Definitely Watch New Showtime Documentary--- "Disgraced" PSU Implications


Jul 5, 2001
Compelling! Even though we all know that big time college sports is dirty this documentary is an eye opener. It chronicals the story of the 2003 Baylor basketball scandal involving the murder of a Baylor player's murder and the head coach's effort to cover up the scandal. There are definite parallels to the PSU/Paterno/ Sandusky scandal. The former Baylor head coach Bliss engaged in atrocious efforts to ruin the reputation of the dead player to protect his own reputation. Unfortunately for him, one of his assistant's tape recorded the cover-up planning and exposed the scumbag. The former Baylor coach expresses his remorse but is revealed to be a weasley lying SOB. Baylor coach reminds me of Paterno---fakes a genuine concern to being an innocent do Goode, but in reality is a phony hypocrite. I have no doubt that had Paterno been recorded in 1998 and 2001 he would have likewise been revealed as a scumbag and yet continued to profess his innocence. Also Baylor/Waco is very similar to State College/PSU in that the local community ( University officials, local law enforcement, players, etc) all conspired in the cover up to protect the sports program. Essentially they work in unison to find a fall guy to protect their sports program. It raises the question-- was Paterno part of a "pedo ring."
Definitely matters. The culture and depravity that Paterno cultivated over 40 years will take a long time to repair. Understand that 1998 and 2001 were not the only 2 matters that Paterno "fixed" in his 40 years as head coach. There were many serious matters-- including the cover up of Sandusky rapes that go back to the early 1970's-- that Paterno deftly buried.
Compelling! Even though we all know that big time college sports is dirty this documentary is an eye opener. It chronicals the story of the 2003 Baylor basketball scandal involving the murder of a Baylor player's murder and the head coach's effort to cover up the scandal. There are definite parallels to the PSU/Paterno/ Sandusky scandal. The former Baylor head coach Bliss engaged in atrocious efforts to ruin the reputation of the dead player to protect his own reputation. Unfortunately for him, one of his assistant's tape recorded the cover-up planning and exposed the scumbag. The former Baylor coach expresses his remorse but is revealed to be a weasley lying SOB. Baylor coach reminds me of Paterno---fakes a genuine concern to being an innocent do Goode, but in reality is a phony hypocrite. I have no doubt that had Paterno been recorded in 1998 and 2001 he would have likewise been revealed as a scumbag and yet continued to profess his innocence. Also Baylor/Waco is very similar to State College/PSU in that the local community ( University officials, local law enforcement, players, etc) all conspired in the cover up to protect the sports program. Essentially they work in unison to find a fall guy to protect their sports program. It raises the question-- was Paterno part of a "pedo ring."
I did not see it yet, but I would be shocked if Paterno was part of such Ring.

Joe made some mistakes he said so in Hindsight Admission, but that is far different than Sandusky Actions. Gricar disappearing is still a mystery too and Cyril Wecht says sign point to someone with Law Enforcement knowledge based on the clues that were covered up so well only someone with Law Enforcement background and Knowledge knew what to do that on what little evidence was left.

I don't believe for minute Joe was part and such Ring. Same with Art Briles at Baylor or Mark Dantonio at MSU or Franklin at Vanderbilt, what others did does not mean they knew about it.

Now after such info came out and how they handle it is fair fair speculation but that needs proof too.
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Not sure, does it matter at this point?
I concur, but here is what I don't get and no one has brought it up so far?

Once Curley & Schultz admitted that "Coach" in the emails was Paterno and not Sandusky like The Paterno Report speculated was circumstantial evidence now completely refuted with Direct Evidence C & S Testimony.

Why didn't Paterno warn Curley, Schultz, and Spanier that 3 Separate Children Victims in 1970s and 80s told Paterno back then Jerry Molested them??? These are Depositions under Oath that Penn State settled under CONFIDENTIAL SEALED DOCUMENTS, in return for Cash Settlement.

If Paterno was told back then and told Curley to follow the gricar Investigation closely on Sandusky in 1998, and then again met on the Email Discussion saying Paterno was against Reporting it, would it had made a difference to Curley, Schultz and Spanier if Joe had told them he was told way back in 1970s and 80s by 3 Victims?

Spanier, Curley and Schultz did not know since Joe never reported it to Higher Ups and they were not in their Jobs back then, and Spanier was not President until 1996? Even if Paterno did not believe it like I feel is fair back then, by 1998 and certainly by 2001, Paterno was told earlier according to PMA Insurance Cases???

