CV is afraid to get hit.


Sep 26, 2005
He unloads passes high and wide. Often before the receiver makes his break solely to avoid getting hit. His fumbles result in him standing around the ball but certainly not diving into the scrum. Phil may suck but he is tough. CV is weak
He unloads passes high and wide. Often before the receiver makes his break solely to avoid getting hit. His fumbles result in him standing around the ball but certainly not diving into the scrum. Phil may suck but he is tough. CV is weak
I don't know if II would use the word afraid, but he certainly looks uncomfortable when pressured or running with the ball. That being said, he is still much, MUCH better then jurkovec. That being said, I do agree with your phil sucks comment.
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As I said in another thread, he is a poor man's Slovis. Big arm... zero grit... zero feel for the game... not a fan of getting hit... not a fan of using his legs when the opportunity exists... doesn't make too many plays on the move. A less-talented version on Slovis.

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