This is a prime example of the internet age and everyone's quest to be first in reporting a story. It doesn't matter anymore that the story is accurate, just that you are first to report and thus get the credit or exposure.
I am not sure how you report that Miller is in Pittsburgh without confirmation. Walsh can backpedal all he wants but like everyone else on the internet, blogs, etc. it is irresponsible to report a story such as this without being sure yourself. However, that is the society we live in now with the 24 hour new cycle.
It is too bad that there is so much competition to be the "expert" in anything, but for our purposes Pitt recruiting.
Here is an idea, report what you know, not what you think everyone else wants to hear and be thought of as a hero for 10 minutes, which I am sure all of us thought about Walsh.
I am not sure how you report that Miller is in Pittsburgh without confirmation. Walsh can backpedal all he wants but like everyone else on the internet, blogs, etc. it is irresponsible to report a story such as this without being sure yourself. However, that is the society we live in now with the 24 hour new cycle.
It is too bad that there is so much competition to be the "expert" in anything, but for our purposes Pitt recruiting.
Here is an idea, report what you know, not what you think everyone else wants to hear and be thought of as a hero for 10 minutes, which I am sure all of us thought about Walsh.