In any case, Penn State did settle with some Victims in the 1970s and 1980s beyond the Statute of Limitations including Sandusky Son, but with the Paterno Lawsuit relying on The Paterno report now refuted by Curley & Schultz under Oath, this kind of question can come up in the Lawsuit against NCAA & Penn State??? It can open a can of worms that could really hurt the Paterno Estate in any way to confront it, refute, or dismiss it?

Curley & Schultz both said they wished they should have done more like Joe said in Hindsight, but Spanier claims he never knew, and now on Appeal may have to bring up Joe was told in 1970s and 80s and never mentioned it when they discussed it in 1998 and 2001?????
"Hailpitt, post: 1860070, member: 190"]Nittany97
Definitely matters. The culture and depravity that Paterno cultivated over 40 years will take a long time to repair.
I am not being contrary nor challenging anything above, but I have to be fair too. Joe did build a wall around the Penn State Program (Not My Words Clery Report Finding), that even Penn State University Judicial Affairs could not overcome as stated in the the Clery Investigation. Also, Freeh's 400 Witnesses Names have not been disclosed in his Report to protect them from telling the truth to Freeh. These were actually Whistle-Blowers on what happen under the Intimidating Penn State Football Culture. The Employees unlike McQueary weer not fired and Names kept from the Public to prevent attacks them from Cult Dolts and Paterno Fans that would threaten them. This was well known that the Penn State Fans and of course as proven by the PSU Student Riots shows the Penn State Football Culture was clearly dangerous for the University. Some Trustees, Erickson, Joyner, Marsh Creek and others got Threats. This is why Freeh own Report condemn the trustees for allowing one man and 3 Administrators from oversight and why it was Lack of Institutional Control.

Understand that 1998 and 2001 were not the only 2 matters that Paterno "fixed" in his 40 years as head coach.
This is true now proven by the Freeh Report, Clery Act Investigation, and PMA Insurance Case Rulings. The Paterno Report has been refuted by Curley & Schultz Testimony as well. An analysis of how wand why will be put up later.

There were many serious matters-- including the cover up of Sandusky rapes that go back to the early 1970's-- that Paterno deftly buried.
The Clery Investigation Findings did say Penn State had on Retainer some State College Top Lawyers that were called whenever a Penn State Players was arrested. Paterno instructed the Players not to cooperate with Judicial Affairs or they would be kicked off the Team, Spanier went along with it too. As well as, not to cooperate with Outside Investigations and Gricar was recorded on saying that was a Fact too. Gricar often complain this is why Investigation never went anywhere even with rapes or assaults. Moreover, Joe told Penn State only he could Discipline his Players and if Players told on players it would hurt Team Morale? These are written in the Clery Investigation Report Findings and Fines. PSU Employee's were also protected by the DOJ & DOE Title IX & Cleary Act Investigations and on the Records of Findings of Facts and Fines and one reason factor why PSU Trustees and President would not challenge it!

Still, to be fair, it is also known every University has such Lawyers ready for Players that get into trouble and UTenn was cited for limiting it to just Football & Basketball and not all of Title IX Athletes. So, to be fair, PSU had Lawyers like many Colleges just like many Big Ten Schools did not have Athletic Integrity Compliance Officers either until the Penn State Scandal, but only reported PSU was only one out of compliance. The entire Big Ten Compliance Up as Jim Delany directed quietly and seldom reported. Some Schools like Northwestern, Wisconsin, and Purdue already were doing it. Michigan and OSU played quiet catch up just like PSU 2012 Reforms. Mnay schools in other conferences played catch compliance's too.

However, to be fair too, Spanier admitted he did not know the Title IX and Clery Act were not being followed even though he was responsible for it as President. When Vicky Triponey confronted it she was threaten and dismissed, and Joe influenced it. This was in the Clery Act Investigation Findings of Facts, as well as, why other 400 PSU Employees talked about being Intimidated to Louis Freeh Trustee's Investigation if anything was reported on Football and talked about it, they could fired.

Joe's fundraising was cited too for reasons why he became more important than the trustees, and Louis Freeh admonished the Penn State Trustees for their Failure of oversight, control and inability to stop it since some were Business with Paterno.

