What is BS is people who think that the entertainment value that they get out of something is more important that doing what is right.
You would NEVER go to work for an employer who made you sign a contract that told you that if you didn't like your job, too bad, you weren't allowed to quit and take a job somewhere else. Why do you think that college athletes should be held to a higher standard than you would ever hold yourself to?
And I've asked this before and no one has ever given an answer, so I'll ask again. If allowing basketball players and football players to transfer without having to sit out a year is going to destroy basketball and football, why hasn't it destroyed all the other sports that have had that exact rule for a long, long time? If one free transfer kills basketball, why hasn't it already killed wrestling and volleyball and soccer and baseball and all the rest? Are soccer coaches simply better equipped to handle this than basketball coaches? Is there something inherently different about people who coach wrestling rather than football that enables them to hold their teams together better?
Or is it just that all those other coaches have figured out what they need to do to keep their teams together and they get on with it, rather than complain that allowing the players the same freedom that they have is just too hard?