Craziest treat you got on trick or treat

I got a rock.

I know I'm not answering the question... my old neighbor was a boss at Clark candy we'd get as many rejected Clark and Zagnut bars we could take...
Probably realized that maybe the "Z" in Zagnut may have had something to do with their last name.. Zanic, and a side note.. Mr. Zanic was an All American soccer goalie at PITT.

Used to love stacking the candy by brand in an Iron City beer case...
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I remember med express type places would offer to x-ray your candy for free for razor blades and stuff. Lol. Bombarding a kid’s candy with radiation probably did more harm than anything they ever found.
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A Japanese neighbor handed out these homemade candies they made from scratch. It was some kind of nougat-type thing with little chunks of candied fruit in it. Strange people those Japanese.

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