BWI in meltdown mode....

1000's of documents, 100's of pages of sworn testimony, 2 pleas, a jury trial and nobody uttered a single line exonerating him. Not even off the record. Joe knew in 98. He knew in 01. He was consulted every step of the way and went in agreement with the 3 guilty. Its over.

Sandusky had Second Mike kids at spring practice IN THE SPRING before he got arrested. This is after all the meetings, the grand jury testimony, etc. Paterno and company allowed him to bring kids there up to the end.
ups is a cesspool that will do anything to protect their football team. They are
batsh*t crazy.

We have the PRESIDENT of the university. The Athletic Director of
the university. The Head of Security of the university. and the head football coach all either
CONVICTED or pleading GUILTY to child endangerment.

If this is not lack of institutional control, there never will be!
What I can't understand is there are still BWI posters that keep the same mantra "all we want is the truth." What truth? They were tried and convicted of covering up child rape. It is clear that Joe knew and they did nothing until MM pushed the envelope. What truth are they referring to?

"All we want is the truth". No you don't. There is a reason why there is a John Ziegler group who believe that Sandusky is innocent, because it is really the only way JoePa can be completely exonerated. That is how sick they are. It is no different than Hitler worshippers not believing in the Holocaust. Hey, "if no one saw Jerry do anything, then if a tree falls in a forest, does it make a sound?" That is their "truth". The fact that all of these kids (victims) came forward has nothing on this, and the fact at least a few times someone has brought Sandusky's appetites to authorities/administrative people (which Joe was one) seems not to resonate.

Hell, as far as "the truth", Joseph V. Paterno himself said that McQueary told him that he saw something "of a sexual nature", and somehow they, Paterno's family, Franco, Lubrano and the rest of the cultists now have this "Joe couldn't have known" stance...when Joe already admitted he knew something in McQueary's and this trial obviously linked that they all knew about the 1998 incident.
ups is a cesspool that will do anything to protect their football team. They are
batsh*t crazy.

We have the PRESIDENT of the university. The Athletic Director of
the university. The Head of Security of the university. and the head football coach all either
CONVICTED or pleading GUILTY to child endangerment.

If this is not lack of institutional control, there never will be!

I cannot understand this. After all of this now, hindsight obviously coming into play. But all of this stuff that was known AND, all of this stuff that was brought out in the Grand Jury investigation, why then was Jerry effing boy rapin' Sandusky a "guest" in Graham Spanier's box for Joe Paterno's 409th win? Why hasn't this question been asked or why wasn't this asked? If anything shows the lack of understand, concern, optics, and compassion for the children, what the hell? This was now after it was all out in the open, now mere weeks away from it all coming down.........and it was "business as usual for Penn State and PSU football". The show always must go on.
One of two things happened leading up to Ticklemonster being in the president's box for 409.

  1. Ticklemonster blackmailed Pedo St officials into allowing him access to Pedo St facilities
  2. Pedo St officials feared Ticklemonster going public or being caught so they allowed him access to Pedo St facilities
The whole truth is still not out in the open!
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Just checked out BWI.....I expect 40 years of the cult running aimlessly around centre county in search of direction. Hot mess over there
One of two things happened leading up to Ticklemonster being in the president's box for 409.

  1. Ticklemonster blackmailed Pedo St officials into allowing him access to Pedo St facilities
  2. Pedo St officials feared Ticklemonster going public or being caught so they allowed him access to Pedo St facilities
The whole truth is still not out in the open!
I agree. The truth is definitely not out in the open, and I believe that there are politicians or law enforcement involved. Why else would the second mile not have ever been scrutinized and investigated thoroughly. I can't wait until someone is desperate enough to spill the beans with a book or something along those lines.
ups is a cesspool that will do anything to protect their football team. They are
batsh*t crazy.

We have the PRESIDENT of the university. The Athletic Director of
the university. The Head of Security of the university. and the head football coach all either
CONVICTED or pleading GUILTY to child endangerment.

