Cook and Poni bashing Franklin


Head Coach
May 4, 2009
Man were they ripping him a new one during the noon hour. Said he sounded like an arrogant ass and Cook said he lost a lot of respect for him.

Then they played him crying after they beat tOSU and said that if they are going to treat a game like that as a huge victory, don't rip on other programs. Also brought up Pitt probably viewed Clemson win as more meaningful as it was in conference last year.
Man were they ripping him a new one during the noon hour. Said he sounded like an arrogant ass and Cook said he lost a lot of respect for him.

Then they played him crying after they beat tOSU and said that if they are going to treat a game like that as a huge victory, don't rip on other programs. Also brought up Pitt probably viewed Clemson win as more meaningful as it was in conference last year.

They were right to do that, IMO. But were they both high? o_O
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Man were they ripping him a new one during the noon hour. Said he sounded like an arrogant ass and Cook said he lost a lot of respect for him.

Then they played him crying after they beat tOSU and said that if they are going to treat a game like that as a huge victory, don't rip on other programs. Also brought up Pitt probably viewed Clemson win as more meaningful as it was in conference last year.

Not sure why everyone is so bothered by what Franklin said. Remarks like his make the rivalry way more fun. I hope he continues to spout off. It will make our next win against him that much sweeter.
Not sure why everyone is so bothered by what Franklin said. Remarks like his make the rivalry way more fun. I hope he continues to spout off. It will make our next win against him that much sweeter.

He's paid MILLIONS of dollars by Penn State to be a professional and show class. If Allen, Barkley etc want to run their yap, that's one thing. Coaches are not supposed to insult other teams.
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He's paid MILLIONS of dollars by Penn State to be a professional and show class. If Allen, Barkley etc want to run their yap, that's one thing. Coaches are not supposed to insult other teams.
He's paid to win football games.

And placate the Joebots; which he obviously will go as far as making a complete horses ass out of himself to do.
He's paid MILLIONS of dollars by Penn State to be a professional and show class. If Allen, Barkley etc want to run their yap, that's one thing. Coaches are not supposed to insult other teams.

He's paid to coach football, not be a beacon of class & dignity. JoePa knew what his job was and he even took it so far as to cover up a major serial criminal for the sake of winning at football. And he is STILL BELOVED for it. Franklin knows what he is - a carnival barker who coaches football. And the powers that be in State College know it too. And as long as his behavior doesn't cross the line of covering up or committing crimes, he can do and say whatever he wants and will be loved as long as he wins. Leave it be and use it to juice the rivalry even more. Everytime he or another PSU nut job spouts off about how this isn't a rivalry it makes it that much more obvious that it is. The opposite of love isn't hate - it is indifference. Any they are not indifferent to us in any way, shape or form. And, my final point - this is a college football GAME. The world would be a way better place if we stopped getting so emotionally worked up over a GAME. It is supposed to be fun. And Franklin's buffoonery makes it more fun.
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he is a classless ass and they should call him out on it. IF he wants to be a ass thats fine with me, as another poster pointed out it makes the rivalry more interesting. Still the more he talks about it not being a rivalry the more he lets everyone know its a rivalry. I haven't heard him saying that any other team they have played, felt like it was their super bowl. Its a excuse so that if they lose they can say well you just wanted it more.
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Maybe lost in all of this is the fact that PSU is right back where they were 7-8 years ago. Pompous and arrogant as ever. Everything that happened up there not making a difference in how the head coach views his program. Franklin has no humility. He is a cocky, arrogant ahole. He pulled this crap a year ago bitching about negative recruiting. Urban Meyer wanted to punch his lights out.

I hope they lose 3 games this year.
I don't know.....

When Spurrier refers to FSU as free shoes university I don't see an issue

When buzz Williams dances on the WVU floor after Marquette beats the mountaineers....not offensive at all

If franklin wants to say this after every win this season so be it.....

Btw......if you haven't see buzz williams.....find it online. You will pee yourself laughing at the WVU student response....
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You've got to love dolts like Ron Cook. He won't criticize Penn State or the coach for doing actual bad things, like allowing a child rapist to roam free on campus, or calling an assault victim attempting to resolve the situation, but he will jump all over Franklin for suggesting that every game is important.