The Clery Report Findings of Fact and Fines, PMA Insurance Sealed Documents Cases, Freeh 400 PSU Whistle-Blowers on Spanier, Curley, Schiultz and Paterno Sealed Interviews, and now Curley & Schultz Under Oath Testimony are now the Achilles Heel of the Paterno Lawsuit against Penn State and NCAA. Spanier himself has big problems now in his case against Louis Freeh

Penn State University paying out the Highest Fines in NCAA Sanctions, Department of Education and Justice Clery Act & Title IX, Big Ten Removal of PSU Bowl Revenues, all over the Penn State Football Program Lack of Institutional Control and Athletic Integrity Compliance's is why this is still is and remains The Worst Football Scandal in US College Football History.

No other University has come to close to it to date and Baylor won't exceed either since this was going on for 4 Decades at Penn State, not just 1 Decade. Even the SMU Death Penalty Case cannot compare to Penn State Scandal in Fines, Costs, Payments and Major Expenses in the millions to put in Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms!

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Do yourself a favor and watch the documentary. Even to this day, the Baylor coach ostensibly says his sin was unforgivable, but he still can't help himself with continuing to place the blame with his dead player. The guy is despicable! In my mind-- if Paterno were alive he would still espouse the "hindsight" bs but would be pointing the finger at McQueary.
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paterno covered up so many illegal activities not just he sandusky scandal. paterno ran ups and state college.
Do yourself a favor and watch the documentary. Even to this day, the Baylor coach ostensibly says his sin was unforgivable, but he still can't help himself with continuing to place the blame with his dead player. The guy is despicable! In my mind-- if Paterno were alive he would still espouse the "hindsight" bs but would be pointing the finger at McQueary.
I always said, let the Criminal Case play out in the Courts and now that it was confirmed by Curley & Schultz that Paterno was indeed the "COACH" mention in Emails with Direct Testimony Under Oath that Paterno was uncomfortable to report it, it is becoming more clear, Paterno Knew more than the other 3 before 1998 and 2001????

Baylor Coach Art Briles once filed a Civil Lawsuit too, but since has withdrawn it. Baylor has decided to challenge the 50+ Rape allegation Lawsuit too? We shall see how that works out?

Whether his family knew before they paid for The Paterno Report to refute Trustees Louis Freeh Report is now an open question that could threaten the Paterno Estate in their own Lawsuit. Truth is an Absolute Defense against Defamation. Also, Spanier, Curley, Schultz may be subject to future Lawsuits if PSU Trustees Confidential Sealed Documents become Null & Void due to PS4RS Trustees demanding all details come out. Same for Freeh 400 PSu Employees Whistle Blowing Witnesses as well additional one in the Clery Act Investigation?

Now that Criminal Trials are over, I can wait for the civil Lawsuit to begin, be dismissed, or settled. In any even, this pits some Penn State Trustees, Alumni, and Paterno's against other Penn State Trustees, Alumni Employees, Freeh and NCAA and cannot turn out good for Penn State.

Penn State Trustees, NCAA & Freeh, versus State Penn Convicts, Paterno's PS4RS Trustees!

With DOE Clery Act, DOJ Title IX, PMA Insurance, Penn State Confidential Settlement Children Victims, Freeh Report, 400 PSU Employee Whistle-Blowers, Paterno Report, Criminal Court Records, Civil Lawsuit Discovery, Paterno Commercial Contracts, Trustees-Paterno Business Corporations In Between, full of back and forth allegations, factual documents, and Depositions Under Oath!

Or will Sanity Prevail and Civil Lawsuits just be settled and all declare victory and go away. Still, Albert Lord's Comments have ignited a New Scandal choosing to attack the "So-Called Victims Seven Figure Net Worth" versus Albert Lord's Penn State Recorded Convicted "So-Called Friend Graham Spanier Seven Figure Net Worth PSU Buyout", "Paterno's Estate 13 Million Buyout" and other "PSU Buyouts and Sealed Document Cash Settlements"?

Spanier, Curley and Schultz are not Convicted Felons until the Sentence is carried out. They are all still Felony Convictions & Pleas, but will be reduced to Misdemeanors Sentencing.

Albert Lord PS4RS Dilemma now headlines from January:
Former PSU President Graham Spanier fights Penn State's request for repayment of severance package..........
BELLEFONTE - Former Penn State President Graham Spanier is asking a senior judge from Lebanon County to dismiss the university's bid for an order that Spanier repay a roughly $6 million severance package.

The university, in its December filing, said Spanier was not entitled to payments it has made to him through a November 2011 separation agreement because he hadn't been honest with the university about his alleged knowledge of past sexual abuse claims against longtime Penn State football assistant Jerry Sandusky.

