Charged With Lack Of Institutional Control, Ole Miss Takes Postseason Ban For 2017, LINKS!


Dec 25, 2006
Don't wish this on any Football Program, but SEC is so hard to compete and a few choose to cheat and trying to beat Alabama Saban Program makes it difficult on the whole Conference. Good to see the NCAA is being more reasonable and Ole Miss will challenge some other Violations.

The Rebels have been hit with eight new allegations in football of which they agree with three

The Rebels are likely headed for some tough times, as much as they may want to deny it

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NCAA letting the Pedos off the hook was the dumbest thing they've ever done. Ped St. allowed a child rapist to coach for 4 decades, got caught and turned themselves into victims. I think the NCAA lost credibility by not slamming Penn State with the death penalty and ending that program forever. Now, the NCAA is almost powerless.any punishment handed down to North Carolina, Ole Miss whoever else will be certainly challened in court. NCAA doesn't have the will or finances to fight in court and in Ped States case, just gave up basically.
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Meanwhile St Penn is contacting the real victims to see if they want to re erect the paturdo statue in an effort to " help them heal". They are also wondering what the term self imposed means!
"PantherDave724, post: 1817834, member: 44372"]NCAA letting the Pedos off the hook was the dumbest thing they've ever done.
Penn State was not left off the Hook, the NCAA Sanctions Stayed for 2 Years but were reduced and that is because they did a superb job in putting in Penn State Football 2012 Athletic Integrity Policies ignored for Decades. Penn State paid for the Reforms and NCAA Fines, Big Ten Loss Of Bowl Revenues, and Clery Act $2.4 Educational Fine in History.

They allowed a child rapist to coach for 4 decades, got caught and turned themselves into victims.
A Penn State Alumni Majority Jury found Jerry Sandusky Guilty of 42 Counts and almost all Penn State Alumni & Fans condemn Penn State Alumnus, Coach, Professor Emeritus, and Annuitant for Shaming Penn State Name. Only a few PSU Cult Dolts think otherwise.

I think the NCAA lost credibility by not slamming Penn State with the death penalty and ending that program forever.
Some agree and some disagree but Penn State did put in reforms that showed other Schools on what to do when one has to put in Athletic Integrity Codes of conducts for Players previously ignored to protect Football Income. Penn State paid a steep price and costs still being added up!

Now, the NCAA is almost powerless.any punishment handed down to North Carolina, Ole Miss whoever else will be certainly challened in court. NCAA doesn't have the will or finances to fight in court and in Ped States case, just gave up basically.
The NCAA is still responding to Civil Lawsuits started by others and will handle them like any Lawsuits in the past. The NCAA Sanctions Stood and the NCAA Monitor that oversaw the Penn State Athletic Integrity Reforms recommended a reduction.

Today, Penn State Football Program Is Sanction Free and I credit the University and see no reason to call it PEDU. They paid for correcting their problems, and are in Compliance and no Coach or Employee will ever have more Power over Penn State University Institutional Control again!
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"PantherDave724, post: 1817834, member: 44372"]NCAA letting the Pedos off the hook was the dumbest thing they've ever done.
Penn State was not left off the Hook, the NCAA Sanctions Stayed for 2 Years but were reduced and that is because they did a superb job in putting in Penn State Football 2012 Athletic Integrity Policies ignored for Decades. Penn State paid for the Reforms and NCAA Fines, Big Ten Loss Of Bowl Revenues, and Clery Act $2.4 Educational Fine in History.

Penn State was left off the hook. They should have either been given a 2/3 year timeout or just shutdown for good.

All they care about up there is football and now that the sanctions are behind them all is well. That place should have been burned to the ground with the 3 stooges right in the middle of it.
Penn State was left off the hook. They should have either been given a 2/3 year timeout or just shutdown for good.

All they care about up there is football and now that the sanctions are behind them all is well. That place should have been burned to the ground with the 3 stooges right in the middle of it.
I disagree with respect, Penn State is a Premier University Economic Contributor to the Commonwealth, Communities, and Regions just like PENN, PITT, CMU, & TEMPLE are too in Cities and surrounding areas of the State. They have paid a dear price and corrected the problems and still have their own Alumni challenging, attacking, and disrespecting what they had to do to Educate, Protect, and become a place to inform Society on what was hidden, buried, and seldom talked about on Children Abuse.

I know many Pitt & Penn State Couples, Parents, and Spouses that are a Tribute to the Best of Society and still have much Fun and Banter during Pitt & Penn State Games and a few Posters on BWI that did not get into or go to PSU can't erase what a number of Better Posters post good football insights on BWI too.

If PSU-PITT Couples can get along in marriage and life the same for PITT-PSU Sports Fans with Banter and all. PITT-PSU are better together and WVU too. All 3 Universities & Sports Program do many more thing right and help many others to overcome problems that happen at various times.

No one loves a competitor ever beating them, I just believe all can respect each other playing, recruiting, and competing against each other is a spice of life that can bring great joy at times and acceptance there is always next year.

Just my opinion, others can differ!
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