If this is not lack of institutional control, there never will be!
Where in the hell is TD to say it wasn't lack of institutional control????
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They are a brainwashed cult so you can't reason with them. My in laws are nitters-pretty normal folks as long as you're not discussing Psu or the child sex abuse crimes/coverup. Then they all of a sudden turn into unreasonable wackos.
It's like the potion they first drink up there kicks in immediately upon mention ....
Won't even bring up Grandpa Munster around them.
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I agree. The truth is definitely not out in the open, and I believe that there are politicians or law enforcement involved. Why else would the second mile not have ever been scrutinized and investigated thoroughly. I can't wait until someone is desperate enough to spill the beans with a book or something along those lines.

This goes way beyond football. There was so much hidden money being made by Joepa, school officials and BOT members directly and indirectly off of football that they couldn't let it fail.
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I agree. The truth is definitely not out in the open, and I believe that there are politicians or law enforcement involved. Why else would the second mile not have ever been scrutinized and investigated thoroughly. I can't wait until someone is desperate enough to spill the beans with a book or something along those lines.

Yep, this is something I always said...i bet the Second Mile reached far beyond UPS -- past where people (ie., investigators) care to look. I bet if the REAL truth ever came out a whole lot of wealthy and prominent public figures would be exposed- either by taking part in the acts or financially benefiting from the Foundation.
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This goes way beyond football. There was so much hidden money being made by Joepa, school officials and BOT members directly and indirectly off of football that they couldn't let it fail.

Well like I said in an earlier post, they let Jerry bring kids to spring practice even after the GJ testimony. They were NEVER going to stop him, and all I can figure is they were afraid piss him off. He had to have something so damning that the people at PSU (Joe) didn't want to confront him, right? Otherwise, why wouldn't you just keep him out of your buildings? It really makes no sense.
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Well like I said in an earlier post, they let Jerry bring kids to spring practice even after the GJ testimony. They were NEVER going to stop him, and all I can figure is they were afraid piss him off. He had to have something so damning that the people at PSU (Joe) didn't want to confront him, right? Otherwise, why wouldn't you just keep him out of your buildings? It really makes no sense.
Well like I said in an earlier post, they let Jerry bring kids to spring practice even after the GJ testimony. They were NEVER going to stop him, and all I can figure is they were afraid piss him off. He had to have something so damning that the people at PSU (Joe) didn't want to confront him, right? Otherwise, why wouldn't you just keep him out of your buildings? It really makes no sense.

The threat of blowing this wide open kept Jerry from being restrained. Your right, they didn't want to piss him off for fear of watching it all come to an end. I am surprised that Jerry didn't end up sleeping with Gricar and Luca Brasi ! That would have solve a lot problems for them.
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Here is a new thread about you should handle ticklemonster questions.......really, you can't make this stuff up. Cult is what cult does !

I love the second post in that thread from Cult-member supreme lionlurker whining that that the "trolls" have chased away many of the long-time BWI posters. Yea, that is a huge loss when some pedophile apologists leave disgruntled because their depravity meets at least some resistance before anyone with a soul is banned from BWI.
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I had not gone over to there board in awhile. It's good to see they are still as batsh!t crazy as ever. Clearly no out of control football culture there

I think I am starting to agree with the cult somewhat that this was not a football issue. One of the convicts was the Athletic Director (not the football director, although he was involved too). This was an athletics issue and the entire athletics department at psu needs to be sanctioned. I think we all agree that the best outcome would be a mass suicide of the cult, but short of that they have certainly shown that they are not worthy of the privilege of having any athletic programmes. They probably should not even have a university as they produce high numbers of really messed up graduates. When do the sociology researchers start publishing about this phenomenon?
"USN_Panther, post: 1855427, member: 286"]I think I am starting to agree with the cult somewhat that this was not a football issue.
Pretty good post with some truths within it far more than the Culkt Dolts even are aware.