Why? Well, because it's an easy criticism to make in this case, since it doesn't really matter and doesn't do any harm to their program, and more importantly, doesn't piss off the wrong people in the media who have control and influence. Next time something bad actually happen in State College (which should be in about 30 minutes) it will be crickets from Cook.
Maybe lost in all of this is the fact that PSU is right back where they were 7-8 years ago. Pompous and arrogant as ever. Everything that happened up there not making a difference in how the head coach views his program. Franklin has no humility. He is a cocky, arrogant ahole. He pulled this crap a year ago bitching about negative recruiting. Urban Meyer wanted to punch his lights out.

I hope they lose 3 games this year.
I hope they lose every game every year
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Franklin wanted to get under Pitt's skin with that comment and clearly its working. Duzz has been taking shots at PSU since he got the job. Its a back n forth thing and that is what makes rivalries fun. Don't forget this quote back in 2015......

The jab was subtle, but the message was received loud and clear in Happy Valley.

Without using names or universities, Pitt coach Pat Narduzzi implied Monday that Penn State's play-calling has negatively impacted quarterback Christian Hackenberg. Narduzzi offered this interesting aside during a weekly news conference when discussing how a quarterback's play and a staff's play-calling are both crucial to on-field success.

"You could have a talented quarterback with a bad play-caller and make him look bad," Narduzzi said, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "You see that around the country, some closer than others."
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You've got to love dolts like Ron Cook. He won't criticize Penn State or the coach for doing actual bad things, like allowing a child rapist to roam free on campus, or calling an assault victim attempting to resolve the situation, but he will jump all over Franklin for suggesting that every game is important.

Why? Well, because it's an easy criticism to make in this case, since it doesn't really matter and doesn't do any harm to their program, and more importantly, doesn't piss off the wrong people in the media who have control and influence. Next time something bad actually happen in State College (which should be in about 30 minutes) it will be crickets from Cook.


A microcosm of the way most media outlets in this country function.

Do you really think all of Narduzzi's ridiculous sideline antics on the field in multiple games last year was going high or showing class? Let alone the endless negative recruiting lies trying to get the upper hand.

Current series is 1-1. Good luck trying to get to 2-2. Even if you do it'll still be a sub-.500 record over 100 games and right now it's 8-23-1 over the games played in the last 50 years. Rivalry?

409 = 666
Not sure why everyone is so bothered by what Franklin said. Remarks like his make the rivalry way more fun. I hope he continues to spout off. It will make our next win against him that much sweeter.
Now that I can agree with. I just don't like Franklin personally. By saying that though it only shows how much he really does care about the rivalry. I can even see how a comment like that could be meant not as a jab towards pitt, but being how Franklin is that wasn't the case here. Which again, is not something you go out of your way to say unless you really dislike the other team.
Franklin, as stupid and as much of a buffoon as he is, has the right to stir the pot and have some fun with it. Pitt fans also have the right to make fun of him, take shots at him, and call him every insulting name they can think of. They'd all fit. Calling him pond scum is an insult to pond scum.

Do you really think all of Narduzzi's ridiculous sideline antics on the field in multiple games last year was going high or showing class? Let alone the endless negative recruiting lies trying to get the upper hand.

Current series is 1-1. Good luck trying to get to 2-2. Even if you do it'll still be a sub-.500 record over 100 games and right now it's 8-23-1 over the games played in the last 50 years. Rivalry?
I'll point out the obvious because you don't seem very other words a prototypical PSU fan. You are on a Pitt football message board telling us how much we don't matter to PSU.

It's not hard to look classy when compared to Jimmy "One Finger" Fakelin.

