Cole Matthews Theory


Gold Member
Dec 3, 2001
So the rumor on Cole is that he has been battling injuries all year. I dont ever recall seeing what those injuries are though. He never really looked injured, but he was far from the explosive force that we saw in freestyle at junior nationals.

What if the staff used the shortened season and injuries to force Cole to develop more offense outside of his front headlock game?

Think about it. All though dual season, he barely if ever, used his front headlocks this year. No snap down setups even, which might be his best weapon. There is a case to be made that no one got close enough to let him set up the front headlocks and snaps, but Cole didnt force it either. He stayed at distance and was often looking to shoot doubles and sometimes work underhooks. It was confounding to me that this was the main point of his offensive attack all year. It seemed to me that he was purposely avoiding using his biggest and best offensive attack for the entire season. Maybe he was.

Before the ACC tourney, I had thought that maybe that was the plan all along. Develop a more varied offensive attack during the season then let the whole package loose come tournament time.

After the Hillegas and Wilson matches, I was certain that I was wrong. That was the same Cole we saw all year. Then we saw him tear apart the Duke kid with front headlocks. Me- "Meh, why doesnt he wrestle like this all the time? Maybe it is confidence related."

Then, he did the exact same thing to Courtney.
Hmmm. Interesting.

But that match showed something different. His posture was different. He was more upright. He was looking to engage the head and neck and work off of his heavy snapdown, which he did really well. He was taking shots off of the reaction to the snap and getting really deep, really easily. Courtney was obviously taken by surprise by this and he had no answers. By the second period, Courtney was afraid to shoot. His posture became more upright too to avoid those heavy snaps. He was competely taken out of his offensive game. It really was a sight to see.

Now, Ive heard a lot recently from guys saying that winning ACCs would be great but that the national tourney is the real prize. Perhaps this was a tell on the plan for Cole.

Maybe after the Wilson loss, they took the reins off and told him to do his thing. It certainly looked that way. He was decisive, purposeful, and every bit as explosive as we saw at juniors nationals. If that is the case, we could be looking at another star come next season.

Im not going to make any grand predictions for this year, but if Cole wrestles at NCAA like he did against Courtney, he will be a really tough out and have a chance at the podium.

Thats the real question though.

Has Cole been unleashed or was this just a flash in the pan?
I did hear the announcers say that he has been battling injuries all year so maybe that has held him back. I have a hard time believing the coaches held him off from using his A game during the season but I would love if they are developing a secondary attack for him. Honestly that's my biggest knock on the coaching staff so far as it doesn't seem like guys are developing secondary attacks. That be great if he is healthier and can make a run at the podium
I did hear the announcers say that he has been battling injuries all year so maybe that has held him back. I have a hard time believing the coaches held him off from using his A game during the season but I would love if they are developing a secondary attack for him. Honestly that's my biggest knock on the coaching staff so far as it doesn't seem like guys are developing secondary attacks. That be great if he is healthier and can make a run at the podium
I disagree that guys arent developing secondary attacks. They just take time.

For example:

- Micky was nearly 100% russian tie two seasons ago. Now, his sweep singĺe is his best weapon. He still needs to set it up better, especially when he is behind, but it is still a solid development.

- Nino has really gotten good at shooting on reattacks and its something that heavier footed 197ers cant deal with. Two seasons ago, he shot at distance only and often stopped after the initial shot. Now, he keeps moving and sets up his reattacks as secondary offense. He killed Aiello with those reattacks.

- Wentzel is still primarily an underhook guy, but he has shown an ability to use KG's arm drag series as a secondary attack. That is what got him the takedown on Mekhi Lewis

- Harvey has even developed a nice secondary game away from his ankle picks. 184 hasnt been great to him though because the stronger guys up there can fight off his power moves.

Really, the rest of the lineup is too green to look for secondary development right now. Cole is the only other guy we can look to and he is just starting to show some of it now. I think we will know a lot more come next year. Baby steps

Im personally really high on Burnett too. He has Wentzel upside for sure. I want to see him develop his dump game more. A well executed dump/barrel roll is the hardest takedown to stop, IMO. Especially an outside leg dump. Once youre in, 2pts is all but guaranteed and back pts is on the table. Pair it with a high C to the other side and he can attack both legs at will. Definitely on of my favorite series
I disagree that guys arent developing secondary attacks. They just take time.

For example:

- Micky was nearly 100% russian tie two seasons ago. Now, his sweep singĺe is his best weapon. He still needs to set it up better, especially when he is behind, but it is still a solid development.

- Nino has really gotten good at shooting on reattacks and its something that heavier footed 197ers cant deal with. Two seasons ago, he shot at distance only and often stopped after the initial shot. Now, he keeps moving and sets up his reattacks as secondary offense. He killed Aiello with those reattacks.

- Wentzel is still primarily an underhook guy, but he has shown an ability to use KG's arm drag series as a secondary attack. That is what got him the takedown on Mekhi Lewis

- Harvey has even developed a nice secondary game away from his ankle picks. 184 hasnt been great to him though because the stronger guys up there can fight off his power moves.

Really, the rest of the lineup is too green to look for secondary development right now. Cole is the only other guy we can look to and he is just starting to show some of it now. I think we will know a lot more come next year. Baby steps

Im personally really high on Burnett too. He has Wentzel upside for sure. I want to see him develop his dump game more. A well executed dump/barrel roll is the hardest takedown to stop, IMO. Especially an outside leg dump. Once youre in, 2pts is all but guaranteed and back pts is on the table. Pair it with a high C to the other side and he can attack both legs at will. Definitely on of my favorite series

Thats fair maybe I am being to critical on that point. Mickey has gotten better but he has always had that sweep single in his game he just hardly used it and it has surly gotten better.

Nino has hit some some nice re attacks this year but when you look at his base offense it really hasn't changed at all. Same with Jake and Harvey in my opinion Harvey has always been ankle picks and he also does the knee tap I didn't watch every match I missed 1 or 2 but haven't really seen him do anything else really.

I am not trying to say they haven't developed I think they all have it just hasn't been noticeable to me on the offensive side as far as diversity goes but again maybe I am being unrealistic on my expectations on that front
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Did Burnett beat out Kemerer? Kemerer finally seemed to be finding himself with two nice regular season ACC wins, then suddenly disappeared from the lineup. Do you know why?

I think someone on here said it was covid related sorry if I'm wrong about that
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Did Burnett beat out Kemerer? Kemerer finally seemed to be finding himself with two nice regular season ACC wins, then suddenly disappeared from the lineup. Do you know why?

I feel like some combo of Burnett and Kemerer start next season at 149/157. Could be a big transfer market coming up though. Next year will be wild because a new freshman class will be added, but I'm guessing at least...60%? of senior wrestlers (starters) will return nationwide. There could be a number of guys good enough for a starting spot who hit the transfer market, trying to compete for one.