One of the convicts was the Athletic Director (not the football director, although he was involved too).
Curley grew up in State College, stayed in Hamilton Hall when he played for Joe. Friends say he was always arrogant. Schultz and Spanier blame him for delaying the follow up with Sandusky and he admitted finally he caused the problem by not taking action sooner.

Curley Testimony has diminished the value much of the Paterno Report on Freeh as well as Schultz Testimony that takes Circumstantial Evidence as alleged by Thornburgh, Sollers, and Clemente to Direct Evidence Testimony under Oath now.

Add in that Unsealed Children Victims Documents from the the PMA-PSU Disclosures now has hurt the Paterno Civil Lawsuit since both now say the Email that convicted Spanier and caused Schultz & Curley to Plea, meant Paterno as the "Coach" at least knew and was silent until Grand Jury. In that meantime, more children were abused by Sandusky and that could have been prevented if others did more at that time?

The Freeh Report major contributions up to this point was that Penn State Lacked Athletic Integrity Agreement Compliance, Spanier admits He Never Knew About Major Title IX & Clery Act Legal Violations and gave 116 Recommendation for Reforms to the Trustees. It was used by the NCAA to put in Sanctions and now those aspects have proven value that Freeh was right and Paterno helped influence those damages to Penn State by the Fines & DOE Clery Report Findings are factual as well not circumstantial anymore.

Truth is an Absolute Defense against Defamation, Spanier, Curley, Schultz and Paterno Estate can no longer allege Freeh & Report was Knowingly False based on Circumstantial Evidence but that is not true and can't be proven now. Curley & Schultz and even Spanier Defenders now know the full truth that the Emails found by Freeh convicted them along with their description Grand Jury Under Oath they were told it was Horse Play.

The Freeh Report bolsters that Penn State had a major Institutional Failure caused by Spanier Jury Verdict, Curley & Schultz Felony Pleas, and Paterno;'s influence on refusing Athletic Integrity Agreement Code of Athletes Conduct and ended up with no Title IX Clery Act Compliance's and Big Ten Athletic integrity Agreement and it was that Diminished & Defamed Paterno Estate Values claims!

This was an athletics issue and the entire athletics department at psu needs to be sanctioned.
Throw in The DOE Title IX & Clery Report Fine and findings too! All Ignored buy the Cult Dolts and Blinded Trustees in Lubrano & Lord and Franco too. It is all about University Athletic Department treating Penn State Athletes with Co Code of Conducts and different from PSU Regular Students.

I think we all agree that the best outcome would be a mass suicide of the cult, but short of that they have certainly shown that they are not worthy of the privilege of having any athletic programmes.
An FBI Counter Terrorists Retired told us at an lecture the one thing the Jihadists Terrorists fear is not death, but Gitmo where they are forced to live and can't fight back, become a Martyr or even go out in suicide taking others with them. It is their worst nightmare. They hate being captured, imprisoned, and can't commit Suicide even if they try hunger strikes they are forced fed.

The PSU Cult Dolts live in similar inner pain knowing Penn State was exposed not following the Laws let alone the Rules, Paterno Legacy is ruined, they are not exceptional or special and ever were, and they have to blame Penn State Higher Ups. They hate parts of Penn State and can't brag, boasts, and even think they were different when it is now proven Penn State were worst!

They are living a continued Nightmare with the Guilty Pleas and Verdicts and now know they can't be vindicated, and no one in the world forgives them or Spanier, Schultz, Curley and Paterno for allowing More Children become Victims when they could have reported it in 2001! They now wait on Civil Lawsuits and Appeals and are as dumb as ever still living in denial from era full of shame more than fame.

The best part they can proud of are The Interim leadership that brought on Athletic Integrity 2012 Reforms, in President Erickson, Trustees,and AD Joyner hired James Franklin, and Sandy Barbour and still hate much of Penn State.

They probably should not even have a university as they produce high numbers of really messed up graduates.
Funny again, Jerry Sandusky Top of his Class Penn State Graduate, Player, Alumnus, Coach and Professor Emeritus and Convicted Felon preying on Disadvantaged Children, Lying to Everyone, and abusing his own Adopted Sons.