Thanks for you interest in Pitt football.
I have been saying it to whoever will listen Franklin can recruit and Coach and I'd take him over Holgy in a minute!!!!Why because I want to win and win now!I don't buy all the he can't coach comments about Franklin because what he did at Vanderbilt is amazing to me.Holgy can not get enough 4* kids at WVU to compete for the conference championship year end and out.Stars matter and the good players love Franklin's demeantor on and off the field.Sorry I want to win football games and Franklin can get it done better then my coach.Recruiting is 75% of the game in my opinion it's easy to coach when you have more talent then the other team.Pitt and WVU will never out recruit him and that makes it very,very difficult to beat him!
Over the decades, Pitt and Penn State have had different primary rivals. Way back when, Penn State and Penn played annually, and that was a big game for both. Incidentally, most of those games were played in Philadelphia (as most Pitt games were in Pittsburgh). As Penn faded into the ivy, Syracuse filled the spot. Meanwhile, Pitt had rivalries with Westminster, Duquesne, Carnegie Tech and W&J -- all which dissolved in time. Reading old newspapers, I get the sense that Pitt considered Notre Dame more of a rival than anybody else for many years.

Pitt got Joe Paterno's attention when John Majors arrived in Oakland in 1973 and Pitt proved it was no longer a patsy. From 1973 till the end of the original run in 1992, Joe Paterno treated Pitt as Penn State's chief rival. His gamesmanship, his sanctimonious posturing, his whole schtick was the stuff of true rivalry. Paterno once said he would rather beat Pitt than go to a bowl game. Yes, Penn State won most of those games, too, and every one of them meant a lot to the old coach.

Once Paterno got PSU into the Big Ten, he didn't need Pitt any more, and whether out of spite or whatever he shut down the series after the revival from 1997-2000.

Mr Uptight Jimmy Franklin is missing out on a good thing. Here's the one school and fan base that hates his preening, smarmy guts, and he gives them the back of his hand. He'll never get this emotion from Ohio State or Michigan who will always look at Penn State as a Big Ten interloper. Like Rutgers.

Do you really think all of Narduzzi's ridiculous sideline antics on the field in multiple games last year was going high or showing class? Let alone the endless negative recruiting lies trying to get the upper hand.

Current series is 1-1. Good luck trying to get to 2-2. Even if you do it'll still be a sub-.500 record over 100 games and right now it's 8-23-1 over the games played in the last 50 years. Rivalry?

Narduzzi is an emotional guy. His 'sideline antics' could be classified as having his team's back. Many great coaches are very emotional. I guess you despise Nick Saban and Bobby Knight. Low class? Call it what you want. If you want a passive, choir boy on the sideline, that is your choice. Negative recruiting? Lol. All big schools do it for an edge. I can give you specifics about some negative recruiting words out of PSU ass'ts (and others) about Pitt. Don't be so naive and think your Lions are lilly white, because they aren't. BTW, your arrogance on a rival's board isn't classy. Congrats on your victory. It is 1-1 in present era. Enjoy it.
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DO you really think the ridiculous antics of your administration ( Pres, Police Chief, AD and head football coach) was showing class?


Do you really think all of Narduzzi's ridiculous sideline antics on the field in multiple games last year was going high or showing class? Let alone the endless negative recruiting lies trying to get the upper hand.

Current series is 1-1. Good luck trying to get to 2-2. Even if you do it'll still be a sub-.500 record over 100 games and right now it's 8-23-1 over the games played in the last 50 years. Rivalry?

Do you really think all of Narduzzi's ridiculous sideline antics on the field in multiple games last year was going high or showing class? Let alone the endless negative recruiting lies trying to get the upper hand.

Current series is 1-1. Good luck trying to get to 2-2. Even if you do it'll still be a sub-.500 record over 100 games and right now it's 8-23-1 over the games played in the last 50 years. Rivalry?
But many of those wins should be vacated. It's still cheating when you cover for a child rapist to protect your football program.
He's paid MILLIONS of dollars by Penn State to be a professional and show class. If Allen, Barkley etc want to run their yap, that's one thing. Coaches are not supposed to insult other teams.
Yes but that deviant side of his personality - like looking for assistant coaches with hot wives and somehow muddling up the rape investigation of his Vanderbilt players..will it does appear now and them
It's obvious Franklin and a Narduzzi don't care for one another. Why pretend on the field?
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It's obvious Franklin and a Narduzzi don't care for one another. Why pretend on the field?

