As I touched on in my post, within budgetary constraints you have to put what money you have in your revenue sports first. Football, and to a lesser extend basketball, keep you in power conference circles. And that is what happened. Part of that was also the decisions of athletic directors in prioritizing budgets. But Nordenburg was sort of fiscally conservative for an academic. He appeared to believe in investing in what could help pay for itself first. University debt burden was reduced under him and hit helped pull Pitt out of the financial issues of the 90s.How do you reconcile all of his efforts with the fact that the non-revenue sports were completely unprepared for competition in the ACC?
Now, Pitt athletics has much more flexibility to invest in Olympic sports because of ACC money that didn't exist 10 years ago.
That said, the Pete freed up significant olympic sports space, there were significant upgrades at the Fitz, and the Petersen Sport Complex land was secured (a decade long fight) and built under Nordenberg.
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