mistakes. Their omissions and hearsay published as fact are not due to a lack of fact-checking ability or sloppy journalism. These "errors" are intentional. And, they are paid handsomely to make them. As Bernie Sanders has alleged, CNN is a highly corrupt billion dollar entity. I believe they are participating in a failing "secret" coup d' etat against standing leadership in PA and also other states. There is some sort of corrupt privacy loophole that prevents those in power like Kathleen Kane from telling us what is happening, possibly rule 1.6. Also, because factions of our federal government are also involved in attempting this illegal coup, they will cite "keeping order" and "preventing civil unrest" as being more important than telling the American people about this illegal coup attempt. So those in an official capacity that divulge the secret will be locked up. It's a multi-billion dollar coup attempt by those that now completely control our mainstream media. It is failing though, and it's failure will reveal just how badly we've all been misled since 9/11.
Some people's comfort zone will not allow them to think about this or believe it. I realize it's a very painful and frightening thing to deal with. It's the bigger picture however and of course Louis Freeh is deeply involved in the corrupt bigger picture.
Have you read recently that the "28 pages" mostly contain rhetoric written by Louis Freeh? And our "trusted" mainstream media is presenting this 28 pages as something that's going to give us the truth about 9/11? What a laugh! So as most Americans now know, what Louis Freeh presents as truth is exactly the opposite of the truth.
So, look at the bigger picture: Louis Freeh, the first WTC bombing, 9/11, mainstream media-CNN, Sara Ganim, The Second Mile, Penn State, Joe Paterno, Sandusky, Kathleen Kane, Risa Ferman, Bill Cosby, Eric Frein, Frank Noonan, it's all connected!
Dorothy ImbodyMay 11, 2016 at 6:39 AM
Ray, I wish your letter would run as an op-ed in many newspapers. (Advertisement? I'll chip in!) And Wendy S., your response has great info that a reporter (note, I don't call them journalists) should be diving into. They are simply scared of the public backlash. Sounds like our BoTs.
LionInTheMidwestMay 11, 2016 at 9:20 AM
As always Ray, you are a true Champion. You're tireless and relentless. Thank you for your objectivity and keeping the rest of us informed.