This is the most accurate post on the entire subject of "Pitt is like Akron" and it did not start when Coach Duzz arrived at Pitt.

Coach Duzz made Jimmy F-yourself eat sh!t when he was at MSU and Duzz would comment about it after the game. Look it up.

I agree Jimmy F-yourself was just taking a return shot at Pitt like Duzz did in the past and like Walt and Tony D did in the post game press conference last year.

What amazes and pisses me off is that the Joebots believe the comment about Akron. The good students that go to Pitt and PSU are nearly identical. PSU just has larger enrollment due to space and 13th grade branch campuses.

I have a 100 friends and family that went to PSU. I was accepted to PSU twice but went to Pitt both times because I grew up in SC PA area and wanted something different.

I will never understand why people from PSU think they are better than Pitt when we all come from the same places and go to very similar schools.

Enough of me being nice. Here is an example. My neighbor in CH NC is a PSU grad. After lasts years Pitt win I did not see him for 6 months.

This year he makes it a point to walk past my house several times on Sun. He said "did you see what Franklin said about Pitt and Akron?"

I said "Yes. Franklin is a F'in dick like most PSU fans and you can take that any way you want." (I took the last part from Jimmy F-yourself). My neighbor just turned and walked away.

Fight the Power
He's paid MILLIONS of dollars by Penn State to be a professional and show class. If Allen, Barkley etc want to run their yap, that's one thing. Coaches are not supposed to insult other teams.

He is paid millions of dollars by Penn State to win football games and fill the stadium. End of job description.
This is the most accurate post on the entire subject of "Pitt is like Akron" and it did not start when Coach Duzz arrived at Pitt.

Coach Duzz made Jimmy F-yourself eat sh!t when he was at MSU and Duzz would comment about it after the game. Look it up.

I agree Jimmy F-yourself was just taking a return shot at Pitt like Duzz did in the past and like Walt and Tony D did in the post game press conference last year.

What amazes and pisses me off is that the Joebots believe the comment about Akron. The good students that go to Pitt and PSU are nearly identical. PSU just has larger enrollment due to space and 13th grade branch campuses.

I have a 100 friends and family that went to PSU. I was accepted to PSU twice but went to Pitt both times because I grew up in SC PA area and wanted something different.

I will never understand why people from PSU think they are better than Pitt when we all come from the same places and go to very similar schools.

Enough of me being nice. Here is an example. My neighbor in CH NC is a PSU grad. After lasts years Pitt win I did not see him for 6 months.

This year he makes it a point to walk past my house several times on Sun. He said "did you see what Franklin said about Pitt and Akron?"

I said "Yes. Franklin is a F'in dick like most PSU fans and you can take that any way you want." (I took the last part from Jimmy F-yourself). My neighbor just turned and walked away.

Fight the Power

Why do people get some bunged up over the most trivial stuff?
Man were they ripping him a new one during the noon hour. Said he sounded like an arrogant ass and Cook said he lost a lot of respect for him.

Then they played him crying after they beat tOSU and said that if they are going to treat a game like that as a huge victory, don't rip on other programs. Also brought up Pitt probably viewed Clemson win as more meaningful as it was in conference last year.

The Carnival Barker wasn't classy before his latest comments, so why would you expect him to change? The best way to stop the trash talking is to just win next time.
Franklin wanted to get under Pitt's skin with that comment and clearly its working. Duzz has been taking shots at PSU since he got the job. Its a back n forth thing and that is what makes rivalries fun. Don't forget this quote back in 2015......

The jab was subtle, but the message was received loud and clear in Happy Valley.

Without using names or universities, Pitt coach Pat Narduzzi implied Monday that Penn State's play-calling has negatively impacted quarterback Christian Hackenberg. Narduzzi offered this interesting aside during a weekly news conference when discussing how a quarterback's play and a staff's play-calling are both crucial to on-field success.

"You could have a talented quarterback with a bad play-caller and make him look bad," Narduzzi said, according to the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. "You see that around the country, some closer than others."
Nards has gotten his digs in, and is under Franklin's skin.
So, yeah, he took a shot.