"Hailpitt, post: 1860070, member: 190"]Nittany97
Definitely matters. The culture and depravity that Paterno cultivated over 40 years will take a long time to repair.
I am not being contrary nor challenging anything above, but I have to be fair too. Joe did build a wall around the Penn State Program (Not My Words Clery Report Finding), that even Penn State University Judicial Affairs could not overcome as stated in the the Clery Investigation. Also, Freeh's 400 Witnesses Names have not been disclosed in his Report to protect them from telling the truth to Freeh. These were actually Whistle-Blowers on what happen under the Intimidating Penn State Football Culture. The Employees unlike McQueary weer not fired and Names kept from the Public to prevent attacks them from Cult Dolts and Paterno Fans that would threaten them. This was well known that the Penn State Fans and of course as proven by the PSU Student Riots shows the Penn State Football Culture was clearly dangerous for the University. Some Trustees, Erickson, Joyner, Marsh Creek and others got Threats. This is why Freeh own Report condemn the trustees for allowing one man and 3 Administrators from oversight and why it was Lack of Institutional Control.
Understand that 1998 and 2001 were not the only 2 matters that Paterno "fixed" in his 40 years as head coach.
This is true now proven by the Freeh Report, Clery Act Investigation, and PMA Insurance Case Rulings. The Paterno Report has been refuted by Curley & Schultz Testimony as well. An analysis of how wand why will be put up later.
There were many serious matters-- including the cover up of Sandusky rapes that go back to the early 1970's-- that Paterno deftly buried.
The Clery Investigation Findings did say Penn State had on Retainer some State College Top Lawyers that were called whenever a Penn State Players was arrested. Paterno instructed the Players not to cooperate with Judicial Affairs or they would be kicked off the Team, Spanier went along with it too. As well as, not to cooperate with Outside Investigations and Gricar was recorded on saying that was a Fact too. Gricar often complain this is why Investigation never went anywhere even with rapes or assaults. Moreover, Joe told Penn State only he could Discipline his Players and if Players told on players it would hurt Team Morale? These are written in the Clery Investigation Report Findings and Fines. PSU Employee's were also protected by the DOJ & DOE Title IX & Cleary Act Investigations and on the Records of Findings of Facts and Fines and one reason factor why PSU Trustees and President would not challenge it!
Still, to be fair, it is also known every University has such Lawyers ready for Players that get into trouble and UTenn was cited for limiting it to just Football & Basketball and not all of Title IX Athletes. So, to be fair, PSU had Lawyers like many Colleges just like many Big Ten Schools did not have Athletic Integrity Compliance Officers either until the Penn State Scandal, but only reported PSU was only one out of compliance. The entire Big Ten Compliance Up as Jim Delany directed quietly and seldom reported. Some Schools like Northwestern, Wisconsin, and Purdue already were doing it. Michigan and OSU played quiet catch up just like PSU 2012 Reforms. Mnay schools in other conferences played catch compliance's too.
However, to be fair too, Spanier admitted he did not know the Title IX and Clery Act were not being followed even though he was responsible for it as President. When Vicky Triponey confronted it she was threaten and dismissed, and Joe influenced it. This was in the Clery Act Investigation Findings of Facts, as well as, why other 400 PSU Employees talked about being Intimidated to Louis Freeh Trustee's Investigation if anything was reported on Football and talked about it, they could fired.
Joe's fundraising was cited too for reasons why he became more important than the trustees, and Louis Freeh admonished the Penn State Trustees for their Failure of oversight, control and inability to stop it since some were Business with Paterno.
The Clery Report Findings of Fact and Fines, PMA Insurance Sealed Documents Cases, Freeh 400 PSU Whistle-Blowers on Spanier, Curley, Schiultz and Paterno Sealed Interviews, and now Curley & Schultz Under Oath Testimony are now the Achilles Heel of the Paterno Lawsuit against Penn State and NCAA. Spanier himself has big problems now in his case against Louis Freeh
Penn State University paying out the Highest Fines in NCAA Sanctions, Department of Education and Justice Clery Act & Title IX, Big Ten Removal of PSU Bowl Revenues, all over the Penn State Football Program Lack of Institutional Control and Athletic Integrity Compliance's is why this is still is and remains The Worst Football Scandal in US College Football History.
No other University has come to close to it to date and Baylor won't exceed either since this was going on for 4 Decades at Penn State, not just 1 Decade. Even the SMU Death Penalty Case cannot compare to Penn State Scandal in Fines, Costs, Payments and Major Expenses in the millions to put in Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms!