Those shirts should be hot sellers. Should be an interesting week for the high school on Pitt's campus since half the school is ND fans and the other half are PSU fans. Narduzzi isn't allowed within 500 feet.
Pedo question though: how many Western PA kids get on the field when it matters?
Also, this sports writer says we can't make Sandusky jokes anymore:
Pedo question though: how many Western PA kids get on the field when it matters?
Also, this sports writer says we can't make Sandusky jokes anymore:
Chip Minemyer: Tired Sandusky taunts further insult victims of abuse
Why does chirping about a scandal that broke more than 13 years ago still give fans of Penn State’s football opponents such glee? A grand jury indictment in November 2011 accused former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky of sexually abusing young boys in his care. In 2012, he