Penn State is still badly divided even though football is back in Athletic Integrity Title IX & Clery Act, NCAA, Big Ten Compliance........The Penn State Mainstream Trustees have been doing all they can to move on and put the Penn State Football Scandal behind them, while PS4RS Elected Trustees, Paterno's, Miniority of Former Players Alumni and Ziegler, Blehar, and Bagwell are still trying to correct the past that has been decided in a Court of Criminal Law now and undercutting the Civil Lawsuits to come with the other outside Investigations of Freeh, Clery, Title IX and now Albert Lord's comments.????
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Compelling! Even though we all know that big time college sports is dirty this documentary is an eye opener. It chronicals the story of the 2003 Baylor basketball scandal involving the murder of a Baylor player's murder and the head coach's effort to cover up the scandal. There are definite parallels to the PSU/Paterno/ Sandusky scandal. The former Baylor head coach Bliss engaged in atrocious efforts to ruin the reputation of the dead player to protect his own reputation. Unfortunately for him, one of his assistant's tape recorded the cover-up planning and exposed the scumbag. The former Baylor coach expresses his remorse but is revealed to be a weasley lying SOB. Baylor coach reminds me of Paterno---fakes a genuine concern to being an innocent do Goode, but in reality is a phony hypocrite. I have no doubt that had Paterno been recorded in 1998 and 2001 he would have likewise been revealed as a scumbag and yet continued to profess his innocence. Also Baylor/Waco is very similar to State College/PSU in that the local community ( University officials, local law enforcement, players, etc) all conspired in the cover up to protect the sports program. Essentially they work in unison to find a fall guy to protect their sports program. It raises the question-- was Paterno part of a "pedo ring."
Just set our DVR to record. Thanks for the heads up.
Uhhhh yes it matters! Cult still acting like cult and atrocities can happen again. The moral compass in creepy valley needs to be pointed towards honor and decency to prevent reoccurrence.
Before The Trial Albert Lord set a High Standard for Graham Spanier that Spanier ran away from when all his prior Bravado turned out to be Bluff, Bluster, and now Indignant Busted:

Pre-Trial Link:
1. "According to Mr. Lord, Mr. Spanier remained confident, even as the trial will undoubtedly shift an unwanted spotlight back on Penn State. “His anxiety level is high,” Mr. Lord, a Penn State board of trustees member, said. “But at the same time, he’s pretty excited about the chance to tell his side of the story and get this done.”

2. "An acquittal would offer long-awaited vindication to those in the Penn State community who have felt for years that the university was unfairly maligned by the scandal and that top administrators failed to defend its reputation from specious allegations while the case dragged on."

3. "A conviction would deal another blow to an institution still reeling from the fallout of Sandusky’s serial sex abuse. The scandal cost Mr. Spanier his job and also led to the ouster of one of Penn State’s most beloved figures — iconic former football coach Joe Paterno. It has cost the university about a quarter billion dollars since 2011, including at least $93 million paid to settle claims from 33 Sandusky victims, $60 million in NCAA fines and $14 million spent to fund the legal defense of Mr. Spanier, Mr. Curley and Mr. Schultz."

4. "Mr. Spanier testified at Mr. McQueary’s civil trial last year. “This was an unbelievable injustice,” he said at the time, testifying about the charges against Mr. Curley and Mr. Schultz, “that these two guys, who are like Boy Scouts, would be charged with a crime. Mr. McQueary, during his own stints on the witness stand in several Sandusky related proceedings, has repeatedly asserted that after witnessing Sandusky’s shower assault he made clear to Mr. Paterno, Mr. Curley and Mr. Schultz that what he had seen was “way over the line and extremely sexual.”


During Trial Revelation Links:
1. Testimony On Wednesday, Mr. Curley Confirmed That Elliptically Worded Emails Mentioning "Coach" Were Referring To Mr. Paterno, Who Was Not Comfortable With A Plan That Included Reporting Mr. Sandusky To The Authorities.

2. "Her real star witnesses, Ms. Ditka said, were Mike McQueary, the former assistant football coach who reported seeing Sandusky sexually assault a boy in the locker-room shower in 2001, and the one victim who testified this week that Sandusky assaulted him in a shower in the same campus building in 2002. He was one of at least four victims assaulted by Sandusky after 2001, when Mr. Spanier and the other two decided not to alert the authorities, Ms. Ditka said. “Their plan resulted in a sea of carnage,” she argued."

