After 3 years of getting laughed out of the living rooms of 4 and 5 star kids or getting strung along by some local prima donna whose ass the Dooz has been kissing for 18 months, only to watch him pull out the PSU, ND, OSU or Michigan cap at his presser, can you blame him?
It appears that our staff hardly even bothers to target that top 250 level of player anymore. I suspect it's just a matter of reality having set in. If Dooz could string together a couple of 10-11 win seasons, decent bowl games and some level of national relevancy, that could change the recruiting equation dramatically.
Football recruiting and basketball recruiting, and what appeals to prospects in the respective sports are totally different from one another. The fact that one sport requires 85 scholarship athletes to the other's 13 makes it a completely different animal as well.