Curley PSU Player, Graduate, Athletic Director, Alumnus, and Admitted Felon admitting he should have done more as Children were abused.

Schultz Alumnus, Administrator and Admitted Felon admitting he should acted better

All convicted by PSU Graduates along with over 90 PSU Players Arrested from 1999-2011 and only one reported on Clery Act Title IX Report and some played in Bowl games even when suspended by the University..

PSU Student Riots in 2000-2003, 2011, and 2016 another example of lack of values in defense of thinking they were saving the Penn State University Above All Values that were actually full of Corruption by those in University, Football, and lacking Athletic Integrity for a March over Children's Souls & Spirits to win 409 Record!

The only consolations were a few Jurors some Penn State Graduates admitted a Cover Up at Penn State by all of them to Protect Penn State Football! True Nittany Lions loyal to Pennsylvania State University not any one man going for 409 instead of doing the right thing for Children in hindsight?

When do the sociology researchers start publishing about this phenomenon?
Spanier is a Ph.D Sociology Major and he forgot the Rules, Laws, and thought he was above them now a Convicted Felon and Shamed Penn State Name In The End.

Spanier was part of the problem that help create The Worst Scandal in College Football History and certainly had no solutions?

Onto Civil Lawsuits, Appeals, Probation, Books, TV, Documentaries, and Unsealed Under Oath Documentation and continued Imprisonment of Sandusky's Success With Honor Failed Grand Experiment of Lacking Athletic Integrity Values and full of PSU Coaching Employees & Alumni Moral Turpitude's* too!

* Moral Turpitude Definition For Penn State Cult Dolts that went to PSU...."Act Or Behavior That Gravely Violates The Sentiment Or Accepted Standard Of The Community" known better "The Penn State Way Error" forever!




The Truth In Freeh Report Set Penn State Freeh Reforms!
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The Truth Will Set You Freeh!

Salute To Penn State Jurors That Will Stand & Stay Strong Against Cult Dolts Hate!

One Penn State Juror Tell The Truth Away!

Listen Abused Children To A Story,
That Happen Not Long Ago,
About A Mountain Lion Football Program,
And The Happy Valley Folks Below,
On The Ncaa Mountain Was A 409 Treasure,
Hidden Deep Beneath A Ncaa Compliance Stone,
And The Nittany Valley Fans Swore,
Joe Must Have It For His Very Own!

Go Ahead And Hate Your Competitors,
Go Ahead And Cheat In The Big Ten,
Do It In The Name Of Nittany Lying Heaven,
You Can Justify It In The End,
There Won't Be Any Trumpets Blowing,
Come The Juries Judgment Day,
On The Bloody Morning After,
One Penn State Juror Tells Truth In The End!

So The Fans Of Happy Valley,
Sent A Message Up The Old Main Hill,
Demanding The Ncaa Buried 409 Treasure,
Wins Of 409 For A Statue Of Silence,
Joined With Old Main Silence,
With Our Alumni Boasts We Will Share,
All The Riches For Mount Nittany,
WE ARE 409 Wins To Treasure Forever!

Now Happy Valley Cried With Anger,
Mount Your Emails, Draw Paterno Report sWORDS,
And They Lied To The People,
So They Won One More Win 409 Reward,
Now They Stood Before The Silent Statue,
As Children Broken Spirits Dark Embarrassed In Red,
Turned The Stone And Looked Beneath It,
Winning 409th In Silence Was Not Worth It , Was All It Said?

Go Ahead And Hate Your Alma Mater,
Go Ahead And Cheat In The Big Ten,
Do It In The Name Of JoePa’s 409 Heaven,
We Are Justified It In The End,
There Won't Be Any Trumpets Blowing,
Come The Juries Judgment Day,
On The Bloody Morning After,
One Penn State Juror Tells They All Knew & Guilty In The End!
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