3. Victoria Navazio said Monday that an email from Graham Spanier to former co-defendants Gary Schultz and Tim Curley showed that he knew children were at risk. Obviously he knew children were at risk for something,” she said. “He knew there was a problem.”This whole crap about ‘horseplay’ — they apparently were comfortable using the word horseplay for some reason,” Navazio said. “But at the same time you can’t say it was horseplay, but everybody says how serious it was.” Navazio said neither Curley nor Schultz struck her as credible on the stand. Curley, she said, “seemed like the center of the breakdown of everything. He was the one that most procrastinated doing anything. He was the one that seemed to water down the report the most.” “It didn’t feel like they were conspiring to endanger children,” Navazio said. “They were conspiring to protect Penn State.”

Post Trial Conviction Link:
1. “It’s not the end of the story,” Terry W. Hartle, senior vice president at the D.C.-based American Council on Education, who has watched closely the case roil the campus since 2011, said of the verdict, “because there continue to be discussions about who knew what, when events took place and what was said at events that probably, at the end of the day, are unanswerable.”

2. To Alison Kiss, executive director of the Clery Center, which advocates for proper reporting of campus crime, the misdemeanor endangerment convictions of Mr. Spanier and two aides, ex-athletic director Tim Curley and ex-vice president Gary Schultz, sent a decisive message. “It’s very clear ... ,” she said, “that they could have done more.”

3. “Tim said very clearly on the stand he made the decision,” said trustee Barb Doran, who attended the Spanier trial. “Joe Paterno was vindicated, and that’s big.” She’s one of eight alumni trustees on the 38-member board. As a group they hold Mr. Freeh primarily responsible for what they see as the false narrative of a university cover-up. Years later, they still are poring over thousands of pages of his investigative materials, for which they fought in court to gain access, and hope to make public the flaws." (Clearly, Doran Did Not Read The Paterno Report That Said "Coach" Was not Paterno, Nor Did She Read The The Freeh Reports That Said Email ID Whereby Paterno was Also Well Aware Of The Allegations Against Sandusky In 1998. She Also Did Not Read The Title IX & Clery Act Findings Of Fact And Fines That Prove Paterno Influence For Violations & Complicity. Finally, here are the PMA Insurance Risk Manager's lists Findings Released by the Judge that Doran has to at least acknowledge came out after The Paterno Report: A 1976 incident where one alleged victim made a report to Joe Paterno. A 1987 instance of improper sexual contact between Sandusky and a minor that was witnessed by then-assistant coach Joe Sarra. A 1988 instance of improper sexual contact between Sandusky and a child that was witnessed by then-assistant coach Kevin O’Dea. A 1988 incident, the report of which was referred to then-athletic director Jim Tarman. This was Paterno's Program and Curley admits Curley ID Paterno as "Coach* not Sandusky. The records include excerpts from depositions given by accusers who contend they reported abuse to Paterno or members of his staff in the 1970s and '80s. That is significant because it is long before 1998, the time established by an independent investigation as the earliest date that Paterno and other officials knew or should have known about reports that Sandusky was abusing children.)

4. "Mr. Paterno’s estate is warring in court with the NCAA, which relied on Mr. Freeh’s finding in assessing crippling sanctions it imposed on Penn State in 2012, some of which have since been rolled back. The jury’s verdict against Mr. Spanier will drastically change the terrain for the three suits, said George Bochetto, a Philadelphia lawyer whose practice includes defamation and libel cases. “It hurts all those cases, absolutely, positively,” he said."

5. "In a statement after the verdict, the university acknowledged Sandusky’s victims and noted the convictions reflected “a profound failure of leadership.” Former Penn State board member David R. Jones said he stands by the board’s decision to oust Mr. Spanier in 2011 because of that faulty leadership. Even if Mr. Spanier’s conviction is reversed on appeal, it would not discredit that decision, which was never based on criminality, said Mr. Jones, a retired New York Times editor who serves as an emeritus trustee."

6. In the years since, Penn State in many ways has moved beyond the scandal, hiring an officer to insure compliance with the federal crime-reporting law, training thousands of employees on the law, instituting programs to fight sexual assault and misconduct, creating new positions focused on the issue, overhauling its board governance and establishing a hotline. Donations remain up, as does enrollment. Current students weren’t even enrolled when Sandusky was charged in November 2011. Many haven’t followed the scandal, but live in its long shadow."

