CFN Pitt Preview

@Tenn-Pitt's record awful vs OOC P5 games
Miami-Pitt's record awful vs Miami
NC-don't see Pitt scoring enough
one more L vs rest...?
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8-5 or 9-4 is my prediction.
Some of the information in the article is inaccurate. For example) V. Davis is nowhere close to 225lbs.
It's all about the running game. If we can move the chains then it opens up a talented passing game. It's time to juice up the line
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7-5, Lair homers wanting a statue of gym teacher out on the cathedral lawn
Emotionally, most feel the way you do. Frustrated, disappointed, angry, etc… Ask yourself this…

Which coach in recent years has been better? Walt? He revived the program but couldn’t get over the hump against the weak Big East. Dave? He recruited better than Walt, but he couldn’t get over the hump against the weak Big East either…

Chryst? He recruited well on the offensive side of ball, but couldn’t recruit defense. He also coached us to some hideous losses (YSU, Akron, etc…)

Fraud? Hackett?

Narduzzi has his warts, but unlike the previous coaches, he’s facing an upgrade in competition (ACC). He’s won a division title, He’s beaten top ranked teams as well.

Believe me, He’s pissed me off MANY times, but no offense, the constant insults gets old…
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Emotionally, most feel the way you do. Frustrated, disappointed, angry, etc… Ask yourself this…

Which coach in recent years has been better? Walt? He revived the program but couldn’t get over the hump against the weak Big East. Dave? He recruited better than Walt, but he couldn’t get over the hump against the weak Big East either…

Chryst? He recruited well on the offensive side of ball, but couldn’t recruit defense. He also coached us to some hideous losses (YSU, Akron, etc…)

Fraud? Hackett?

Narduzzi has his warts, but unlike the previous coaches, he’s facing an upgrade in competition (ACC). He’s won a division title, He’s beaten top ranked teams as well.

Believe me, He’s pissed me off MANY times, but no offense, the constant insults gets old…
You keep saying weak competition and not getting over the hump. Pitt has been the poster child for that. The coastal and ACC outside of Clemson has been nothing but weak but Narduzzi has still managed to lose 5 or more games every season. Sure he has a division title in a year when no one in the division won more than 7 games. That is not even as impressive as Wanny's three-way conference title in the big east. At least the Big East that year had a top 25 team in WVU.
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You keep saying weak competition and not getting over the hump. Pitt has been the poster child for that. The coastal and ACC outside of Clemson has been nothing but weak but Narduzzi has still managed to lose 5 or more games every season. Sure he has a division title in a year when no one in the division won more than 7 games. That is not even as impressive as Wanny's three-way conference title in the big east. At least the Big East that year had a top 25 team in WVU.

Beat it….You’re dumber than the average nitter and twice the LOSER.
Could someone tell Vince Davis he’s 225 lbs. He does not know that. Oh and AJ is the scat back. They must have reviewed the roster for a whole 20 minutes.
Thought the ranking of Vincent and AJ Davis as the 2nd and 5th best offensive players was a bit odd. Also, zero mention of Calijah Kancey?

But predicting 8 wins for Pitt seems more generous than most outlets tend to be with them.
With the weakest schedule I can remember since the early 70s, 9 wins should be the expectation, but I am planning for the DUZZ 7

I think GT would win 7 or 8 this year with our schedule and they suck

BTW COASTAL is MUCH worse than the old Big East.....
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Ideally we go 9-4 or better, make a couple tweaks to the staff, and keep building off our momentum.
8 would be meh.

This is the schedule people have been demanding for years.

There’s a guaranteed loss. Two more likely than not losses. And then maybe three 50-50 games.

The rest are either guaranteed wins or more likely than not wins.

You can’t just win 8 games with that schedule.

There is no season where we are going to do better in terms of win probability week to week than this year. This is as good as it’s ever going to get.