7. "But attorney Tom Kline, who represented the sole Sandusky victim who testified at Mr. Spanier’s trial, said Penn State likely will be living with ramifications for years to come. “So long as there is a perpetuation of any remaining unresolved claims and issues,” he said, “Penn State will be tragically and unfortunately mired in this past tragedy.”"

It goes on and on until those trying to change the past decide it is time to look into present and move on towards the future!
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“Joe Paterno was vindicated, and that’s big.”

“Joe Paterno was vindicated, and that’s big.”
She and others could not be more wrong, Joe Paterno has been implicated with his complicity that he was uncomfortable in reporting to authorities after talking to Curley and Curley said it Under Oath. PMA Risk Manager and Under Oath Depositions, combine with Clery Act & Title IX Fines, and now Curley Testimony that can't be taken back for future Civil Lawsuits.
That is ALL that matters to a mind dead joebot! Sad.
Much to be admired about Paterno to be fair, but like Freeh Said, when Paterno had a chance to make a difference he did not stand up but chose to remain silent and ended up hurting his own Legacy! Paterno admitted it too, just like Curley & Schultz saying, they wish they did more! Children weer abused between 2001-2011 too, they know it now and regret it and said so at Trial.

Joe also did report it upward in 2001 but not in 1976 and Joe did tell the truth in the Grand Jury about it being a Sexual Inappropriate Touching not Horseplay.

Now that Curley and Schultz admitted in the Freeh found Emails as Evidence, "COACH" was Paterno, notice Thornburgh, Clemente, and Sollers have been Silent now on their Paterno Report that said otherwise? What they cited Freeh had only Circumstantial Evidence is now Direct Evidence in contradiction to their own opinions. Clery & Title IX brought it out too showing how Joe made sure Investigations of his Program was not under a code of conduct, or Players not to cooperate with Judicial Campus Affairs or Outside Investigations. The Paterno report did not address any of that since it was not out at that time.

They also know the PMA Insurance Depositions Under Oath can open a can or worms they don't want out in totality either in public.

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Here's why it matters. Baylor went through one of the worst things any university could go through regarding his men's basketball program and they failed to learn from it.

So, a few years later, they go through something equally horrible but on the football side this time.

Why? Were they just incredibly unlucky or is it something else? Or is it both?

Personally, I think it's a cultural issue with that university. The same insular protect-the-brand-at-all-costs culture existed there in the Bliss/Dotson scandal was still in place by the time Art Briles arrived in Waco

Do you see the parallels now or do I need to start drawing some pictures and mocking up some flow charts?
Here's why it matters. Baylor went through one of the worst things any university could go through regarding his men's basketball program and they failed to learn from it. So, a few years later, they go through something equally horrible but on the football side this time. Why? Were they just incredibly unlucky or is it something else? Or is it both? Personally, I think it's a cultural issue with that university. The same insular protect-the-brand-at-all-costs culture existed there in the Bliss/Dotson scandal was still in place by the time Art Briles arrived in Waco Do you see the parallels now or do I need to start drawing some pictures and mocking up some flow charts?
Texas has its own problems not just with Baylor but SMU Alumni and A&M, dating back when Bear Bryant and Jackie Sherrill left them both with NCAA Sanctions. USC has a History dating back to McKay, and UCLA BB's John Wooden had his own Bag Man in Sam Gilbert? Yet Wooden is consider a genius but NCAA did not investigate until after 11 years Wooden left and said, it was no longer relevant! So much for NCAA Sanction Justice when it suppose to count?

UNC's BB Program had multiple NCAA Sanctions almost every Decade from 1950 to 1980s until it establish its BB Program. Now the Academic Scandals with Lawsuit filed by their Former Players and not limited to FB & BB. Bama had problems after Bear retired with a few coaches until Saban, same with OU with Switzer, it happens with the Pressure from Alumni Boosters and New Coaches take over after Long Time Legends or Short Term Winning has to leave. Florida and Miami went through similar problems too, and the NCAA removed 15 Wins from Bobby Bowden on a course FSU found and turned in too.

Heck, when Jackie Sherrill and Jay Paterno got together at a Banquet, both condemn the NCAA and their Sanctions against Jackie & Joe, and Joe once feuded with Jackioe as all know by now.

In 1992, Tarkanian and his wife, Lois, filed a 77-page lawsuit against the NCAA, claiming it manufactured evidence to run him out of coaching on a 20-year vendetta. The legal wrangling ultimately ended six weeks before the lawsuit was set to go to trial in 1998, with the NCAA reaching a $2.5 million settlement with the Tarkanians. The NCAA Outside Lawyers actually ran Simulated Trials prior to beginning Trial Litigation and lost 3 Jury Test Simulations and decided to settle the Case with Tarkanian rather trust it with a Nevada Jury in Las Vegas?

However, that was when NCAA was dealing with just recruiting violations way back in 1980s. Penn State, Baylor, and MSU now are dealing with Title IX Sexual Abuse Issues and combined Athletic integrity Compliance Issues and even Briles withdrew his own Lawsuit has more info came out on his own son's comments to recruits on women availability.

Many Sports Lawyers suspect this is the Hold Up and Hold Out for the Paterno Family now along with influence within the Trustees to have it settled, and I think that will still happen.

Penn State has many Civil Lawsuits to settle now and that is on a difference Burden of Proof than Criminal Cases. Jay Paterno is confident the Statue will go back up and now will begin that effort and he has a right to defend his Father that did many things right in spite of what others think outside of State College and information proven in Freeh Report, PMA Insurance, and DOE Clery Act Findings Fines & Title IX Findings even with Curley & Schultz Testimony.

Even the Sandusky Appeal Hearing is not over, and soon Spanier's will follow, and Civil Trials have not been mention even by the Media now. There is still a way to go until all Lawsuits are dismissed, settled, or go to Trial now that Criminal Cases are over?
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Dr Yinzer
You nailed it. The only thing missing from the documentary was a post script drawing the link between failure to properly address cultural issues of Baylor's Bliss era and the resultant Art Briles rape factory. In any event, the implications of the Baylor scandal does not portend to a happy ending in Happy Valley. My prediction-- Franklin or Chambers ( psu hoop coach) will be involved in major scandal within next 3 years ( Jo Pa no longer around to orchestrate cover up with the psu administration and local law enforcement).
Dr Yinzer
You nailed it. The only thing missing from the documentary was a post script drawing the link between failure to properly address cultural issues of Baylor's Bliss era and the resultant Art Briles rape factory. In any event, the implications of the Baylor scandal does not portend to a happy ending in Happy Valley. My prediction-- Franklin or Chambers ( psu hoop coach) will be involved in major scandal within next 3 years ( Jo Pa no longer around to orchestrate cover up with the psu administration and local law enforcement).
You make a good point too. The Penn State CULTure Dolts are beside themselves now that reality of the Penn State Leadership People Responsible Have Convictions and are dismayed, depressed, and dejected after having to hear Curley & Schultz unmask "Coach" false narrative being Paterno after all as put forth by the Paterno Report, Blehar, and Ziegler?

They are now blaming Trustees and President Erickson that gave $1 million Donation to PSU, put in Penn State 2012 Athletic Integrity Reforms, hired Franklin that won the Big Ten with Higher Recruiting Classes better than Paterno ever had, and can't refute what happen at Penn State on Crimes, NCAA Sanctions, and Non-Compliance's Fines that wiped out Penn State Legacy and gave Spanier a $6 Million, Paterno's $13 Million Buyout, and Appealing McQueary $12 Million Verdict along with $93 Million to Victims, $60 Million to NCAA, and $2.4 Million to DOE that was caused by Spanier, Curley, Paterno, and Schultz Silence as Freeh Report, Clery Act Fines, and PMA Insurance Risk Managers pointed out with Victim's Depositions.

History Repeating Itself If No Real Change Happens Quote:

“There Are Only Patterns, Patterns On Top Of Patterns, Patterns That Affect Other Patterns. Patterns Hidden By Patterns. Patterns Within Patterns. If You Watch Close, History Does Nothing But Repeat Itself. What We Call Chaos Is Just Patterns We Haven't Recognized. What We Call Random Is Just Patterns We Can't Decipher. What We Can't Understand We Call Nonsense. What We Can't Read We Call Gibberish. There Is No Free Will. There Are No Variables.”― Chuck Palahniuk, Survivor

On The Record Under Oath:
"Joe Paterno, Penn State’s Legendary Football Coach, Looms Large In The Background Of The Trial, Five Years After His Death. In Testimony On Wednesday, Mr. Curley Confirmed That Elliptically Worded Emails Mentioning "Coach" Were Referring To Mr. Paterno, Who Was Not Comfortable With A Plan That Included Reporting Mr. Sandusky To The Authorities."

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“History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.”
- Mark Twain
"What We're Trying To Do With These Sanctions Isn't Just Penalize And Punish The School, But Help Them Reshape That Culture So That They Never Say The Culture Of Hero Worship Or The Culture Of Sport Is Ever Going To Overwhelm Our Values Again So That We Don't Make The Right Choice At The Right Time!” -NCAA

“Disregard for the past will never do us any good. Without it we cannot know truly who WE ARE.”
Syd Moore
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Here's why it matters. Baylor went through one of the worst things any university could go through regarding his men's basketball program and they failed to learn from it.

So, a few years later, they go through something equally horrible but on the football side this time.

Why? Were they just incredibly unlucky or is it something else? Or is it both?

Personally, I think it's a cultural issue with that university. The same insular protect-the-brand-at-all-costs culture existed there in the Bliss/Dotson scandal was still in place by the time Art Briles arrived in Waco

Do you see the parallels now or do I need to start drawing some pictures and mocking up some flow charts?

Baptists aren't normally like this. Kidding. Maybe.

Culture is a funny way of explaining the problem but it's useful. Reality is more like organizational inertia. It's not that they didn't recognize they had a problem. They just didn't know what to do with it without damaging their money machine. Penn State was no different in that regard. That's why the conspiracy charge to the three amigos wouldn't stick. They weren't trying to cover up child rape as much as they were trying to preserve the football program. A lot changes when you look at it that way in both instances.
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Uh oh. I see it coming (oddly, I think Bradley said similar when watching Sandusky cavort in the showers and doing nothing about it*). Comcast and the other cable services will now be pressured to drop Showtime from their PA channel offerings...

* = sworn court testimony
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Baptists aren't normally like this. Kidding. Maybe. Culture is a funny way of explaining the problem but it's useful. Reality is more like organizational inertia. It's not that they didn't recognize they had a problem. They just didn't know what to do with it without damaging their money machine. Penn State was no different in that regard. That's why the conspiracy charge to the three amigos wouldn't stick. They weren't trying to cover up child rape as much as they were trying to preserve the football program. A lot changes when you look at it that way in both instances.
To be fair, Joe did Build the Program with great Coaching, and establishing Stability among his Staff, but like Freeh said, remain silent instead of standing up, and caused damaged to his own Legacy.

PSU Alumnus & DC Coach Sandusky was a very good Coach too, but a Monster Man to Selected Disadvantage Children and Lords Close Friend in Spanier the "So-Called PSU Buyouts In 7 Figures Net Worth" have little sympathy now from any one???

PSU wants its Buyout Money back from Spanier, as Albert Lord stands behind him over the very University he suppose to oversee as a Trustee?

In the end, Penn State CULTure of Football imploded from within among Success With Secrets, the Penn State Way of Silence and had to be Investigated, Sanctioned, and change to put in Athletic Integrity Reforms, so the university could take back Institutional Control from 3 Criminal Convicted Felons and one Head Coach that no one had control over.
Thank god Bliss is out of coaching.

Seeing those coaches saying that Rouse didn't do the right thing by recording Bliss's conspiracy theory made me ill. We're talking about A MURDER!!!
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Who could listen to those tapes and say, "I should give this guy a job"?
Compelling! Even though we all know that big time college sports is dirty this documentary is an eye opener. It chronicals the story of the 2003 Baylor basketball scandal involving the murder of a Baylor player's murder and the head coach's effort to cover up the scandal. There are definite parallels to the PSU/Paterno/ Sandusky scandal. The former Baylor head coach Bliss engaged in atrocious efforts to ruin the reputation of the dead player to protect his own reputation. Unfortunately for him, one of his assistant's tape recorded the cover-up planning and exposed the scumbag. The former Baylor coach expresses his remorse but is revealed to be a weasley lying SOB. Baylor coach reminds me of Paterno---fakes a genuine concern to being an innocent do Goode, but in reality is a phony hypocrite. I have no doubt that had Paterno been recorded in 1998 and 2001 he would have likewise been revealed as a scumbag and yet continued to profess his innocence. Also Baylor/Waco is very similar to State College/PSU in that the local community ( University officials, local law enforcement, players, etc) all conspired in the cover up to protect the sports program. Essentially they work in unison to find a fall guy to protect their sports program. It raises the question-- was Paterno part of a "pedo ring."

interesting for sure